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1、Unit 6 Do you like bananas?设计理念和思路:由教师日常生活中的一些运动图片作为引入,并结合上个单元谈论运动用品的思路,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性;根据学生的学习特点和认知规律,课堂教学的各环节是由易到难的渐进过程;教学模式以活动为中心,面向全体学生,强调学生的参与和实践;通过在活动中学习,强化语言实践的过程,提高学生的听说表达能力,培养学生的创新精神和合作精神。教学目标 知识目标谈论与学生生活相关的话题,利用图片激发学习兴趣,指导学生学会询问及表达喜欢或不喜欢,正确运用可数和不可数名词。 能力目标通过组织学生听录音、双人活动、分组竞争、小组活动及发现归纳

2、的学习方式,训练学生的听说能力,培养学生的自主学习和合作学习的精神。 德育目标通过学习本课,使学生解中英单词使用上的的差异;同时渗透运动健身,引导学生养成健康的生活方式。教学重点和难点1、关于like的肯定句、否定句和一般疑问句以及主语第三人称单数时动词的形式(likes)助动词(does/doesnt)。 2、可数名词和不可数名词。教学策略以学生为本的教学理念,确定合理的教学内容,注意全员的参与,以激发、展示、实践、表现的方式开展课堂活动。教学辅助PPT,调查表和一个录音机。教学过程I. Lead in1. Show pictures of the teacher in which he i

3、s riding a bike and Ask Ss if they like playing sports.2. Tell the Ss what the teacher did yesterday and lead out the food in this lesson.设计意图:以教师实际生活中的运动图片激发学生兴趣,适时导入本课的主要句型Do you like.?;同时,通过运动后的超市购物,引导学生顺利进入本课的第一部分内容:蔬果和一些速食食品的名字。II. Look and say1. Show the pictures of the food in this unit and l

4、et Ss try to tell the names.2. Show the names of the food after each picture.3. Read and spell each word and let Ss try to remember them.(在单词拼读中,在展示单词的同时,展现单词中的一些元音字母的读音。先朗读元音字母的读音,然后分段朗读,以此来简化单词的记读难度。适当运用一些单词学习方法,帮助学生记忆。)4. Ask Ss a question after finishing reading and spelling each word : Do you l

5、ike.?(教师只是学生这个问题,而任学生回答,使学生在脑海中不断深化该句型,同时对like这个单词后面该如何使用本课中的单词,有一个浅层的印象和了解)设计意图:通过鲜明的图片和单词结构化的展示,帮助学生识记单词,简化单词记忆过程,以提高课堂的学习效率;在单词教学中,渗透本课重点句型,使学生对该句型有所适应和了解,以此来帮助接下来的学生操练。III. Listening1. Let Ss look at the words in 2a.2. Then play the recorder and let Ss circle words they hear.设计意图:通过该环节,使学生对所读单词有

6、一个实践的机会,以此来适当巩固对单词的识记成果;同时,也给使学生有了一个对Do you like.?句型的实际应用环境的了解。IV. Game (Brainstorm).1. Divide the Ss into two groups and have a competition.2. Tell Ss the roles of the game.3. Play the pictures and let Ss try to remember what they see.4. Let Ss tell the words and the teacher write the words on the

7、board(在书写单词的同时,教师也拼读单词),and find out the winner.5. Do it again and to see who is the winner at last.6. Make a conclusion.设计意图:寓教于乐,通过活动的形式,是学生对所学单词有一个更深层次的理解和识记;通过分组竞争活动,可以活跃课堂气氛,也可以适当调动起学生的学习兴趣和学习关注度。V. Look and match1. Let Ss look at the picture in 1a2. Match the words with the things in the pictu

8、re.设计意图:通过该任务,既可考察学生对所学单词的认知度,也可以使学生对各个单词的拼写形式有个认识和记忆。VI. Pair work1. Let Ss listen and number the conversations 1-3 in 1b.2. Check the answers and let Ss read the conversations together.3. Show the conversations modal and make a simple presentation about it.Do you like.?Yes, I do. I like/No, I dont

9、. I dont like4. Let Ss try to make similar conversations with his/her partner by using the words showed on the screen. (各个名词在该like后的使用形式已经给明,学生只需套用)5. Let Ss show the conversations and the teacher makes proper evaluations.6. The teacher show a form about what he likes/doesnt like and let Ss check or

10、 cross the things he/she likes/doesnt like in the Survey Tasks.设计意图:通过听力训练,导入到对Do you like.?句型的操练,自然简洁;让学生对句型进行操练,达到巩固的目的。VII. Survey1. Ask Ss if they want to know what his/her friends like/dont like. (学生一般肯定会回答“Yes”)2. Let Ss look at the Survey Tasks and interview two Ss in the group of four, but n

11、ot his/her partner, check or cross the things he/she likes/doesnt like in the Survey Tasks.3. Show one or two Ss survey results and show them on the real thing shower.4. Ask Ss questions according to the survey results. (前面由学生回答,后面的陈述句型,由教师有意识地接下去,让学生跟读,以此来达到引出陈述句型的使用。)Questions: Does Tom like?Yes,

12、he does. He likes/No, he doesnt. He doesnt likeDoes Kate like?Yes, she does. She likes/No, she doesnt. She doesnt likeDo they like.?Yes, they do. They like/No, they dont. They dont like设计意图:通过调查表的直观展示,使学生可以了解别人的调查情况,也可以使教师导出第三人称单数和第二人称复数的句型;教师在讲述这些句型的同时,结合调查表,可以使学生对这些句型的使用有一个真实的了解,而并非抽象。VIII. Report

13、1. Let Ss finish the Report according to the Survey Tasks.2. Show one or two Reports.3. Lead out the sentencesTom likes. But he doesnt like.Kate likes. But she doesnt like.4. Show a short passage model and let Ss try to write a short passage according to the Report. I like, but I dont like. My frien

14、d Tom likes, but he doesnt like. Kate likes, but she doesnt like.设计意图:通过调查表格的直观显现和汇报表格的简单展示,使学生既可以熟练本堂课中所学的句型,又可以进行简单陈述句的书写,锻炼学生的归纳和写作能力。IX. Homework1. Finish the short passage.2. Copy the new words learned.3. Practise the conversations with friends.设计意图:课后完成课堂上没有完成的任务,既给课后学习留下了任务,又可以使课堂有一个延伸,使学生在课后能够继续操练和熟悉本课的知识。反思: 本堂课是第六单元的第一堂课,所以应该以单词教学为主,同时渗透本单元主要句型Do you like.?。根据本人的设想,该课的主要教授思路为:单词拼读(单复数以及可数和不可数的区分,渗透句型)单词应用(游戏和听力)双人活动(Do you like.?句型的运用)调查表展示调查表(导入第三人称单数以及第二人称复数的用法)调查表小结(句型象形性的综合应用)。从设计思路来看,本堂课的思路比较清晰,难度上层层递进;从课堂 的教学效果来看,学生基本上能够接受本课的各个知识点,学生能够积极回答问题,课堂气氛也比较活跃。


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