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1、 2022年小学五年级英语上册第6单元试题一、选不同类单词1.A.himB.herC.ID.me2.A.girlB.boyC.throwD.teacher3.A.yourB.hersC.theirsD.mine4.A.onB.inC.behindD.pencil5.A.singingB.somethingC.flyingD.waiting二、补全单词1.love_ (得意的)A.liB.ly2.wh _ch (哪一个)A.iB.e3._ cuse me(请原谅)A.exB.eks4.b_ f(牛肉)A.iiB.ee5.dic_ ary (字典)A.tionB.tian 三、选词填空 1. To

2、day is _ (A.SaturdayB.day)2. There is _ in the nature park.(A.lakesB.river)3. The river is_ (A.near the houseB.from the mountain)4. There are houses _the mountain.(A.inB.near)5. We_ the nature park.(A.likesB.dont like)四、推断,用TorF表示Water is very important for living things.Without water there can be n

3、o life on the earth.All plants(植物) and animals need water.Man also needs water.We need water to drink, to cook food and to clean ourselves.Water is needed in farms, factories, offices, schools and families.Water is found in seas,rivers and lakes.It can be found everywhere in the world,and it can als

4、o be found in the air.We cannot see or feel the water when it is part of air.Clouds are also made of water.They are little drops of water.When water freezes(冻结), it is ice.So ice is also water.1. Some living things can live without water.( )2. Man needs more water than the other living things.( )3. Water can be found on the earth and in the air.( )4. Farms,factories and schools all need water.( )5. Clouds are made of very little drops of water.( ) 6. Water changes into ice when it freezes.( )


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