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2、分,共20分)A) 在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或两个句子并看到供选择的 A、B、C 三幅图画。找出与你所听句子内容相匹配的图画。1A. B. C. 2A. B. C. 3A. B. C. 4A. B. C. B) 下面你将听到十组对话,每组对话都有一个问题。根据对话内容,从每组所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。5What does Bobs father do?AHes a driver. BHes a policeman. CHes a doctor.6Whose camera is this?AIts Mikes. BIts Jacks. CIts Tonys.

3、7Where did the boy go this morning?ATo the theatre BTo the bookshop. CTo the library.8Whats the matter with Lily?AShe has a cold. BShe has a fever. CShe has a toothache.9Who helped the old lady yesterday?AMary. BLinda. CAlice.10What sports does Jim like?AFootball. BVolleyball. CBasketball.11How much

4、 beef does the woman want?AHalf a kilo. BOne kilo. CTwo kilos.12How was Bettys trip?AExpensive. BComfortable. CExciting.13What club will Martin join?AThe Music club. BThe English club. CThe Chinese club.14What time will the concert begin?AAt 7:00. BAt 7:10. CAt 8:00.C) 听下面长对话或独白。每段长对话或独白后都有几个问题,从题中所

5、给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听下面一段材料,回答第 15 至第 17 题。15Who gave the dog to Bill?AHis friend. BHis parents. CHis uncle.16How long has Bill had the dog?AAbout two years. BAbout three years. CAbout four years.17What can Bill and Amy do together?AFeed the dogs. BTrain the dogs. CTake the dogs for a walk.听下面一段材料,回

6、答第 18 至第 20 题。18Where does Daming usually run in the mornings?AIn a park. BIn a sports centre. CIn his house.19What does Daming like to see when he runs along the Haihe River?AThe bridges. BThe kites. CThe boats.20How does Daming feel after running?AHungry. BRelaxed. CStrong.二、单项填空(本大题共 15 小题,每小题 1

7、分,共 15 分)从下列每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. My grandma has got _ garden. And _ flowers in it are beautiful.A. a; theB. an; theC. 不填; 不填D. an; 不填2. When _ parents went away on business, I looked after _.A. my; myselfB. my; mineC. me; myselfD. me; mine3. Dont speak loudly on the bus. You should

8、 keep your _ down.A. bodyB. voiceC. interestD. service4. It _ be the only way to solve the problem. There are other choices.A. may notB. mustntC. needD. should5. We feel _ to win the match because we are training hard.A. lonelyB. sorryC. confidentD. strange6. Many people think eating at home is _ th

9、an eating in the restaurant.A. healthyB. healthierC. healthiestD. the healthiest7. We _ the books to the library after we read them.A. returnedB. pointedC. wavedD. caught8. People may use different body language _ the same feelings.A. showB. to showC. showedD. shows9. Jane and I _ a picnic this Sund

10、ay. Would you like to come with us? Sure. See you then.A. hadB. have hadC. were havingD. are going to have10. Lao She wrote many plays and he _ “the Peoples Artist”.A. namesB. namedC. was namedD. has named11. Email is one of the great ways to _ friends.A. take pride inB. keep clear ofC. get into the

11、 habit ofD. stay in touch with12. The teacher speaks _ and carefully so that we can understand her better.A. hardlyB. onlyC. slowlyD. nearly13. In autumn, the weather gets cooler _ the green leaves start to turn gold.A. becauseB. butC. whetherD. and14. Could you tell me _? He likes the Science Museu

12、m best.A. when Kevin visited the museumB. which museum Kevin likes bestC. when did Kevin visit the museumD. which museum does Kevin like best15. Lets go to the Tianjin TV and Radio Tower to enjoy the beautiful sights. _. I cant wait to go there.A. Thats coolB. Thats a pityC. Never mindD. No idea三、完形

13、填空(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。Some artists are often not famous during their lifetime. Vincent van Gogh (梵高) was such an artist. People did not pay much attention to his _16_. He began to think he was not a very good painter. But he did not give up painting. He was so _17_ in what he was painting that he did not want to stop. He would even _18_ to eat!_19_, his paintings were dark. He used pencils or charcoal sticks (炭条) to make them. Then he _20_ colour. He used lots of brown and dark green.Later, Vincent moved to France. He wanted to learn from the a


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