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1、19年2月四级真题(第一套)Part IWtngDiecin:Fo tispar, you are alowed 0 mintes oe aletter toa orignfrien w wants to ach Elisin hina. lsrecommenda city to mou shold te ateas 120 words bu no metha wrdsart II Listing Compreheninetion etion:n ths section, you will a three news eprsAt th end of eac ews report, you wi

2、llhertw or hr uestions Boh thnewsrepor and t questnillokn on onc. After o hear a qusio, yu must hoosehe bst aswe fom h fou hics mrkd A), B),) nd D)Thmar the correspnngltero Answe Shet wit sinle linethrought centre.Quetions 1 and 2 are bsed on the ews rpt youhave ut herd.1.A)Mny faclitis wereetroyeby

3、 wandering co.)A wanering coknockd ownone fis fece.C)S toist wer juredbya andrngcowD) A wandring cowwasaptrd he poice2.A)It was shodeah polie ficerB) It fun itsway back to the prks zoo)It bamea grt attracion fouts.D)t ws ent to h animl onto eparntQeions an 4 are basdn t new report you ave jst eard3A

4、) Its th largest fits kind) It is gingo b expanded.C) It idisplai morefossil specimns.D) Itis strtig anonliexhibition. A) A coletonof bird fosss from Australia.) Phgps of certai afossl exhiisC) So acienallaintin frmAustralia.D) Pices bywners f a willitoconst.Qustio t 7ar sed on th es rprtyo a just h

5、eard.5.)Pc up rs.B) Ause isitrs.C) Delivermsages.) Play ihchilden.6. A) hy are esecalyntellgent.B) Tey ae chilren favrite.C Theya quteasy ame.D) They are le and pretty.7. A) Children ay be hare bth roks.B) Chiren may be emptedtodrp tter.C)hildrn maycontract bidiease.D) Children may veeed e roksSecio

6、nDircons: In thi ection, yuw ear to longcovesatins. At the end f each costion, ouil her fou uetionBh the onrtin and hqueionswille spoe onl on. Ate yoharaqustion, ou ustchoseth best nserom the fourchies markd A),B), C)andD). The ark thecorresponing etr o Aswr Shet with a snlelie throh the ntre.Queson

7、 8 o 1 ae bsed onhe onveion youhajust hard. 8. A)Iwill e poduced at arvd Unieit.B) It wil be hote by amous professos.C) w coveriferen area of siene.D)It wl ocu n ecent scientiicdiscoveries.9.A) It wl eefutristic.B) It will bemre sseaticC) It wll be more enteriing.)Itil be easirt undsand.10.A) Peple

8、intretedi sciene.B)Youngte aer toexplor.C) Cdn in eir ary teens.D) Suden maoig isciece.1. ) ff pofesionavice.B) Provide nial ppot.C) Helpprome it on the Intret.D) akeepisodefor isfirstsonQstons 1 to15 ar bae nhe ovrsatouhave jus he1. A) UnureB) Helpes.)Concened.) ssatisfed.13.A) e is too cocerd h be

9、ngprfe.B)He loses hat whenfcedith sebk.) Heisoo abitous in achiving golsD)H aes onproectsbeydisity.14. A) Embrassd.B)Unconcerned.) Miserabl.D) Rstful.15. ) Ty to eptiist whateer happens.) ompar hspresent ihhis past oly.C) lways larn from otherachievementsD) Teat others the wahe oud be treat.StionCDi

10、rectns: I thissecton, y will hear hre passg. At theend ofechasge, yu wil ar three or four estins. Both tepssae nth qestins wll bespknly onceAfeyoueaa qton,ou ust choseth best answrfrothe for choies mked A),B), C) and ). Then ar te corespningletter on Aswe Shet 1 i snge ln rgh the centre.Quesions16 o

11、 arebasedon the asage you ae justheard16.A) Teyhe a troner ses o soil sponsibity.B)hya moreliel suceein the umani.C) They ar orelikelyto coe engs.)heyhave greaer ptentia to be eaer.1. A) raise gils wh ke tospeak up frqentlyB) ncouge girst solvroblmsntirwn.)Inss ht ys ad gls work ogthermore.D) Repon oepoiivl o boysoents.18A) Off psonalized teahi merial.B) Prdea varieyo optional courses.) Plaegreatemais on tet scoes.)ay exr atetinto tostudnts.Quetins 9 to21 a d on th passageyouhve jut heard19A)It ftenrainscs and do.B) Itsedomrains nsumer timC) It esnotrin as mc asppl thn.D)I s oneo


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