牛津英语8下 U3-4单元复习导学案

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1、牛津英语八下 单元复习导学案Unit 3 Online tours一、 词形变化AsiaAsian, AfricaAfrican, EuropeEuropean, AmericaAmerican southsouthern,darkdarkness, relaxrelaxingrelaxed, musicmusical, twentytwentieth,pleasepleasedpleasantpleasure, BritainBritish, tourtourist, centrecentral 二、 重点短语1.in the past 在过去2.the other day 几天前3.so

2、far 到现在为止=up to now / till now 4. realize your dream 实现你的梦想5. some day 某一天(将来)6.on the southern coast of Australia 在澳大利亚的东南海岸7.on the website 在网页上8.(be ) the opposite of-在的对面,和相反/对9.for example/ such as 例如10.a ship with many sails 一艘有很多帆的船11.mind sb/ sbs doing 介意某人做某事12.daily English 日常英语13.book tic

3、kets 预订票14.order meals 点餐15. see a doctor 看医生/ 看病16. place of natural beauty 自然美景17.main unit 主机18.prepare for -为做好准备=get ready for-19.take an online tour 实行一次网上旅行20.remote control 遥控器21.do word processing 文字处理22. place of interest 名胜23.world-famous trade centre 闻名世界的贸易中心24.in the darkness 在黑暗中25.se

4、nd and receive emails 收发电子邮件26.so such for sth 到此为止=thats all for sth27.dream of/ about-梦见/梦想28.my pleasure 不用谢,乐意效劳(事后) =its my/a pleasure29.with pleasure 乐意,愿意做(事前) 30. be made up of-由组成31.around the world 全世界,世界各地32.search for information 搜寻信息33.click on the icon 点击这个图标34. at the top of-在顶端35. at

5、 the bottom of-在底部36. at the southern end of-在最南端37. further on 再往前走,继续向前38.after a hard days work在一天的辛勤工作后39.see the huge glass ball falling through the darkness 看巨大的玻璃球划破夜幕降落下来40.be famous for -因而出名41.since the early twentieth century 自20世纪初以来42.hear of / about -听说43.what-for ?为什么44.in daily commu

6、nication 在日常交流中 45.welcome the New Year迎接新年(的到来)三、主要语言点和语法1. -Would you mind showing me how to start this online tour ?-No, of course not ./ Certainly not. / Not at all.-Sorry, (youd) better not.2. What do you usually use your computer for ?=What do you usually use your computer to do ?3. with pleas

7、ure 与my pleasure. with pleasure回答别人的请求,用于做事情前,my pleasure回答别人的感谢,用于事情完成后。4. 区分一般过去时与现在完成时四重点句子翻译。1.你通常用你的电脑做什么?_ do you usually use your computer _?2. 每年除夕夜,数以千计的人聚集在这里。 Every year, _ New Years Eve.3. 看到巨大的玻璃球在黑暗中落下,真是太令人兴奋了!_ the huge glass ball _! 4. 你曾听说过回忆这首歌吗?_ the song “Memory”?5. 自从20世纪初以来,它就

8、以剧院而闻名。It _ its theatres _6. 你曾梦想过不带护照环游世界吗?_ around the world without a passport?7. 你介意向我展示怎样开始这次在线旅游吗?Would you _ start this online tour?8. 在这个古老的欧洲国家有很多宫殿和城堡。 _ many palaces and castles in this old _9. 参观英国的最佳时间是从五月到九月,因为那儿的冬天又潮湿又寒冷。 _ the UK is from May to September because its winter is wet and

9、 cold. 10. 在湖的中央,有一座美丽的小岛。There is a beautiful island _ the lake.11. 我们班是由50名学生和5位老师组成的。Our class _ 50 students and 5 teachers.12. 电脑经常被用来发送和接收电子邮件。Computers are often used _ emails.Unit4 A good read一、 词形变化GermanGermany, knowknowledge, FrenchFrance, writewriter, uglybeautifulpretty tietying, stomach

10、stomachs, ableunableability, sellsale CanadaCanadiansuccesssucceedsuccessfulsuccessfully , hidehidden, confidenceconfidentadviseadvice ,librarylibrarian 二、 重点短语1.do some reading / cooking 看书/ 做饭2.read novels 看小说3.be tired out 筋疲力尽4.in ones spare/ free time 在某人有空的时候 5. not-until 直到才6.fall over 跌倒,摔倒7

11、.continue to do / doing 继续做某事8.hand -in 上交/ 递交9.either-or-不是就是/ 或者或者10.lift his left hand 举起他的左手11.an army of -一群12.be unable to do -不能/ 不会做13.and so on 等等14.return sth to sb 把归还给某人=give -back to sb 15.on time 准时16.publishing house 出版社17. so far 到现在为止18.refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事19.have success in-取得成功

12、20. a great success 巨大的成功21.translate -into-把翻译成 22.be translated into 7o languages 被翻译成70种语言23.on sales 特价,减价出售24. open up 开启, 开创 25. at a time 每次,依次26. advise sb to do sth 27. hidden treasure 宝藏28. have confidence in -对有信心29.a copy of -一份,一本30. reach the box on the fridge 够到冰箱上的盒子31.a book (writte

13、n) by sb 某人写的书32. improve my knowledge 提高我的知识33.crash against the rocks 撞到岩石34.as-as sb can/ could 尽可能地=as -as possible 35.go to sleep 去睡觉36. wake-up 醒来,唤醒 37. swim as far as he could 奋力前游38. tie-to -把绑/ 栓/ 捆到上39. be tied to -被绑/ 捆/ 栓到上40. the same size as -和一样大小41. shout at / to -朝大喊42. pull my han

14、d free 挣脱我的手43. run away from them 逃离他们44. manage to do 设法完成某事45. get away 逃跑46. ask for help 寻求帮助47. keep quiet 保持安静48. as a result 结果,因此48.on one hand ,on the other hand 一方面,另一方面49. all year round 一年到头50. in fact 事实上,实际上51.exciting experiences 令人兴奋的经历52.reading habits 阅读习惯53. different types of-不同之类的54. four great classical Chinese novels 中国四大古典小说55.opposite my home 在我家对面三、 主要语言点和语法1.


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