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1、Modue 2 Me, m prennd my friensUnt 1 I ca seak Elih【自主探究】主干知识翻译下列短语1.打篮球 2.踢足球 3.打乒乓球 .打网球 .骑自行车 6骑马 7弹钢琴 二、根据课文内容填空 1 Bet n Tony are from school. 2.Bety is from ,he s yea oldd a .Sh c ply n ,she can spek bu secanseak .Hisfrinds is . 3.Tonis years old.His fo ad h can sak .hecn pa and , han b k. . Ton

2、 can ad cant pea 点击思维、打球时,ay后直接接球类的名词.弹钢琴时,py后面是否直接接乐器2、can作为情态动词,后面接跟动词,其构成句式为:主语can+动词原形+,.can句型的否定形式与疑问形式该怎么变规律方法1He can ride a hors(否定句)思维分析:此句为带情态动词ca的肯定句在句子中如有出现情态动词can变否定句时,直接在后加ot所以此句应变为He cntrie a orse.2.Iom Chi, can speak A Chna B Chines C Aer DEngld思维分析:此句意思为我来自中国,我会说逻辑推理,应该后面是某种语言.A名词为中国

3、,C、分别为美国、日本,指国家。而B指汉语,符合选项意思,故此题选B。 Welcom yo schoo for B i at Dt思维分析:elcome作动词意思是欢迎,构成其句式weomsbto 地点,欢迎某人到某地。故此题选D.Li ei,can youpay Ys, nA .bsket ball vilinpian ft思维分析:打篮球plyakebal而.三项分别表示乐器而lay后接乐器时,一定带有原冠词,而l接球类运动时,后直接加球名,故此题选A.误区点拨:有些同学可能会出现在句中加isnt,而变成H st an rid a horse方法点拨:spak后接某种语言,强调一个人说话的

4、能力或方式。而题中China, Ameria及England均是表示国籍.方法点拨:在球类三餐饭前不用冠词,而在乐器名称前时用the【基础巩固】情态动词n的应用、Se cn lay he ino.(变为一般疑问)_2、Lind cnt spkEnlih.(改为肯定句)_3ayou mothe eak Enlish(否定回答)4 lecan_(打篮球) but e cat _(打乒乓球)5、-n enng_(骑马)-No, she nt.、Bely _(来自)Acanse an peak_(英语)but sh can pea_(汉语)7、My broher is twve_(岁), hii _(

5、四班)、Daming can _(弹钢琴), He isa goo student.9、Cnyou play_(排球)wt me10、当你向你的朋友李磊介绍你的同学T时,你应当说_A. is m B Thisis m, L leiC.How do u, om Nice o meet yo Tom【创新实践】创新应用1、根据图表来对Luy和ei ei两个人作简要介绍ameAganCntLucy1pla otball spaknglish ride horsepeCineserid a bieeiFei11ride a ikepa b nisplaytenisply te pano12、Chose

6、 the best answrs frm the folg activtis.Wcanyou do(1)swim (2)seakJapnee(日语) (3)ide abke (4)lay bsketball () pa hes(打牌) (6)play the pano() dre car (8) inI an_Ict _开放探索13、Lk at th picures Saywat he or he an o or cant do.(1)_L Leirie a ike_,h _but e _de a hors.(2)_ i Hui kate _, _.()_n M p fooba _,she_d

7、she_playtabe tnnis.(4)L Hui an LiLe cn_,and theycn skate(滑冰)(5)Jck cn_very ll探究提升Read th pasa. Then lln th fom annswer thqustions.(读短文,完成表格) Brue hasabi family ereae fe peope nhifmily. i father, MrSth, hi moter,MrSmth, hi rher, Hnry, His siser, Suaa h. MrSmithcan play bsktbal ndbsball,ut ho cant pla

8、y tableenni. Mrs th cn sg ad dnce, but secant playsoccer.Brace casim, but she canlay volleyal. Henry can ing but she ant pl enns. usan can ply t pianoand g, but sh ant swim. ce broter Henry cande a ike, an pay fobl, but he at idehor.aeCanCatM Si()()Ms Smih()()usa(5)(6)Heny(7)(8)Bce(9)(10)Module2 M,y

9、 parents nd myfnie nit I can spnk EglshAne:一、1.lay basktkal .ay lleal tble tennts ennis 5rie bik 6.ide a hrs play te po.二、1.Internationa 2.Ara,iree, sdnt, otball, bastball, English,hs, ny3.eevn, nld, Enlish, footbal, tabl enni, rd4sim, Chinse基础巩固:1. sheplay te piano2Lina ca seak Englih

10、3.Ye sean.lay bseball,pa able tnniide a ors6.isfrom, EnglishCneseyes old, ClassFour8.aythe is12yearsold h cn pa fotbll ndridea hore but he catridea ke,hecn speak Eglish, butshecant pak hnese.WeFi is lven years old, e ca re a bike an playtabetenns but cant pnis. WeiFi cant ply he piao.12.根据实际情况回答3(1)Can,es,can cant(2)Can No ant()an,e,an an(4)swm()sng探究提升:(1)y basketbaan ebll(2)paytable tenns()ngandance()soccr()play piano nd n(6)swim(7)riea bie l ooba(8)ri orse(9)wim(10)layolybal


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