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1、重庆市澳凯龙医疗器械研究有限公司 不锈钢酸洗钝化规程文件编码:编制人:审核人:批准人:版本号:日期:受控文件:不锈钢酸洗钝化规程目录TABLE OF CONTENTS1 编制方案的依据 Basis of scheme compila tion22 工作范围 Working scope23 清洗工艺 Cleaning process24 清洗过程 Cleaning process35 废液处理 Waste liquor treatment76 甲方提供的条件 Condi tion suppliedbytheowner77 临时配管 Temporary tubing88 检验与验收Test and

2、 accept89 安全91 编制方案的依据 Basis of scheme compilation1.1 管道清洗的必要性 Necessity of piping cleaning纯化水不锈钢管道在使用前,要进行脱脂、酸洗、钝化和消毒处理,管道才能达到生产使 用的技术要求。Before used sta ini ess steel pip ing for purified water should be degreased, pickled, passivity and dis in fected. Only in this way can pip ing meet tech ni cal

3、n eeds of producti on and usage.1.2脱脂工程施工及验收规范HG20202-2000。Con structi on and Accepta nee Criteria of In dustrial Pip ing1.3工业设备化学清洗质量标准HG/T2387-2007Quality Criteria of Chemical Clea ning for In dustrial Equipme nt1.4 VWS提供的图纸Draw ings supplied by VWS1.5管线的材质为全部为316L,如有其它材质,清洗前必须说明。Material of pipel

4、i ne is all 316L. Give a descripti on of the material before clea ning if other materials are used.2 工作范围 Working scope主要为卫生级不锈钢SS316L管道Mainly for sanitary SS316L pipe.2.1从纯水制造机到纯水TANK接口前级的循环管道;Pipes from Ori on to water tank and pipes of water tank retur ning to the front tank.2.2纯水循环管道;PW loop dis

5、tributi on Pipes.3 清洗工艺 Cleaning process3.1采用我公司多年成熟的不锈钢管道清洗工艺。Adopt clea ning process for sta inl ess steel pipe which we are good at.3.2 管道的清洗工艺为:Piping cleaning process is as follows:临时配管建立循环回路form circulation拆除滤芯remove filter 水冲洗water flush 脱脂 degrease水冲洗 rinse by water酸洗 pickling,钝化 passivation

6、水冲洗 rinse bywater系统恢复 system reset3.3设备、管线系统内不宜清洗的部件:Comp onents in the equipme nt and pip ing that are not suitable to be clea ned清洗系统中的仪表类(一次仪表、二次仪表及仪表传感器)和UV杀菌灯、热交换器(板 式及管壳式)对清洗液敏感的部件应临时拆除。Other components, such as 1st loop instrument, 2nd loop instrument and other transmitter, UV, HX (including

7、plate type and tube/shell) that are not in conformity with material and are sen sitive to clea ning age nt, such as flow meter, con ductivity meter, level meter, wiring, tank, etc should be dismantled temporarily.3.4管线系统内不参与清洗的短管等拆除的部件采用浸泡清洗,清洗完成后经检验合格后用 塑料保鲜膜包扎,等管线系统清洗完成后再安装复位。All components did no

8、t involved on the pipeline to be soaked and cleaned. After cleaned and tested, it must be packed with plastic film. Installed and positioned after pipe clea n fini shed.3.5 清洗流程 Cleaning process3.5.1. 所有需要清洗的管道用临时管道连接形成清洗循环系统,采用循环清洗,清洗时建立 一个循环回路.All piping that need cleaning should be connected by t

9、emporary piping to form circulation system. Circulating cleaning is used and one loop was formed when proceed ing with clea ning.3.5.2. 清洗流程图 Cleaning flow chart根据系统流程图 According to the flow chart of the system4 清洗过程 Cleaning process所有清洗系统的过程是一样的。All cleaning system have the same process.4.1人工处理 Man

10、 ual han dli ng4.1.1. 管线在清洗前要做全面检查,设备材质和方案中所列要一致。Pipeli nes should be in spected in the overall perspective before clea ning and make sure that equipment material is in conformity with that listed in the scheme.4.1.2. 不参与清洗的被隔离的仪表阀门等要在清洗前检查确认Isolated instruments andvalves that are not clea ned shoul

11、d be checked before clea ning。4.1.3 测试样品必须包含两个新焊的,未清洗的焊缝。一个安装在将要清洗的管路中,另 外一个放在化学清洗罐内;.4.2水冲洗:水冲洗及试压的目的在除去管线内表面积灰、泥沙、脱落的金属氧化物及其它疏松污垢,并在模拟清洗状态下对临时清洗回路进行泄漏检查。Rinse with water. Rinse and pressure test aim to remove ashes, mud and shed metallic oxide and other loose dirt on the surface of pipeli nes and

12、proceed with leak test on temporary clea ning loop un der the circumsta nces of clea ning stimulatio n.用纯化水(氯离子小于O.lppm)进行冲洗,冲洗时控制进出水平衡。冲洗的同时检查清洗 循环系统是否有泄漏等情况发生,如果有,在清洗剂添加前要处理好。Rinse with purified water (chlorine ion is less than 0.1ppm). In rinse process control the bala nee betwee n incoming and o

13、utgo ing water and check if circulati ng system leaks. If so, do it well before add ing clea ning age nt.4.3脱脂:脱脂处理的目的系统内表面在制作、安装、过程中产生的油脂,使酸洗液能完全,彻 底地和系统内表面接触,从而使清洗彻底,钝化膜完整;Degrease. It aims to degrease the oil produced in the fabrication, installation of inner surface of system to make pickli ng a

14、ge nt get in full con tact with inner surface system. Therefore cleaning can be finished fully and passivation membrane is in complete situation.4.3.1. 操作步骤,系统加入纯化水(氯离子小于O.lppm)至预定液位,开始循环,并加入 碱洗药剂。Procedure. Inject purified water (chlorine ion is less than O.IppM) into the system and beg in the circ

15、ulati on. And add alkali ne clea ning medicame nt for sta inl ess steel and degreas ing fini shes.4.3.2. 工艺条件:Process温度 temperature常温 normal temperature循环时间 circulating time2 小时 hours循环时间可根据天气、管道复杂情况适当延长或缩短。Circulating time can be lengthened or shortened according to the weather and piping.4.3.3.脱脂药剂:Degreasing medicament序号No名称Name1氢氧化钠直到其浓度为1%4.34 测试项目:Items to be testedPH1 次/半小时 once/half hour脱脂液PH要求维持在12以上,当PH小于12时应添加氢氧化钠。PH of Degreas ing age nt to be kept as above 12 and sufficie nt degreas ing age nt to be added.PH测试使用PH试纸PH checked with PH test paper


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