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1、1-21 集【学习笔记】重点词组讲解PeppaPig第一季:踏水坑1. muddy: adj.1.泥泞的2.暗的,模糊的,糊涂的puddle:n.l.水坑;(尤指道路上的)雨水坑muddy puddle:水坑例句:Peppaloves jumping in muddy puddles Peppa 喜欢跳水坑。2 run along:l走开2.延伸,贯穿例句:Alright,run along you two.可以啊,你们两个快去吧。3. boot: n靴子例句:If youjump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots如果你要跳水坑4 look

2、after: 1.注视2照顾,照看例句:Peppalikes to look after her little brother, George. Peppa 喜欢照顾她的弟5.mud:n泥,烂泥例句:Its onlymud那只是块泥。6 goodness me:天哪7. mess:n.杂乱,脏乱;脏东西;不整洁in a mess :又脏又乱例句:And lookat the mess youre in.看看你们有多脏。8. clean up:1.打扫;清理2.(给自己)洗脸(洗手,洗澡)例句:Daddy,when weve cleaned up, will you and Mummy come

3、 and play,too?来玩么?9 up and dow n:上上下下例句:Peppaloves jumping up and down in muddy puddlesPeppa喜欢一上一下跳水坑。PeppaPig第二集:恐龙先生不见了【学习笔记】重点词组讲解1. dinosaur: n.1.恐龙2.守旧落伍的人;过时落后的东西例句:Mr.Dinosaur is lost.恐龙掉了。2. scare: vt.恐吓;使惊恐vi.受惊吓,感到害怕例句:Sometimes,George likes to scare Peppa with Mr .Dino saur.有时候,乔治喜欢拿恐龙先生吓

4、Peppaoscary:使人惊恐的;吓人的;可怕的3. summer time:晚餐时间 at summertime4. bathtime:放松沐浴时光5. tuck: n.1.(衣服的)褶,裥2.折叠vt.l.塞进2.翻折3.盖住,卷起 tuck up:折起例句: WhenGeorge goes to bed, Mr. Dinosaur is tucked up with him.当乔治去睡觉,恐龙先生就和他窝在一起。6. throw:投;掷;扔;抛例句:Georgesfavourite game is throwing Mr. Dinosaur up in the air乔治最喜欢的游戏就

5、是把恐龙扔在空中。7. draughts n.英国际跳棋例句:Peppa andDaddy Pig are playing draughts. Peppa 和猪爸爸在玩国际跳棋8. detective: n侦探,警探,私人侦探例句:Its a jobfor a detective这是侦探的工作。9wonder:vt1想弄明白;琢磨2感到好奇;对感到惊讶;急欲知道例句:I wonderif this time you threw Mr. Dinosaur just a bit toohigh我想知道你这次扔恐龙是不是扔得有点高呢。PeppaPig第三集:波丽鹦鹉【学习笔记】重点词组讲解1.par

6、rot:n鹦鹉2.应声虫,学舌者Parrot Polly波丽鹦鹉2 Granny:祖母,外祖母3. pet:宠物;宠儿;宝贝;红人例句:We have anew pet.我们有了一个新宠物。4. copy:模仿,仿效例句:Mummy, Whydoes Polly copy everything that Granny says?妈妈,为什么波丽要模仿奶奶说话呢?5. teatime:下午茶6 Off you go:你可以出发了7. hurray:好哇,加油,欢呼声,加油声vi.欢呼8. prete nd:假装,装扮,扮作,模拟例句:Peppa andGeorge are pretending

7、to be parrotsPeppa和乔治开始假扮鹦鹉。PeppaPig第四:好朋友【学习笔记】重点词组讲解l.on their own: adv 靠自己例句:Peppa andSuzy want to play on their own.Peppa和Suzy喜欢自己玩。2tiny: adj.极小的,微小的,微量的tiny little:小小的例句:Im a tinylittle fairy princess!我是一个小小的仙女公主。3. fairy: n.小仙子,小精灵例句:Im a tinylittle fairy princess!我是一个小小的仙女公主。4. wand: n.1.棍,棒

8、2.魔杖,指挥棒例句:Im goingto wave my magic wand.and turn you into afrog!我要挥舞我的魔法棒,把你变成一个青蛙。5lonely: adj孤独的,寂寞的例句:He feels abit lonely他感到有点孤独。6. chip: n.炸马铃薯条例句:Im makingchocolate chip cookies!我要做巧克力薯条饼干。7.l ick:舔例句:Someoneneeds to lick out the bowl.有人需要舔碗。8. chest: n.胸部,胸腔例句:Peppalistens to Georges chest.P

9、eppa 在听乔治的胸口。9. cough:咳嗽Now, George, take a big breath in. the ncough 现在,乔治,你做个深呼吸,然后咳嗽。10.1 oose adj.松的,宽松的,不牢固的;不结实的;不坚固的例句:I thinkyour hearts a bit loose我认为你的心脏有一点不好。11.plaster: n.膏药;创可贴;护创胶布例句:Ill put aplaster on it.我放一点膏药上去。12 temperature:温度;体温例句:Suzy takesGeorges temperature .Suzy 给乔治测了体温。13 s

10、ore: adj疼痛的;酸痛的tummy:胃例句:I have asore tummy.我有一点胃痛。14. tickle vt. & vi.1发痒 2愉快,逗乐15 rumbli ng n.辘辘声例句:I can hearit rumbling.我能听到它在辘辘叫。PeppaPig第5:捉迷藏【学习笔记】重点词组讲解1. hide and seek:捉迷藏hide:隐藏;躲避;隐匿seek:寻找探寻例句:Peppa andGeorge are playing hide and seek. Peppa 和乔治在玩捉迷藏。2. coun ti ng:计算:He mustquickly find

11、somewhere to hide before Peppa finishescoun ti ng.他必须在Peppa数好之前迅速找到地方藏好。3 upstairs: adv在楼上adj.楼上的n楼上例句:George,have you thought of looking upstairs?乔治,你想过要看看楼上么?4.curtain:窗帘;幕;遮盖物例句:Peppaisnt behind the curtain. Peppa 不在窗帘后面。5basket:篮;筐例句:George isin the toy basket乔治在玩具筐里。PeppaPig 第 6:上学去【学习笔记】重点词组讲解

12、1. playgroup: 幼儿园2. look forward to: 期盼例句: George,are you looking forward to theplaygroup?乔治,你想去幼儿园吗?3. be proud of: 为.感到骄傲4. petal: 花瓣例句: Now youpaint the flowers petals. 现在你画花的花瓣5. stalk: n. 主茎, 花梗, 叶柄6 home time 回家时间例句: Its thehome time. 回家时间到了。7 pick up n接送例句:Thechildrens parents are here to pic

13、k themup孩子们的父母来接他们了。PeppaPig 第 7:妈咪的电脑【学习笔记】重点词组讲解1 at work: 在工作例句: Mummy Pigis at work 妈咪猪在工作。2 as long as: 只要disturb: 扰乱;打扰例句: Yes, aslong as you dont disturb her 是的,只要你们不去打扰她。3 lap: 膝部sit on ones lap: 坐在的腿上例句: Can Georgeand I sit on your lap and watch youwork? 我和乔治能坐在你4 mend: 修理,修补,缝补例句: Daddy Pi

14、g,can you mend the computer?5 switch: 开关,交换机,转换switch off: 关掉,切断switch on: 开启例句: Maybe if Ijust switch if offAnd then switch it onagain 也许我只要把它6 expert: 专家,能手,专业7 disc: 唱片,碟,盘8 on earth: 究竟例句: What onearth is going on? 究竟进行得怎么样?PeppaPig 第 8:露营【学习笔记】重点词组讲解1. camp ing:野营2. tent:帐篷例句: This isthe tentI

15、had when I was a little boy! 当我还是个小男孩的时候就有3. expert: 专家的,内行的,熟练的,有经验的例句: Im anexpert at camping! 我在野营方面是个专家。4. pole: 柱, 杆例句: Put thetent on thepoles, please. 把帐篷放在杆子上。5. easy as pie 易如反掌6. peg n. 系帐篷的桩7. hold up . 支持, 支撑, 承受住,支持住,承受住,支撑得住8. tummy 胃9. stick 枝条, 枯枝, 柴枝, 棍, 棒10. campfire 营火, 篝火例句: Peppa andGeorge are helping Daddy Pig collect sticks for the campfire.P11. splendid: 极


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