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1、高二英语文章AAAAA:读书的价值 What is the purpose of study, most students will tell you that they want to find their own value and survive in the society. Reading books will also help people gain knowledge and fulfill their value, but in my opinion, the value of reading books not only contains what has mentione

2、d above, but also contains the happiness from the mind. When people read the good books, they will be immerged into the books and find themselves being part of the story. They can gain a lot from the books, learning how to face the problems or what kind of person they should be. Good books are like

3、the teachers, they show people how to fulfill their value and lead people to the success. People should choose the good books to read, those books which are worthless should be neglected. The value of books is infinite. 学习的目的是什么,大部分学生会告诉你他们想要找到自己的价值,在这社会上生存。读书也能帮助人们收获知识和实现他们的价值,但是在我看来,读书的价值不仅仅包含了前面提

4、到的,也包含了收获思想上的愉悦。当人们读到好书时,他们会沉浸在书中,发现自己成为书中的一部分。他们也能从书本学到很多,学着如何面对问题,或者他们应该成为怎样的人。好的书就像老师,展示人们如何实现他们的价值,引导人们走向成功。人们选择好的书来读,那些没有价值的书尽量少读。书本的价值是无穷的。 AAAAA:老师的鼓励 I used to hate studying, because I felt I was bad in study, my score always belonged to the last ones. I really wanted to give up, I felt I wa

5、s a fool. One day, when I was having English class, I distracted, my mind was thinking other things, because English was my weakness. Then my teacher asked me to answer her question, I just did not know how to say, my mind got blank, I felt so embarrassed, I was very afraid of being laughed at. Then

6、 my teacher led me close to the answer, at last, I made it. I was so happy, my teacher praised me, she said I was a talented student, if I was careful, I could do much better. I was so astonished, I thought my teacher did not like me, well it was not. I became confident and made great progress, teac

7、hers inspiration is so important for me. 曾经我讨厌学习,因为我觉得我不擅长学习,我的分数总是属于最后那些人。我真的想要放弃,我觉得自己就是一个傻瓜。有一天,当我在上英语课的时候,分神了,我的头脑在想其他的事情,因为英语是我的弱项。然后我的老师叫我回答问题,我说不出来,头脑一片空白,我感到很尴尬,很害怕被取笑。然后我的老师引导我走向答案,最后,我答出来了。我很高兴,我的老师表扬我,她说我是一个有天分的学生,如果我细心点,我就能做得更好。我很吃惊,我以为老师不喜欢我,事实上不是。我变得有自信,取得了很大的进步,老师的鼓励对我来说很重要。 AAAAA:被忽略

8、的东西 In our life, we will be nice to other people, while when facing our parents, we are impatient and even argue with them. People always think their parents dont understand them and refuse to talk to them, they show the worse temper in the ones who love them and will never leave them, but they show

9、 their kindest fact to the strangers. It is a sad thing, the reason that people show their badness to the dearest lies in that people just get used to the presentation of their relatives, they know in their hearts that their parents wont leave them, no matter what they do. Our relatives will never l

10、eave us, they take care us all the time, they are the dearest persons in the world. People neglect it, so we should be nice to our parents, love them and communicate with them. 在我们的生活中,我们会对别人很友好,然而在面对我们的父母时,我们会没有耐心,甚至和他们争吵。人们总是认为他们的父母不理解他们,并且拒绝和父母交流,他们在爱他,并且不会离开他的人面前展现出最坏的脾气,他们却把最善意的脸留给了陌生人。这是多么可悲的事

11、情啊,人们在最亲爱的人面前展示出自己不好的一面的原因在于他们已经习惯了亲人的存在,在他们内心深处,他们知道父母不会离开他们,无论他们做了什么。我们的亲人永远都不会离开我们,他们总是照顾着我们,他们是这个世界上最亲近的人。人们忽略了这一点,因此我们应该对父母友好点,爱护他们,并且和他们交流。 AAAAA:我最喜欢的运动 When talk about the sport, I will feel very e某cited, because I like sport so much, I love playing tennis, it is my favorite sport. I remembe

12、r one day when I came home after school, I opened the TV and watched a tennis match. At first, I was caught by the beautiful tennis women players, they wore the beautiful outfits, when I had been watching for ten minutes, I found the match was so e某cellent, from then on, I started to watch tennis ma

13、tch. I have learned the tennis, I will call my friends to play with me when I have time. Now I am a big fan of the tennis match, I will watch the tour matches once I am free. My love to tennis is more than I could e某press, I am so lucky to have some friends who share the same interest with me. 当谈到运动的时候,我会感到很兴奋,因为我很喜欢运动,我喜欢打网球,这是我最喜欢的运动。我记得有一天当我放学回家后,我打开了电视机,看到了一场网球比赛。刚开始,我被美丽的女选手吸引,她们穿着美丽的球服,看了十分钟以后,我发现比赛很好看,从那时候起,我开始看网球比赛。我已经学习了网球,我会在有空的时候叫上朋友,一起打网球。如今我是一名网球的超级粉丝,我会在有空的时候看网球巡回赛。我对网球的爱无法用言语表达,我很幸运能有和我一样对网球有幸福的伙伴。 第 3 页 共 3 页


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