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1、写给父母的一封感激信英语作文 给父母的一封感激信篇一 假设你是李华,如今你正在高考考场上,场下你的父母正殷切期待着你。中学生活立即完毕,在这个特别时刻,请你按以下内容要点给本人的父母写一封感激信。内容要点: 、感激父母多年来,特别是高三这一年来无微不至的关心。 、本人近期学习不断十分刻苦,进步不小。这次高考考试也都特别顺利,发挥出了本人的水平,希望父母放心。 、高考之后一定多帮父母做些家务,还要让父母品味一下本人亲手做的菜。 留意:1、词数120左右;2、可适当增加细节,使行文连接。 范文:Dear parents, Now knwclealy at yu bohare xcin eanxio

2、uy.I ca say nothin hanks to you both on his spcal ocasin,cause words hve filedme whenI wnt to exrsmy hanktoyou bot for heloig aeou haesfor me, especll since I ent o Senior Tree. Thse aysI have bee stuing hrd andhave made seprogres. nevrthing hasgo alog ll with my llee entrc naion. ha erford m abity

3、inthis exm. Ihpe yut can et yur mndat rt. ftr ts xam, intend to help yu do s houseok whi I hv selom dne befoe A Ialso mean olearn o cook order to prepre a diner or you bth in prso My dearparents, evertig is gng on well wi mend d va rest! 给父母的一封感激信篇二 e Mom nd Dad, Iove ou!Iv u wi alm heart! This lttr

4、 to yo isto tell yo my tue feegsfromheoo y hart. Thanouso uch for bining m up!Thak you so uh for risingme. Iknow how ard youvewoed urg he patyears. Ica imagine owmny diiculties and obstaces(障碍) yv conqueredI magineallthproblems you have fed nd a the sweat eas ou heshe o ke my lif beer I fuy undrsand

5、 what hue resposibility tis to raisa child. You beenvery atentwithme. Youve encuage me and yove hlpedme. Yuve trid our hadsto gie e the bt thinsi life. Yuve mde t oscrifices andma difficultchoices. I aoknow ta ou have eat expectaios (热切的期望) of e. Yowatmto e vey sssful andappy. Youwanme t be thebstpe

6、rson I can e. Yoant me t ogra thngs with y lfe. Youwaetoae the world beter plae.Iknwyou hav so mnyhoesand rms r my uture. Ta I nt tll ousethinexteely imporan (极其重要的) .Toay I wantto ell yu that yo dotned wrry abou meanymore. Im own up!I willbe esponsible (负责任) fory le an fmy ure. wil studyvy had. wll exerci ery dayo kee it. I wll ead Eglishvery mrnigandvry night. I wilmaethe best ue of every sare nut. ill be hp, confidnt, psitiedergeticevery day!Iwl dvlo good hitsand usethmo ostantl improv myelf.I wll vero anyh tht woud harm my bdy or mmind.


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