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1、Vicky Chen (vicky-chenbigapple1-)每日中文書訊請上以下大苹果網站查詢部落格: http:/update.bigapple1.info網址: www.bigapple1.info誰在教育你的孩子?WHOS RAISING YOUR CHILD? by Laura J. Buddenberg and Kathleen M. McGee榮獲2004年美國全國親子出版品金獎(2004 NAPPA Gold Award Winner.)美國iParenting 最佳媒體獎( iParenting Media Award Winner!)National Parenting

2、 Center Seal of Approval Winner!Paperback: 180 pages出版社:Boys Town Press (July 15, 2004)分類:親子教養審閱資料: 電子手稿ISBN-13: 978-1889322599Amazon: 【關於此書】獲得獎項:美國iParenting 最佳媒體獎( iParenting Media Award Winner!)National Parenting Center Seal of Approval Winner!2004 NAPPA (National Parenting PublicationsAward) Gol

3、d Medal WinnerThe authors do a superb job of reminding parents how advertising aims to capture our childrens loyalty from a shockingly early age. 孩子多小就認得海綿寶寶、湯瑪士小火車、賓士、Toyota、Sogo?許多孩子都會要求媽媽,我要湯瑪士小火車的東西,因為同學都有、媽媽,我要喝電視廣告上的那個果汁企業不遺餘力在孩童行銷方面。不只從大眾媒體電視、網路等還包括街道、學校等無孔不入。的確,孩童對於父母具有極大的影響力,而孩子又是比較容易說服的目標。

4、從電視與大眾媒體、同儕影響到為何行銷者特別喜愛青少年等,本書不僅揭開行銷者的手法,並且告訴父母應如何因應廣告對孩子所產生的負面影響。【關於作者】Laura J. Buddenberg與Kathleen M. McGee都是母親。Kathleen M. McGee曾擔任老師與幫助學校建立兩性關係課程,以及Girls and Boys Town Center課程設計指導。她們共同合作幫助孩童與青少年超過20年,寫過三本書籍誰在教育你的孩子?(Whos Raising Your Child)、跟我女兒約會沒那麼簡單!(THERE ARE NO SIMPLE RULES FOR DATING MY D

5、AUTHTER!)與Unmasking Sexual Con Games。她們在全美國舉辦社會與文化議題工作坊,如性騷擾、青少年關係等。ReviewThe authors do a superb job of reminding parents how advertising airms to capture our childrens loyalty from a shockingly early age. - 2004 Honors NAPPA Gold Award WinnerThis is a clear, concise, well-written book. It shares a

6、n important message, and gives parents permission to trust their own instincts. You do not need to be an expert to feel comfortable implementing these ideas into your family. - iParenting Media Award Winner!Our teens.are marketed to so aggressively that it is almost impossible to keep them balanced

7、while helping them not become victims of each whats hot craze. This book from the award-winning Boys Town Press publishers gives great how to tips for parents looking to help their children deflect and decipher the daily bombardment they are subjected to. -The National Parenting Center Product Descr

8、iptionMarketers are relentlessly pursuing our children. Trying to imprint their brand image on kids as young as two, they are advertising to children not only through the mass media but over the Internet, in school, on the street, even at slumber parties! The evidence shows that they are succeeding

9、- kids are spending or influencing their parents to spend hundreds of billions of dollars each year, most of it in a quest to be cool. Are you and your kids caught up in this culture of consumption? Have the marketers convinced your children that if they just buy the right things they will be happy,

10、 cool, and popular with their peers? This book explores todays hyper-commercialized society and the damage it is doing to our children as they grow from toddlers to teens. Also endangering kids is a pop culture where violence, profanity, and sex permeate the entertainment media and advertising. Pare

11、nts feel increasingly alone and overwhelmed in trying to shield children from this toxic environment. Parents looking for help will find it here. The authors offer timely advice to parents on how to mitigate the effects of a materialistic, poisonous culture, and to raise kids who care less about thi

12、ngs and more about people. Whos Raising Your Child? is a 2004 Honors NAPPA Gold Award Winner. iParenting Media Award Winner! National Parenting Center Seal of Approval Winner! About the AuthorLaura J. Buddenberg has two teenaged daughters, Kathleen M. McGee is the mother of one, a former teacher and

13、 creator of a relationship education curriculum used in schools. Together, they have worked with children and teens for more than two decades and are the co-authors of Whos Raising Your Child and Unmasking Sexual Con Games. They have presented workshops throughout the United States on social and cul

14、tural issues, including sexual harassment, cyberbullying, and teen relationships.跟我女兒約會沒那麼簡單!THERE ARE NO SIMPLE RULES FOR DATING MY DAUTHTER! by Laura J. Buddenberg and Kathleen M. McGee2006 Winner of The National Parenting Centers Seal of Approval Paperback: 200 pages出版社:Boys Town Press (August 1,

15、 2006)分類:親子教養審閱資料: 電子手稿ISBN-13: 978-1889322711Amazon: 天啊!我的女兒居然開始約會了每個父母想必對孩子開始約會感到擔心。此書不僅讓父母瞭解青少年的約會情況,更教導父母如何與孩子溝通交往所會面臨的每個問題,如*分手:如何安慰傷心的青少年,如何教導孩子安全地結束感情關係*年紀:幾歲才能開始交往?要跟什麼年齡層的人交往?*青少年的交往情況*網路交友:網路交友以及與網友見面應該注意事項此書鼓勵父母與女兒溝通,建立關於交往的家庭規則,並提供簡單的開啟溝通方式。當然也要提醒父母,與異性交往對孩子們來說是寶貴的經驗,不需過份擔憂。ReviewBoy does that title open up a can of worms! Every fathers nightmare. Its not an easy subject but this book tackles it head-on and succeeds with flying colors. There are loads of common sense practical suggestions for dealing with the issue and each other during this awkward


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