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1、 去年的树人物:鸟儿、树、树根、门、小姑娘、灯火幕启,背景音乐秘密旁白:在一片茂密的大森林里,有一只可爱的小鸟和一棵茂盛的的大树,他们是一对好朋友。Bird (flap the wings): you are my good friend, Let me sing a song for you!Trees (happy to say): your voice is so wonderful, I love to listen.Birds (tree, said to her grief): But, winter is coming, and I must leave you, I will

2、fly to the South. Tree (infinite nostalgia that against bird): Good-bye, bird! Please come back next spring, sing for me again. Birds (nodding his head said firmly): Yes, I will come back, sing for you. please wait for me!旁白:春天又来了。原野上、森林里的雪都融化了,小鸟信守诺言,又飞回森林,找它的好朋友大树。 (小鸟扇动着翅膀从台侧飞出来,看见一个树根) Birds: Un

3、cle tree. Where are you? bird (to have doubts asked tree root): hello, my friend,! Where is uncle tree?root ( moved): Ah,(回想 砍树 锯子声 风声) 伐木工人砍树People cut down him.一片苍凉 Sing:bird (thanks said to tree root): Thank you! I must look for my good friend big tree.(小鸟扇动翅膀围着舞台寻找着) 小鸟:(急切地对坐在煤油灯旁的小女孩问道) Bird:

4、please tell me, Where is uncle tree.girl (says gently): The tree is made into matches .The matches were used up. But, the matches light the fire ,shining in this lamp. bird (very sad appearance, treated lights to look at a while, thinks): light friend, Let me sing a song for you. I hope Uncle tree can hear it.Girl: Dont cry. We will not use it again. Look, 展示 新能源 一片兴荣 (背景音乐秘密响起,小鸟对着灯火唱起了去年唱给大树的歌,然后依依不舍地飞走了。) 旁白:小鸟和大树的故事不仅为我们演绎了一曲友谊的颂歌,还让我们感受到诚信的美丽。


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