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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 牛津高中英语高一下学期模块三第一单元学案 制作:程见闻 Welcome to the Unit Reading学习目标:1.了解人体五个感觉器官的重要性以及缺少一两个感觉器官怎样生活。2.了解阅读文章的重点单词、短语和句型。熟悉阅读技巧,提高阅读能力。 重点难点:1.掌握下列单词的用法observe,nowhere,rest,sight,beat,still,except2.掌握下列短语的用法as well,even if,set off,wish for3.掌握下列句型的用法 too+adj./adv.+to do sth.太而不能 感官动词+sb./sth.+d

2、o/doing/done with+宾语+宾语补足语课前小练一、阅读文章回答下列问题1. Whos the heroine?2. Where did Polly live?3. How did she usually get home?4. What was the man carrying?5.Why did Polly leave work early that day?6. Why did Polly take the Underground train to Green Park?7. How did she get home at last?二、正误练习True or false:1

3、. The fog was very thick in the morning.2. When she got to Green Park, the weather turned out to be fine.3. Polly got to Green Park by train.4. The old man carried an umbrella in his hand.5. As Polly walked along to Park Street, the footsteps were always following her.6. After arriving at home, Poll

4、y invited the old man to her home for a rest and he agreed.当堂评价一、 阅读句子,根据句意填词1.He said he didnt like it,but _(就我个人而言)I thought it was very good.2.The girl opened the door and_(走)out into the night.3.The woman scientist_(观察)the behavior of the mice after they were given the drug.4.My hands-look at th

5、emare_(粗糙)with work.5.This is a rather_(少见的)word;one does not often see it or use it.6.Its unpleasant to be out on a f_day.7.The boyss following in his fathers f_and studying to be a doctor.8.The grey streets were d_as I wandered through the town.9.Here in the north it would be bitterly cold when d_

6、came.10.The bicycle just b_me as it passed.二、用英语完成下列句子1.He lay there thinking,_(双手插在口袋里).2.I_(听见他正在唱一首英语歌曲)when I pased by her room yesterday.3.The problem_(太难我做不出来).4.He would have died_(即使得到医生的及时救治).5.When do you know_(我们明天什么时候出发)?三、单项填空1.In Scandinavian countries it is a common_ for the husband t

7、o stay at home to lookafter the baby. A. use B. sense C. practice D. idea2. Can you think of _ person who can help me with my English? How about John? _, hes always helpful. A. the; I thinkB. a; PersonallyC. a; GenerallyD. /; Often3. As the plane came down through the clouds, green fields and white

8、houses came into _. A. light B. sightC. eyes D. effect4. If you live in the country or have ever visited there, _ are that you have heard birds singing to welcome the new day. A. situations B. factsC. chances D. possibilities5. He tried to keep _, but his trembling hands gave him away. A. quiet B. s

9、tillC. silent D. calm6.Notional Day is_by three days of holiday in our country. A.congratulated B.observed C.held D.cheered7.If one can_himself,he is sure to succeed oneday. A.win B.defeat C.beats D.lose8.The suit fitted him well_the colour was a little brighter. A.except for B.except that C.except

10、when D.besides9. _ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.A. The person B. Anyone C. Who D. Whoever10. The news that we are going outing _ a rush of excitement. A. set out B. set off C. set about D. set down四、选用短语填空in sight;out of sight;reach out;stare up at;watch out for;set off;come alo

11、ng;with fear;glance at;wish for;be frozen1.I keep_a chance to do something different.2.There wasnt a house of any sort_.And then we looked for the guide but he was_.3.Having said goodbye to his classmates,he_for home.4.Is your son married yet?-No,hes still waiting for Mrs Right to_.5.She was shaking

12、 a little,but not_,but witt indignation.6.You must always_the traffic here.7.I_my watch and was surprised to see that it was nearly midnight.8.I_stiff after sitting so long and could hardly walk.9.Smith_and took down a book.10.Smith raised his eyes and_me in amazement.五、词语辩析练习A.用clam;quiet,silent,st

13、ill填空1.The lake was very_.2.The doctor did what she could to make the boy_.3.Ask the boys to be_.Its too noisy.4.He is a_boy born in a _village.5.Youd better be_about whats happened.B.用except for,except,but for,besides填空1.I came for nothing_this.2.They have gone to sleep_the young lady who is still

14、working.3.She had other people to look after_the girl.课后作业1)完成第四面和第五面的作业(C1,C2,D,E)2)熟记阅读材料中的重点单词、短语和句型。牛津高中英语高一下学期模块三第一单元学案 制作:程见闻 Word powerGrammar and Usage学习目标:1.掌握名词性从句的构成和用法。2.了解与词类有关的知识,同时应学会与谈论天气有关的词汇。重点难点:名词性从句的构成和使用课前小练一、指出下列句中划线部分单词的词性1.The old man wants to see the rest of the country.( )2.The tea


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