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1、Unit 1一词组互译 1. 献身于_2. 醒来_3. 蔑视; 瞧不起_4. 照顾; 喜爱_5. 接生_6. 使自己参与; 关心_7.偶然遇见_8.前提是,如果_ 9引起某人注意_10.也,又,和_11. argue for _12. do research on_13. of ones own _14. move off _15. carry on _16. be intended for _ 17. By chance_ 18crowd in _19.lead a.life_ 20.refer to_二完成句子l 他把一生都贡献在帮助残疾人事业上. He _ all his life _

2、_the disabled people.l 这本字典是给小孩用的.(be intended to ) The dictionary _ _ _ children.l 他对细节不关心He_ _ _ _ the details.4. 我希望你不要看不起这种工作I hope you _ _ _ _ this kind of work.5. 努力改善这个工厂工人们的劳动条件是值得做的事_ _ _to improve the working conditions for the workers of this factory.6. 他打算早上起程。He _ _ _ _ in the morning 7

3、.我突然意识到他是在向我求婚。 Suddenly it _ _ _ he was trying to ask me to marry him.一、 他和他妻子争论度假的最好地方。He _ _ his wife _ the best place for a holiday.二、 帮助他们意味着帮助你自己To help them _ _ _.三、 在我离开的时候你继续工作。You should_ _ _ while Im away.三请用括号内所给词的正确形式填空1. For him , three years_ (be) really a long time. 2. _ (be) everybo

4、dy going to take part in the game this afternoon?3. My family _ (be) the largest one in our village. Besides, my family _ (be) all party members.4. The whole class _ (be) now listening to the teacher attentively.5. The news _ (be) very exciting.6. To learn one or two foreign languages _ (be) very im

5、portant nowadays.7. The last and most difficult lesson _ (be) Lesson 14.8. I, who _ your friend, will try my best to help you.9. The scientist and engineer _ (have) invented a new machine. 10. Alice,together with her friends,_ (be) punished for having broken the school rules. 11. Every girl and ever

6、y boy _ (have) the right to join the club. 12. _ (be) either she or you to go and attend the meeting?Neither she nor I_(be).13. Ancient and modern history _ (be) the subjects we are studying.14. Many a scientist _ (have) devoted their lives to science.15. The old _ (be) respected in our country.16.

7、The teacher and the writer _(praise) in public again the other day.17. Jack and Tom together with Mike _(study) hard recently.18. Jack as well as Tom and Mike _(play) computer games at this time last night.四单项选择1. The children do not know how to _ themselves decently at the party.A. actB. performC.

8、behaveD. advance2. The officers narrowly escaped in the hot battle. A. have killed B. to kill C. to be killed D. being killed3. They _ the train until it disappeared in the distance.A. sawB. watchedC. noticedD. observed4. Where did you _ our chemistry teacher? -It was in the supermarket _ I bought m

9、oon cakes.A. come to, whereB. come across, thatC. come across, whereD. come to, that5. Only when your identity has been checked _.A. you are allowed inB. you will be allowed inC. will you allow inD. will you be allowed in6. The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _ his

10、 notes.A. bringing upB. referring toC. looking forD. trying on7. Ive got a headache again! -Sorry to hear that. Walk to work every day and youll soon back in _.A. situationB. conditionC. positionD. attention8. It is difficult for us to _ conversation with all this noise around us.A. carry onB. accou

11、nt for C. bring upD. get across9. A poet and artist _ coming to speak to us about Chinese literature and painting tomorrow afternoon.A. isB. areC. wasD. were10. _ to reach them on the phone, we sent an email instead.A. FailB. FailedC. To failD. Having failed11. I still remember _ chess in class by m

12、y teacher about twenty years ago.A. to be caught to playB. being caught playingC. catching playD. having caught playing12. “You cant catch me!” Janet shouted, _ away.Arun Brunning Cto run Dran13.Every man, woman and child _ sine history, enough at least, to survive in the world.A knows B know C is k

13、nown D are known14.Only in this way _ progress in your English. A you make B can you make C you be able to make D will you able to make15.One thousand dollars _ a large sum of money in her eyes.A are B is C should be D seem to be16.Wang Ping, as well as other students _ physics and chemistry.A like B likes C is liking D have liked17.He


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