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1、邢台市捷径高考高一英语开学测试题一、语篇型语法填空(每空1.5分,共30分)AMy father speaks very good English, but he _(know) little Japanese. He went to Tokyo _ November 11 for a meeting. The meeting was over a week later. The next morning he went to a park and then _(do) some shopping. At noon, he was very hungry. He went to _ neare

2、st restaurant and sat down at a table. A man _(come up) him and asked _he needed. He said he _(like) noodles, chicken and some _ (fish). He _(speak) the man in English _ the man couldnt understand him. My father had to write some Chinese words for the food and got it.BMarch 27,1964 was a holiday in

3、Alaska,so most people were at home,and everything was going on _.(像往常一样)Suddenly,there was a sound like thunder.Next,peoples houses began to shake.Buildings cracked and water _(管道)burst.In the town of Anchrage,the main street went up into the air ten feet,holes opened up in the ground,and buildings

4、_.(倒塌)People _ (被震惊)the unexpected_.(灾难)Some ran up and soen the street while others who _ (陷入)in the buildings,were _ (向外看)their windows for help.The earthquake that hit Alaska was one of the strongest _(地震) in North America.The earthquake _ (摧毁)many towns and _(许多大量的)people were killed.二 短语英汉互译(每题

5、1.5分,共30分)add up: on purposemore thanbe based on:a number of:give inmake up ones mindbe able to do sthmake full use ofbecause ofbreak outask sb to do sthbe busy doing sthbe in trouble和某人辩论值得做某事推迟,拖延立刻;马上埋头做某事相爱三、 句子翻译:(共30分,每题5分)1.Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event wi

6、ll be admitted as competitors.2. They are looking for the patient on whom doctors just performed an operation3. We can hardly wait to see them4. .如果你失败了.你也不该灰心.(lose heart)5. 我无法表达我现在的感觉.(experss)6.布莱克夫妇由于失业,不得不向亲戚求助.(out of work ;turn to;relative)四 阅读理解(每题2分,共10分)A“How can I learn English well?” Th

7、is is a question many students ask. In my opinion, the most effective way is to learn lessons by heart. If you can recite the text and write it out, youve learned it fairly well. And if you can tell, in your own words, what the lesson says youre a very successful learner indeed. Your English will be

8、 quite perfect. This is a difficult task. However, if you try to learn by heart only part of each lesson, youll find it not half so hard as you might have thought. Learning this way, you will make rapid progress. Of course, writing is also necessary. It helps you a lot on our way to success in Engli

9、sh. Equally important is to feel the language. You should be able to laugh at jokes and be shocked at bad news. When using English, try to forget your mother tongue. Instead of helping you, your own language gets in your way. So, never try to see English through translation.1. In the writers opinion

10、, the most effective way in learning English is _. A. to practice speaking, writing and feeling it B. to forget your own native language C. to translate everything into his own language D. to memorize the English words and grammatical rules2.“ Instead of helping you, your own language gets in your w

11、ay.” This sentence means that memorizing your own language can _. A help you to study English well B stop you mastering English C. make English easy to learn D. help you notice mistakes 3.Equally important is to feel the language. “to feel the language” here means_. A. to get a knowledge of English

12、by touching B. to be able to read and write English C. to translate English into your own by imagining D .to be able to experience the rich sensation of the languageBMr Jackson lived in the centre of London but he had a hotel near the airport. There a lot of foreigners stayed for night. He didnt kno

13、w any other language but English and he found it difficult for him to understand the foreign visitors. Sometimes he had to use the body language to “talk” with them, and tried his best to make himself understood. But he was often misunderstood (误解) and it brought him a lot of trouble. A friend of hi

14、s who learned a few foreign languages in a university would teach him. He was happy and studied hard. At first he learned some, but soon he found it wasnt easy to remember the words and expressions. His friend advised him to write down the useful expressions in his notebook so that he could use them

15、 when necessary. He did as he was told. He found it helpful for him to do so. One evening there were plenty of people in the dining room. They were all busy eating something except a Japanese. He was walking around there and waiting for his wife who was dressing herself up upstairs. Mr. Jackson thought to himself, “The man wants to eat something but he doesnt know any English. Let me help him.” As he knew only a little Japanese, he had to bring out his notebook and showed it to the man, pointing to the sentence “I


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