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1、1.明天的电视超级巨星 _ TV superstar2.不但而且 Not only but also3.把某人的精力投入到做上 Put ones _ into doing sth4.把这本小说改编成一个剧本 Make this novel _ a play5.在中扮演主角 Play the _ in 6.标志着的开始 Mark the _ of7.在某人的一生中 During ones _8.某人的最后一次亮相 Make ones _9.向我们展示自然的美丽 Show us the _ of the nature10.超越,超出,超过 Go _11.把某人的大部分时间都奉献给做 _ ones

2、lots of time to doing sth12.被授予许多奖项 Honour sb. with _ number of _13.静静的去世 Pass away _14.停止做白日梦 Stop _15.你知道我是谁吗? Do you know _?16.Hollywood的空前最伟大女演员之一 One of Hollywoods _17.失去一位美女 The _ of a _18.上芭蕾舞课 _ ballet lessons19.在很小的时候 At a very young _20.进入电影行业 _ the film _21.在法国/一位法国作家 In _ / a _ writer22.

3、吸引某人的注意做某事 _ ones attention to _ sth23.坚持(做)某事 Insist _ sth24.不久之后 _ after25.一个大的成功 A big _26.立刻变得成名 Become famous _27.赢得Oscar最佳女演员 Win an Oscar for _28.扮演一个天使的角色 Play a role of _29.纵观某人的演艺生涯 _ ones acting years30.提醒某人做某事/使某人想起 Remind sb _ sth / remind sb _ sth 31.保护环境 Protect _32.某人生命的最后几年 The _ of

4、 ones life33.和亲密的合作 Work _ with 34.患癌症,得癌症 Have cancer35.进行某人的最后一次散步 _ ones last walk36.以为基础 _37.把书包忘在学校 _ the bag at school38.气喘吁吁,上气不接下气的 Out of _ / _ heavily39.(不)应该做某事/最好(不)做某事 Ought (not) to do sth / should (not) do Had better (not) do40.爱上,喜欢上 _ in love with 41.适合于 Be _ for42.在屏幕上 On _43.优惠价 _

5、 offer44.对有坏的影响Have a bad _ on 45.你认为怎么样呢? What do you think _? What do you think _? How do you _?46.爱情片,浪漫片 _ films47.因为而出名/作为而出名 Be famous/ well-known for Be famous/ well-known as48.更现实 More _49.使某人感到恐惧,害怕 Make sb feel _50.把活生生的带到屏幕上 Bring _ on screen51.饰演坚强的中国妇女形象 Play _ strong Chinese women52.世界

6、闻名,闻名全世界 Be _ all _ the world53.被看作 Be _ as.54.正要做某事 Be about to do sth55.一个半小时的电影 _ film51.她在她很小的时候就开始上芭蕾舞课了。 She began_ at a very young age.52.在她进入电影行业之前她把她的大部分精力都投入到练习芭蕾舞上面了。 She had _ most of her effort into _ ballet before she _ the film _.53.她的美丽和魅力吸引了我的注意。 Her_ and _ _ my attention.54.我坚持认为He

7、pburn是演这个剧本主角的完美女孩。 I _ that Hepburn is the _ girl to play the _ _ in this play.55.Hepburn的成就远远不止在电影行业。 Hepburns _ went _ the film industry.56.在她63岁的时候,她在睡梦中静静的去世了。 At the _ _ 63, she _ _ _ in her sleep.57.Daniel气喘吁吁地到达了。 Daniel arrived out of _.58.因为她在这个领域做出的努力而被授予很多奖。 She was honoured _ a number o

8、f awards because of her _ in this areas.59.动作片对青少年有坏的影响。 Action films have a bad _ _ the teenagers60.人们记住她不光由于她是一名伟大的演员,而且也是因为她是一名伟大的humanitarian. People remember her _ just as a great actress, _ also as a great humanitarian.61.她把生命中最后几年花在了于其他老师亲密合作上。 She spent the _ _ years of her life _ _ with oth

9、er teachers.巩固练习1. The old man lived alone all his life and he _ a rainy winter evening.A, passed away in B, passed away onC, past away in D, past away on2. You can see flowers on _ side of the road. A, both B, each C, all D, every3. Youd better _ ( not be) late for school again.4. Ill finish my hom

10、ework _ (at once).5. GongLi is c_ as a talented actress.6. Its _ (众所周知) that sweet snacks are unhealthy.7. Oh, I _ my mobile phone on the taxi.A, forgot B, left C, lost D, B and C8. The films that she acted in _ (include) Rasie the Red Lantern and The Story of QiuJu.9. When I got to the office, all

11、the tickets to Beijing _ (sell).10. You can take _ this magazine _ that one. But you cant take _ of them.A, not only, but also, either B, not, but, eitherC, neither, nor, both D, either, or, both11. _(luck), he found his bike lost after school.12. 她通过展示自然美来提醒我们保护环境。 _13. If you want two tickets, youll have to pay _ ¥50.A, another B, other C, the other D, more.14. Mary devotes herself _ disabled people. A, to help B, to helping C, help D, helping15. He put all his _ (effort) into studying, and because of his _, (effort)he entere


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