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1、Unit 2 This is my sister. Section A1 (1a-1c)一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握对家庭成员的称呼的词汇及指示代词:sister, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother, parent (s), grandparent (s), they, this, that, these, those 2)能掌握以下句型: This/That is his sister. These/Those are his parents.3) 掌握指示代词this, that, these, thos

2、e及它们所构成的介绍他人的句型。4) 能运用所学的词汇及句型介绍自己的家庭成员。2. 情感态度价值观目标:让学生知道他们应当尊敬自己的父母、祖父母及其他家庭成员,在家庭中应多帮助父母做力所能及家务劳动。通过学习对自己的家庭成员会有更清晰的印象,学会与家庭成员和睦相处,从而激发起他们对家人的热爱。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1)the names of family members 2)The usage of demonstratives pronouns: this, that, these, those 2. 教学难点:1) the plural forms of the demonst

3、ratives pronouns.2) Train Ss ability to apply what theyve learned to their daily life.三、教学过程. Greeting. Presentation1.Show Xia Yus family member s photos and learn the new words of the family member. 2. Work on 1a. Let Ss look at the picture in 1a. Then read the words on the left side. Then match th

4、e words with the people in the picture. Check the answers with the class: 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. h 5. f 6. e 7. i 8. d 9. g. Listening Finish 1b and check the answers. Pair work 1. Role-play the conversation in 1a. Ss work in pairs. Role-play the conversation. Try to remember the sentence structure: This

5、 is; That is; These are; Those are 2. Look at the picture in 1a. Talk about the other people in the picture with your partner. Using the sentence structure: This is ; That is; These are; Those are V Homework A: Recite the new words. B: Make up some sentneces using the target language.Blackboard desi

6、gn:New Words: sister, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother, parent (s), grandparent (s), they, this, that, these, those This/That is his sister. These/Those are his parents教学后记:Unit 2 This is my sister. Section A (2a-2d)一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1)能正确使用Who 对人进行提问和回答。2)能掌握以下句型: This/That is his

7、sister. These/Those are his parents.-Have a good day. -Thanks.3) 能运用所学的词汇及句型介绍自己的家庭成员和询问他人的家庭成员。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1)Who is he/she ? He/She is .2)The usage of demonstratives pronouns: this, that, these, those 2. 教学难点:1) the plural forms of the demonstratives pronouns.2) Train Ss ability to apply what th

8、eyve learned to their daily life.三、教学过程Step 1 Revision Revise the words of the faimly members. And This is./That is .Those are./These are.Step 2 1c. Let some pairs act out their conversation. . Listening1. listen to the recording of 2a in Section A and circle the family members you hear.2. Listen an

9、d match.3. Listen and answer.1) Whats Cindys mothers name?2) Whats her fathers name?3) Is Mary her sister?. Pair workLook at the picture of 2b and Use “Whos she/he? Shes/Hes” to pracitce th dialgues in 2c. . Role-play1. Now look at the picture in 2d.Introduce the picture of 2d.2. Listen to the tape

10、and then read after it .3. Let Ss read the conversation after the teacher aloud. Then work in groups of three. Practice the conversation. They may change roles as they like. 4. Ask some pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class. Blackboard design:-Who is she?-Shes Cindy.-Whos he ? -Hes her

11、 father. -Have a good day ! Thanks .You too.Section A2 (Grammar Focus-3c)一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 通过不同方式的练习继续熟练掌握对家庭成员的称呼的词汇。2)继续练习运用以下句型来介绍自己的家庭成员。 This/That is These/Those are . Whos ? Shes/Hes Is this/that ? Yes, /No, Are these/those ? Yes, they are./No, they arent.3) 能运用所学的词汇及句型完成不同的交际练习。2. 情感态度价值观目

12、标:通过学习对这部分的学习使学生对自己的家庭成员会有更清晰的印象,并学会与家庭成员和睦相处,从而激发起他们对家人的热爱。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1)总结介绍自己的家庭成员所用的句型。2)总结询问及回答家庭成员所用的句型。3)综合运用所学的知识与他人就成员的话题进行交际。2. 教学难点:1)总结掌握介绍家庭成员的句型结构;掌握询问及回答某人的身份所用的句型。2)综合运用所学的知识进行交际的能力。三、教学过程Revision Revise Grammar Focus.Then ask the students read it aloud. Pair work1. T: Lets work o

13、n 3a. Read the dialogue and try to fill in the blanks with the right words. 2. The teacher teach them the reading skills and finish it.4. Check the answers. Then let the Ss practice the conversation. Get some pairs to act out the conversation in front of the class. IV. Practice Look at the pictures,

14、 Work in pairs to make sentences with words in the three boxes. This is my That is my These are my Those are my This is your That is your These are your Those are your VI. ExercisesI. 句型转换。1. That is my brother. (变为复数句) _ _ my brothers. 2. It is a nice picture. (变为复数句) _ _ nice pictures.3. Are these

15、 your sisters? (变为单数句) _ _ your sister?4. Are those your friends? (做肯定及否定回答) Yes, _ _. No, _ _.5. Hes my father. (对划线部分提问) _ he? 6. Theyre my grandparents. (对划线部分提问) _ they? Homework 用下列句型介绍一张你的家庭照片。This isThatsThese areThose are教学后记:Section B1 (1a-2c)一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握对家庭成员称呼的词汇:son, daughter,


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