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1、Informal Letter of InvitationDear Mary,We are having a dinner party for some of our special friends and wonder 讦 you and Jerry can come. It is on Friday 18th at 8 p.m. at our home. Please say you can come as no party is complete without you two!Accepting the InvitationAugust 23, 2013Dear Mr. and Mrs

2、. Green,We will be delighted to dine with you at your home on Friday 18th at 8 p.m. at your home. Thank you so much for your kind invitation. We are looking forward to seeing you both.Very sincerely yours,MaryFormal Letter of InvitationMr. and Mrs. Henry Turnerrequest the pleasure of your presence 恭

3、请 光临at the marriage of their daughterHelentoMr. Carl Bakeron Sunday, the fifth of Julyat half past six o clock p.m.58 Water RoadHong KongR.S.V.P.请赐复Mr. and Mrs. XXXrequest the pleasure of the company ofMr. and Mr. XXXat XXX (in celebration of)XXX XXX(time) XXX(place) XXXR. S. V. P.Formal Letter of d

4、eclining an InvitationMr. and Mrs. Bill Douglasregret exceedingly thatowing to a previous engagementthey are unable to acceptMr. and Mrs. Henry Turner skind invitation to be presentat the marriage of their daughterHelen Turnerto Mr. Carl Bakeron Sunday, the fifth of JulyAt half past six o clock p.m.

5、Informal Letter of Declining an InvitationDear Henry,We are so sorry that we cannot come to the dinner you are giving this Sunday for your daughter s wedding. Unfortunately, we have a previous engagement that day which we really can t change.We do appreciate you asking us and hope that you will have

6、 a very happy day. Very best wishes to the young couple and we look forward to seeing you before too long.1. It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to visit this exhibition.2. May I take this opportunity to invite you to our university to give a lecture.3. Request the pleasure of the compan

7、y of / Request the honor of your presence.4. My family and I would feel honored if you could come5. I really hope you can make it.6. I d like you to come to dinner at on 7. Will you have a party with us in my house on ?8. Will you do me a favor by joining our party?9. We would be delighted to have d

8、inner with you on 10. I hope you re not too busy to come.11. We are looking forward to 1. Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience. 是否参加,请早日 告之。2. We would appreciate it if you could confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.如能确认您将出席会议,不胜感激。3. Should you find it p

9、ossible to accept this invitation, would you be kind enough to let me know the date and time when you would like to come. 要是您认为能接受邀 请,务请通知我您来这里的日期和时间。4. Please send response to 5. Anticipating your reply.Accepting1. We are glad/delighted to accept your kind invitation.2. Thank you for your inviting

10、us to dinner.3. I m glad to come and look forward to seeing you again.4. Thank you for your letter of 25 th May and I am pleased to confirm my participation in this year s conference in July.1. I regret that I have another engagement on that day and will not be able to attend.2. Please accept my sin

11、cere regrets for not being able to join 3. We are so sorry that we cannot accept your kind invitation because of another engagement.4. Unfortunately, I am not sure whether I will be able to come.Binjiang Technical InstituteNov. lst,2013Dear Prof. Higgins,We will hold a series of activities on our ca

12、mpus culture. We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to visit our institute during Nov. 24th to 25 th. We would be very glad 讦 you give us a report on How to Construct Campus Culture, and we would be very appreciated 讦 you give us some advice on our campus culture.Please accept our war

13、m welcome and sincere invitation. We shall be much obliged 讦 you will come and we will appreciate a response for you at your earliest convenience.Yours sincerely,Li MingPresidentNov. & 2013Dear President Li,Thank you very much for your invitation to visit your institute and give a talk on campus cul

14、ture. But heavy official duties prevent me from having the pleasure to join you on Nov. 24th to 25 th. Please accept my sincere regrets for not being able to attend. Very best wishes to you.Yours truly, HigginsMr. and Mrs. Alfred Kentrequest the honor of the presence ofMr. and Mrs. J. A. Brownat the

15、 marriage of their daughterJanetoMr. John Atwateron Monday, the tenth of Juneat five oclock14 William StreetNew YorkMr. and Mrs. Richard Andersonaccept with pleasureMr. and Mrs. John Smiths kind invitation to the marriage of their daughter BarbaratoMr. David Clark Tuesday, the twenty-first of October at three oclock Holy Family Christian Church New York and to the reception at Queen HotelMrs. John Brown accepts with pleasureMr. and Mrs. John Smiths kind invitation for Tuesday, the twenty-first of October but regrets thatMr. Brownwill be absent at that time在中华


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