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1、第一章 翻译概论1. The definition of translationTranslation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.2.Scope of translationOral interpretation(解释 翻译 说明)口译Abridged(删节缩短减少)translation 选译3. 翻

2、译的条件(1)掌握必要的翻译理论和技巧(2)加强英汉两种语言的修养、拓宽知识面(3)“译”精于勤(4)三要 正确理解原文词义 要掌握与两种语言相关的文化背景知识 要弄清原文结构(5)三不要 不要逐字死译I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to (被说服)marry. 不要使译文逻辑连贯失调 不要炫耀文笔4. 背景知识与翻译(1)历史背景“ If that picture is genuine, I m

3、 a Dutchman (荷兰人)! ” 如果那幅画是真的,我就不是人。(英国和荷兰的战争)(2)地理环境drink like a fish, as close as an oyster (牡蛎耗)守 口如瓶(3)宗教信仰 John can be relied on. He eats no fish.约翰为人可靠,他很忠诚。 Speak of angels, and you will hear their wings; talk of the devil, and he s sure to appear.说曹操,曹操到。 Love is blind.情人眼里出西施。( 4 )风俗习惯 You

4、look darker after the holidays.你度假回来看起来更健康了。 All the children have got married.老儿子娶媳妇大事完毕。 孩子们都结婚走了。 Drug :药;大麻(美俚)( 5 )社会政治(6)文学艺术 Work like a horse像老黄牛一样干活。 As strong as a horse As stupid as a goose Wet like a drown rat A white Christmas银装素裹大雪纷飞的圣诞节5. 翻译练习From there I could see the whole valley be

5、low, the fields, the river, and the village. It was all very beautiful, and the sight of it filled me with longing.从这里望下去,整个山谷一览无遗,只见那田野、河流和村庄,全都美不胜收,真叫我 心驰神往。6. 习语练习1. Actions speak louder than words. 1. 事实胜于雄辩。2. A fall into a pit,a gain in your wit. 2. 吃一堑,长一智。3. A good conscience (道德心 良心)is a so

6、ft pillow. 3.不做亏心事,不怕鬼敲门。4. All good things come to an end. 4. 天下没有不散的筵席。5. All rivers run into sea.5. 海纳百川。6. As a man sows, so he shall reap (收获 收割).6.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。7. A word spoken is past recalling.7. 一言既出,驷马难追。8. Bad news has wings. 8. 好事不出门,坏事传千里。9. Beauty lies in the loves eyes. 9. 情人眼里出西施。( Love

7、 is blind)10. Birds of a feather flock (聚集 成群而行)together. 10.物以类聚,人以群分。11. Constant dripping wears away a stone. 11.水滴石穿.12. Creep (爬行)before you walk.12.循序渐进。13. Dont put the cart (马车)before the horse. 13.不要本末倒置。14. Dont trouble troubles until trouble troubles you. 14. 不要自找麻烦。15. It is better to di

8、e when life is a disgrace (耻辱 丢脸的事).15.宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。16. It is no use crying over spilt milk. 16. 覆水难收。17. It never rains but it pours. 17. 不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。18. Love me, love my dog.18. 爱屋及乌。19. Make hay (晒干草)while the sun shines. 19.勿失良机。20. Misfortunes never come alone. 20. 祸不单行。7. 翻译的过程(准备 理解 表达) 理解阶段: 确定词语

9、在语境中的意义Seat oneself in a wooden chair 坐在木椅上Accept a university chair 同意在大学里执教Chair the board meeting 主持董事会Condemned to the chair 被处电刑Milk the cow (奶牛)挤牛奶 milk the bull (公牛)徒劳之举1. I never had much in seeing you. There was no love lost between us at any time.2. We grumbl(e 抱怨) a little now and then ,

10、to be sure. But theres no love lost between us.1. 我向来不大想看到你,我们两人之间大概什么时候都不曾有过好感。2. 当然啦,我们有时也免不了争论几句,但是我们还是相亲相爱。 弄清原文的逻辑关系1. The old man informed us that his wife had had thirteen children, one in every month of the year and one over besides.老人风趣地告诉我们,他的妻子生了13 个孩子,如果用一年十二个月的名字给他们取 名的话,还多出来一个。2. when

11、he was young fellow (家伙 同事 ) in the sixties.在 60 年代,他还年轻时。3. The object did not move because I pushed it.不是因为我推了它,该物体才移动。理解原文的深层结构1. Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market. 昨晚我听到他鼾声如雷,声音就象把猪赶到市场一样。2. General Smith and my father are on first name basis. 史密斯将军和我的父亲是直呼名字的知交。3. Keep your chin

12、 up.不要失去勇气,振作起来。4. Far from eye, far from heart.别久情疏5. Sleep as sound as a log of wood.睡得很沉(香)。表达阶段: 表达的方法(直译意译)I was late for class yesterday. I had to open the door and go in before everybody. 没办法,我只好因硬着头皮推门进去。Despair (绝望)seized (逮住 咬住)him when he was on the rocks.(遭难的) 那时,他经济拮据,一筹莫展。 正确处理 直译 和 意译

13、的关系1. When I want your opinion, Ill ask for it.请不要插嘴。2. You are late for the last time.你被解雇了。3. Dont cross the bridge till you get to it.不必担心太早。4. Little fish does not eat big fish.胳膊拧不过大腿。5. What the tongue says, the neck pays for.舌头闯祸,脖子遭殃。6. What was hatched (孵化)a hen (母鸡)must not try to be a roo

14、ster (公鸡)! 生来是个女人就别想冒充男人。7. There s no pot so ugly it can t find a lid (盖子). 丑女不愁嫁。 校核定稿阶段It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch (新世纪 新年代)of believe, it was epoch of incredulity (怀疑 不 轻信) ; it was the season of t

15、he Light, it was the season of Darkness; it was the spring of Hope, it was the winter of Despair; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us; we were all going to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.第二周 综合语与分析语 Synthetic vs. Analytic1. pairs of features between English & Chinesedifferent language familiesIndo-EuropeanSino-Tibetan2. 综合语的特征是运用形态变化来表达语法关系。A synthetic (综合的 合成的)language is “ characterized by frequent and systematic use of inflected forms to express grammatical relations


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