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1、一、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. He has two _(box) of old books under his bed.2. Can you come with_(we) after school?3. The _(eight) story is very interesting.4. This kind of medicine is _(cheap) than that one.5. These skirts are _(she). Yours are over there.6. If it_ (rain), I will take a taxi.7. _(read and w

2、rite) more is good for your English. 8. The most popular way of_(get) to school is walking.9. Hainan is a good place _ (go) sightseeing.10. Hurry! The train _ (leave) in five minutes.二、单项选择 选出能填入各句中相应空白处的最佳答案。( 20分)11. How does he go to Hong Kong? _.A. Take the plane B. Take planeC. By the plane D.

3、By the air12. _ do you live from school? 8 miles. A. How long B. How farC. How much D. Where13. I usually go to school _.A. ride the bike B. on bike C. on the bike D. by my bike14. How do you usually go to school?- _my mothers car.A. ByB. With C. In D. For15. If they live in Chongqing, they can go t

4、o Wuhan _ easily. A. on foot B. by the taxi C. by boat D. by sea16. He gets up early and _ breakfast.A. have a quick B. has quick a C. has a quick D. have quick17. The last train is left, so you _ stay here until tomorrow. A. mustB. have to C. neednt D. can not18. Please _ who broke the window. A. f

5、ind B. look for C. look at D. find out 19. Listen, a small number of students _ in the classroom.A. talk B. talks C. is talking D. are talking20. _ she is ill, _ she goes to school.A. Although; / B. Although; butC. But; although D. Because; /21.The No. 6 Middle School is not far _ his home. A. to B.

6、 fromC. with D. at 22. Its time for supper now. Lets it.A. stop having B. stop to haveC. to stop to haveD. stopping to have23. How long does it take? -It takes _. A. half an hour B. a hour C. two hour D. half a hour24. Yesterday we went to a lonely village. It us about two hours to get there. A. spe

7、ntB. took C. costD. made25. - ? -It is wonderful.A. What do you like the bookB. How do you think of the bookC. What do you think of the bookD. What is the book like26. Whether we can go for a spring outing the weather.A. depend on B. depends onC. depend D. depends27. does it take you to finish the b

8、ook?A. How long; to read B. How soon; to readC. How often; reading D. How long; reading28. -_ will Mr. Smith Shanghai?-In a week. He will have a meeting in Shanghai.A. How soon; leave B. Howe soon; leave forC. How long; leave D. How long; leave for29.-How do you clean your classroom? -Once a week.A.

9、 long B. often C. muchD. soon30. I dont think there is .A. something seriousB. nothing seriousC. anything serious D. serious anything 三、根据汉语意思完成英语句子。(20分)31. My home is _(近的). I _(步行)to school.32. Li Lei _ (乘地铁) to school every day.33. His father often goes to Shanghai _ _(坐飞机).34. If you dont want

10、to be late, youd better _ a _(打的).35. _ _ _ (骑自行车) to work is good for our health, I think.36.从学校到汽车站不是很远。It isnt _ _ the school to the bus stop.37.坐火车去北京需用多长时间?How long _ it _ by train to Beijing?38.你每天怎样去学校? _ _ you get to school every day?39.萨姆什么时候离开家去上学?When _ Sam _ home for school?40.多喝水,这对你健康有

11、好处Drink more water. It is your health . 四、句型转换 根据要求完成下列句子。 (10分)41. Mr. Smith often flies to Tokyo for the meeting. (同义句转换)Mr. Smith often _ a _to Tokyo for the meeting.42. His factory is 10 miles from his home.(对划线部分提问)_ _ is his factory from his home?43. My mother usually takes the bus to work. (变

12、否定句)My mother _ _ _the bus to work.44. I usually spend 3 hours doing my homework.(同义句转换)It usually _ me 3 hours _ _ my homework.45.He goes to school by No.103 Bus. (同义句转换) _ _ the No.103 Bus to school.综合提高 五、根据短文内容及首字母提示, 完成下面短文,每空一词。(5分)Jim was a country boy. He was on his (46)w_ to New York to see

13、 his grandma. As his parents were very (47)b_, he had to go there by himself. This was his first trip by plane. He found (48)e_ new and interesting. Soon it was the middle of the night. But Jim couldnt (49)s_. He wanted a drink very much. He saw some people went to the back of the (50)p_ and got drinks from a girl there. But he didnt have much (51)m_ with him. He tried to sleep, but he just couldnt. At last he went to the girl with a (52)d_ in his hand. “Miss,” he said,” Could I have a drink?” “Sure,” said the girl with a (53)s_. She


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