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1、加拿大总理斯蒂芬哈珀在国会下议院英语演讲稿 M. Seker,i recent mnths, the intenal comuiy s reacted, with vully anius outrage and ama he iseo ISI, the socaled &lquo;Islamic Stteo Ia ad he Levant.suo; SI ha tlhed a self-roclaimedliphat, at eent tetcng over a vast trritoryroughl from pp to narBaghd, frmwhch t innds t launc a

2、 terroristjadnotml against th regon buton gbabasisIned hs spificall targeted Cnada ndCanadians, urging supptesto atack, quoe, &sqo;iseliev Candns iny mnerruo;,voing hat we should nofeelsecre even inouome Itwouldbe convenien todimissuch statmesashe r alig o unatic we itnot r the actthatISL&rsu;sdeds

3、hve been fu in ine with is words.r hoingly, SL&quo;s word aremtche byit tions. Inhe tror SIL has ccupi iha cnductd a cpaign funspeaka trociiesgaint hmost inncnto eole. It has otred nd beaded chidn,t has raped ansdwomen into lave, islaughered mnoriie, aturersonerandinnocetciviia whosony crime is bein

4、g orthiningdifferety fom ISI. eed by latelst umer, ISI sod on the rink o commtn lre-scal genocid notherIraq.It ws tat moent a Cnaa&rsu;sallie in te internatinal communiy, led b PresidntObama, eid tonerene. Canadins havjoine in ths resoe. Seembr5h,I anued hat memr of th Canadian Ar, in noncobatroe,wo

5、uld diend asit secri fces in Irqling te terrists. We had alr begun,trog eRy aaian Air oce,ving weapons and spisdnaed byouralist curty oces i NortenIraq.dwe dcaed tat nas prepare o do ore oday are briging forwa a mtinaskingths Houe tcoirm tsfidec foragovenment decisont ono aes ad partners &nas; te Ui

6、e tates, thenited ingdo,Frnce,Ausralia, Denmr, th etherds, elgium, oran, Saui Aabia, Barain, theUnited Arab Emiraes and likely othe&nash; in lni ar sties agai IIL n addiion tteair trie, e Governmet o Cnada wil, in repone oreuessfrmraqi authities asellaothr llies and rtns, ontinue assst n oher, non-c

7、ombt,counr-terrrolesWe ill alsocotrbue e ar-to-air efull airraft, two uroa srveilancircaft, andt ecessary ai crews nd spportpersonnel. I addition ware etenng hedeploent in nncomba re of te t69 membrso thenadin Ay asig and sting scurityforcesin raq There wllhowevr be no grondomtision, hich s exlicitl

8、 rued ou theresolutioThes contributions e o apriod ofupt six moths. Let meecer ohbjtvs o this interventio.W nent signiicanlegrade capabilitis of SIpcifically, is abilityto eiher engag n military mveent of scale, or t oertbasesi te ope This wl hlt ISL&squo;s rad in eginandgral reduceits capacity to l

9、auch terrorisattas otse terion. To b clar, this will no limiat ISIL nor autotially ensur that alternatve gveraceis bleto occupyts acein Iraq or Sya I wi, owever, opentheprtuny foothers to do o ut agan tob clear, ile ILwill note lminated, the isksprsntdfromth errry whch i perateswil be sgnifianly red

10、cd to toe of other imilar ungorne spacitbrader egin. Thee are, .Speaer,to othe matts on whih I wish to elabrae.Fir, the reslution conirms the Gvernment o and’s intenton to strik ISL and itallis. e will stike ISIL where d only whee Canad s the cea support f theovnment otat couy. A esen thiis on

11、l tru n Ira.I i wer to becoe te csen yria,then ewillprcipate in aisrikes aant ISIL inthatutry also. Theeulin of the Goernmnt o anada tthe acioof t Assd rgme is well now. B w a participain ol i couer-terois peratioagains the terorstaonISIL. We ave n intetin of paicipng ia r agains the ovrnmet f ay co

12、untryin thrgn.eond, let m sre anaian at the gvnmt sseizedwt te neessiy f avoidinga prolonged uamre in hiart f te wold. he acis we ave ounc re one tat could edewith ratve ase Indee, we ad our liesareacting now rely to avd a sitation a was ceary heaeto a wider, proraced andmuh more anges cnflict Let me aso saytht the iitry eures wear takin o not in aypecluehumanariacions The iso eithe/o hre.Inresnset hrrfin humuferi


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