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1、2014届高考英语一轮复习 专题4.3 Tomorrows World精品讲案 一、高频单词熟记英语汉语英语汉语mastern.主宰;主人;大师vt. 精通,掌握;控制functionvi. 起作用,正常运转n. 作用,功能;职能worn adj.破旧的;疲惫的reality n.现实,事实terror n.惊恐,恐惧constant adj.连续发生的,不断的;恒定的float vi.(水中)漂浮,漂流;(空中)飘移fade vi.逐渐消失;(使)变淡;走下坡路,衰落accuse vt.控诉,控告;谴责sightseeing n.观光,游览secure adj.安全的;有把握的;稳固的,坚固

2、的passive adj.被动的escapevi.& vt. 逃跑,逃离,逃脱;避免,避开;被遗忘,被忽视n.逃离,逃脱monitorn.(计算机)显示器;监测器;班长vt. & vi. 监视chiefadj 最重要的,首要的主要的n. (公司或机构的)首领hirevt. 聘用,雇用;租用,租借词性(词形)变化presentation n. 展示,介绍;颁发;提交,出示present v. 颁发,展示,赠送,呈献happiness n. 幸福,快乐happy adj.幸福的 injure vt.伤害,损害injury n. 伤害,损害;负伤social adj.社交的,交际的;社会的socie

3、ty n. 社会socialism n. 社会主义socialist adj.社会主义的socialize v. 交友,社交confident adj.自信的;肯定的,有把握的confidence n. 自信心,自信disappointed adj.失望的,沮丧的disappoint v. 使失望disappointing adj.令人失望的disappointment n. 失望convenience n. 方便,便利;便利的设施或用具convenient adj.方便的disadvantage n. 缺点;不利因素,障碍advantage(反义词) n. 优势impression n. 印

4、象,感想impress vt.给留下印象impressive adj.令人敬佩的,令人赞叹的amaze vt. 使惊奇,使惊奇amazing adj.令人惊奇的amazed adj.使人惊奇的disabled adj. 有残疾的;丧失能力的disable vt使残疾 importance n.重要性important adj.重要的二、重点短语背诵英语汉语英语汉语add to 使增加(增强,扩大)bringalive使鲜活as to 至于,关于give off 发出(光线)in reality在现实中all of a sudden 突然last but not least 最后的但同样重要的i

5、n terror 在恐惧中be connected to与相连接get away逃离,离开put forward 提出with the aid 在帮助下give out发出(气味、热等);(消息等)发布, 发表fall down from从掉下来come across偶然遇到hold on to 紧紧抓住不放carry out执行,实施at one time一度,曾经be accused of 被指控为in the long term从长远(的观点)来看三、经典句型仿写1.【教材原句】RealCine works by making the users feel that they are r

6、eally in a new world a world that does not exist except in a computer program. (P42)RealCine的工作原理是让用户感到他们实际上是在一个新世界一个只存在于电脑程序中的世界。【典句仿写】没有人让我们在某一固定时间就寝。Nobody _ at a certain time.【答案】made us go to bed2.【教材原句】In scientific studies it has been shown that VR can be a good treatment for people who have

7、social problems.(P42)科学研究已经证明VR技术可以用于治疗有社交障碍的人。【典句仿写】据报道警方不久就要调查两个孩子失踪的案子。 the police will soon look into the case of two missing children.【答案】It is reported that3.【教材原句】An argument has been put forward that some users will be disappointed by RealCine because VR is not real.(P43)有人提出不同的意见,认为一些用户可能对R

8、ealCine失望,因为虚拟现实毕竟不是真的。【典句仿写】今天上午有消息传来说下周有一位尊贵的客人要来参观我们学校。 an honored guest would pay a visit to ourschool next week.【答案】Word/The news came this morning that4.【教材原句】Immediately, he got his things packed and went to Iceland, forcing his nephew Axel to go with him. (P58)他立即收拾行李启程去冰岛,还强迫他的侄子阿克塞尔和他同行。【典

9、句仿写】我必须理发了。I must .【答案】get/have my hair cut5.【教材原句】There was a city in front of me that appeared very old and worn.(P59) 我面前是一座城市,看起来很老很破旧。【典句仿写】我们教室的前面有个操场,看上去非常现代化。 appears very modern. 【答案】There is a playground in front of our classroom that第二板块 考点详析一、词汇考点考点-1. add 【教材原句】To add to the virtual wor

10、ld of RealCine, the headsets even have small openings that give out smells to match the environment.(P42)给RealCine虚拟世界锦上添花的是,耳机上甚至还有一些小孔,可以释放出与环境相匹配的气味。【例句研读】译出划线部分The fire is going out; will youaddsome wood? “I felt sorry for her,” headded. Your carelessness added to our difficulty. Would you pleas

11、e add a few notes to the article? The total figures add up to 270. Please add up these figures for me. 【答案】加些木柴 他补充说增加了我们的困难。给这篇文章加几条注释 总数加起来等于270 把加起来【自主归纳】使增强;使增加add to 把加到 addto把加起来 add up 加起来总数等于/是/达add up to 用上述词组的恰当形式填空The recent happenings the pressure on the organization committee.His whole

12、schooling only one year.If you the two figures, how much will you get?Five six, well get eleven.If you five six, youll get eleven.【答案】added to added up to add up the added to add to 注意:in addition to意为“除了之外(还有)”【即时巩固】单项选择题The little girl didnt tell her mother the truth, because she didnt want to _ m

13、others misery.A. add up B. add toC. are added up D. are added toAs we all know, new functions are _ the phone.A. being added to B. being added up toC. added up D. added up to【答案】A【解析】句意:众所周知,新的功能正在被增加到手机上。add to “增加,添加”,且function与add to存在逻辑上的动宾关系,故用被动语态。add up “合计”; add up to “合计达”。故选A。_ trade and investment cooperation between China and Canada, culture exch


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