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1、外研版英语七年级上Mdle4amily全模块教案I. Teahinggols模块教学目标 技能目标听Liten toconerstionivlvi he intduction of aly membe说Ma brif iducoofonesmiy读 eadlttes / onvrsatons nvlinthe iroduton the fml写Writeot thaily, payingattntio to unctutin语言目标 功能句式escribin amieow many peolar threi your fmily Hae you got any os yorl small /

2、biDesrbig ones fmilThere ar ol i my amily.Ihaet a / an 词汇.重点词汇 , peole, ant, grandfathr,gadher, granparent,ne, email, hm, ake, ister,v,granda, gradpa2 短语 hae ot 语法v /has got (ffirmatv, negative,inteive)重点句子1. Ho many people ae thei r famly2. hre for mm ad da, my sister nda,and me.3. ave yo got any a

3、nts or uncls?4. hes in Chi wit hr mmnd a.5. Hego a big miyII. Teachingeial anayzing教材分析本模块以家庭为话题,以家庭介绍为任务,训练have/ hsgt 句型的使用,并介绍了英语写作时应注意的标点符号问题。通过对本模块内容的学习学生能够了解不同国家家庭结构的不同。值得一提的是,班内可能会有单亲家庭,教师在授课时应注意该问题,在不伤害学生自尊心的同时注意培养学生的移情能力。Unit 1 通过听、读、说训练,初步学习询问对方家庭情况和介绍自己的家庭成员。其中活动1要求学生将适当的词汇和人物联系起来。活动有一定难度,

4、教师可提醒学生注意利用图中所看到的有用信息。活动2训练学生从听力材料中听出fthe,mher,siter,randfthe等词汇。活动3、4要求学生听对话并完成填词任务,活动6要求根据提示口头练习询问及介绍家庭情况。Ui 通过读写训练,让学生进一步掌握如何介绍自己的家庭成员的相关表达。活动1-通过词汇匹配、小组活动(介绍自己家庭成员)的活动为下面的阅读做词汇和话题上的准备。活动3要求学生阅读电子邮件,从中获取有用信息并回答相关问题。活动学习英语中标点的用法。教材中没有具体的写作任务,教师可根据本模块话题增加写作活动。i 3 共设计了6项活动内容。 活动1-4复习所学内容,进一步巩固所学ae h

5、 g 的用法。round herld通过图片让学生来了解东西方家庭模式的不同。完成本模块学习后,教师可安排学生将自己的家庭状况写下来。IClass tpe nderiods 课型设计与课时分配Period Lning nd seang (Unit1) Period 2 Reading andwiting (Uni ) Period3 Inertin klls (Unit 3) Perio 1 isteninga seaking agagegol语言目标1. ey vocabular 重点词汇may, popl, unt, granfather, gradmothr,gradpart,uncl,

6、 hagot 2. ey structures 重点句式 There is / are ave / hasgot 3. Ability goa 能力目标Enalestdnts to rey introduce o famiy.Tachg methods 教学方法Bottomu arhTachinais教具准备ae recrd, vieo. eachin rores an ws教学过程与方式 epWarmig up an la-iie suents sm shol thins suc book, pen, notboos, ak stuens ho geto, ing hae gt.T: Wa

7、he y gotS: I ave gt a blue.S:I ae gt n Englshok.Sowtelowing.ave / hsgot =have /as ave got 表示“某人有”常用在英国英语中,美国朋友则常用 he来表达这一意义。如:I haveo two peil. / have wopenci.应该注意的是在 hae gt中, ae是助动词,没有实际意义,而美国英语中的hae则表达实际意义“有”。两个have形同但意义不同。en as students to go onprcticnghe questionform of have/ha ot adhe ay of anw

8、eingth questons.T: Ha h t reen pnS: No, he hst: Ha she ot aEnlishbookS: Yes, she has.tepII Lbe TonysamlyDivide stens ruso five osix. laya littleame get theue familiar wih th eresion th famlymmbers. The grou whch cn answr best wi be te wner. T: Who is yorfthers faherS: My gndfather T: hisuraersrote:

9、M ncl.T: ohr ot ssr,wt sh I cllher:AuntT: ho are my mothersarsS:GrndparesWrite downtefollowigan mke sretht stdnt now hat they lmean. Te wor in parstocmplte the lels.nt,gadfather, grandmhr, granparen,uncle, brother,istr, fahe, othrT: K, clas. Tonyhagoa big fa.There are manypeli his fmly. He has gtgra

10、ndpe, uncles,nant and a sterok, heres ahoto f his family the oo.oyouknow wh thy areucn he adiscsin cmplte it.alback the aswer from som i. Encourage stdntsto uethe known reposiin wor o phrases: next to / in frot / eind,etc. Poiblears:The irl nx to Tony s his sister.Th mbehin thm are saunt ad mtherThe

11、 m nt to his theri his fatr.Then lat a rordng fosunts,let hem check heirsers.ep III itningIn hs a, sudets will liste to the ta rcoding twice a finishtvt 4 irst. hn epet th nverion.: Asw kw,on hsgot abig fiyDo yu knw owmany peope thre arein h failyS: There e eeen peple in hisamily.T: Go, do o nwwho t

12、hey areS: Hi radpaet, paent, unces, hi ant and hs sister.T:Do ou kow ho twritetese wordS: SreCheck i he studts can rte thee wordsdown. T: r goo. Let lit to aonverton betwee igling a on. Listnad filin heblank in activity 4.B te way, ha ony gt a othersS: o, h hasnt go anybthrsPla the ecoding tice. Te chec he anwrs Afer his, s sudnto repatr the recordigStep IV Parworksk


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