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1、高考翻译精选模拟题1. 全市公立博物馆对学生免费开放。 (open)All the public museums are open to the students, free of charge.2. 干嘛不在周末去博物馆看看?(why not +不定式)Why not go to the museums on weekends?3. 友谊是有来有往的事儿,它是建筑在相互帮助的基础上的。(it, base)Friendship is a matter of give-and-take. It is based on mutual help.4. 简(Jane) 长得漂亮, 有人请她拍时装广告。

2、我认为学生不应过早参与商业活动。(feature, involve)(宾语从句)Jane is a beautiful girl, and was invited to feature in a fashion ad. However, I think students shouldnt get involved in commercials too early.5. 我班同学每逢节假日都到周边社区去当志愿者/义工。(make it a rule)The students in my class make it a rule to work as volunteers in the nearb

3、y neighborhood on holidays.6. 学校艺术节即将来临,戏剧社的同学都忙于排演英语短剧。(be busy doing)The School Art Festival is drawing near, and students of the Drama Club are busy preparing English sketches.7. 开学前夕, 书店结账台前排起了长队,有时长得火冒三丈。(drive sb. mad)(so that 引导的状语从句)On the eve of a new semester, the queue/ lines in bookstore

4、s are so long that often theyll drive you mad.8. 大家都认为世上没有一种适合所有学生的教学方法。(it, agree/accept)It is accepted/agreed that there isnt a universal teaching method that suits students of all types.9. 学习英语的最好方法之一是同母语使用者交谈。(approach)One of the best approaches of learning English is to speak it with native spe

5、akers.10. 在阅读时不要见到生词就查词典,往往生词词义在语境中可以猜出来。(come across)When reading, dont refer to the dictionary each time you come across a new word. Often the meaning of a new word is self-evident in the context.11. 学习方法因人而异。适合你的不一定对我有用。(vary)(what从句)Learning method varies from student to student. What is suitabl

6、e for you may not be so for me.12. 现在的高分并不意味着将来的成就。(not necessarily, mean/suggest)High scores today do not necessarily mean great achievements in the future.13. 如果把难词难句同可视事物联系在一起,记住它们就容易多了。(associate)It will be easier to memorize difficult words or sentences if you associate them with visual things.

7、14. 尽管他是个孩子,但他把这道难题解了出来。(让步状语从句)Child as he was, he worked out the difficult problem.15. 并不是所有聪明的学生将来都会成功。在成长的过程中,还有别的因素在起作用。(factor, at work)(部分否定)Not all intelligent students will become successful in the future. There are other factors at work in the growth progress.16. 汤姆难得去老师那儿寻求解题方法;他说“自习”可以使自

8、己受益更多。(seldom倒装)Seldom did Tom go to teachers for solutions, he said self-study benefits himself more.17. 对于学英语的人来讲,英式英语和美式英语同等重要,所以你都应接触。(be exposed to)For an English learner, both British English and American English are equally important, and you must be exposed to both of them.18. 用电子词典或者传统词典都差不

9、多。(difference)It makes no difference whether you use an electric dictionary or a traditional one.19. 汤姆不大重视实践。所以他同外国人交谈会紧张。(account for)(宾语从句)Tom doesnt pay enough attention to practice. This accounts for why he feels nervous when talking with foreigners.20. 汤姆口试不及格。这并非因为考试难,而是因为他信心不足。(notbut)Tom fa

10、iled the oral test not because it was very difficult but because he had little self-confidence.高考翻译精选模拟题王敏归还了她拾到的巨款,可怎么也不愿接受失主的酬谢。(decline)(定语从句)Wang Min returned the large sum of money she picked up to the owner and firmly declined any reward from him.1. 大家都认为物理最难,但结果考得最好的就是物理。(contrary to)All of u

11、s thought physics is the most difficult subject. Contrary to what we thought, we did best in the physics test.2. 英语老师总是强调说英语最重要,其它学科的老师在谈及学习的重要性时往往也是这样说自己的学科。(its the case)English teacher often says English is the most important subject. It is the case with the teachers of other subjects when speaki

12、ng of the importance of learning.3. 牺牲睡眠来准备考试值不值?(at the cost of)Is it worth preparing exam at the cost of sleep?4. 你最好别费心找什么捷径,应该一步步地积累语言材料。(bother about, build up)(祈使句)Dont bother about any shortcut! Do build up your vocabulary step by step.5. 教育学家认为网瘾是一种精神性的疾病。(consider+双宾语)(net-addiction)Educato

13、rs consider net-addition a kind of mental illness.6. 碰到要自己动手做实验,李敏总是第一个自告奋勇。(when it comes to )When it comes to DIY experiment, Li Ming is always the first to volunteer.7. 明明在拼生词比赛中夺冠,他被称作活词典。(come out)Min Min came out No. 1 in the spelling Contest, and was prasied as a walking dictionary.8. 正是人类活动导

14、致今日的全球变暖。(contribute to)(It 强调句)It is human activities that contribute to the global warming today.9. 城市人口不断增长是全球各国政府共同的”烫山芋”.(系表结构)The ever-increasing population in cities is a universal hot potato to the governments worldwide。10. 禁止鸣号(horning)是把双刃剑。一方面它减少了噪音,可另一方面它会导致更多交通事故。(two-edged sword)The ba

15、nning of horning is like a two-edged sword. On one hand, it reduces noise pollution; on the other hand, it leads to more road accidents.11. 随着电脑用户猛增,电脑诈骗(cyber frauds)同样猛增。抑制这类诈骗是个迫在眉睫的问题。(with结构)With the PC users increasing fast, cyber frauds spring up as fast. To check them becomes a burning quest

16、ion.12. 学校里一直在广泛使用智商检测以评估学生呢能力。(evaluate)The IQ test has been widely used in schools to evaluate students abilities.13. 尽管无人设备早已登上火星,可是载人登火星的使命还是遥遥无期。(unmanned, manned mission)Though unmanned equipment has already landed on Mars, manned mission on Mars is still faraway in the future.14. 认为数字“8“是幸运的这种想法不是建立在科学的基础上的,是迷信的。(belief)The belief that


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