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1、天籁音乐影视追踪英语演讲有声读物英文广播剧我爱英语网 影音中心 英文广播剧 动物法庭的舞蹈(The Dance of the Animal Court)动物法庭的舞蹈(The Dance of the Animal Court) 我爱英语网http:/【本文语音RM下载链接】在线收听:错误!嵌入对象无效。Once upon a time there was a monkey who had a magical fiddle and bow and arrow. He could hit anything with his arrow, and with his fiddle, he could

2、 make anyone dance. One day Monkey met Cheetah. Ive been stalking Springbok all day, Cheetah complained, and Im exhausted, and still I am starving. Let me try, Monkey suggested, and he pulled out his bow and arrow, aimed, and shot Springbok through the heart. Cheetah was amazed. He wanted the bow an

3、d arrow for himself, so he growled, and jumped on Monkey. As the two fought, Jackal passed by. Jackal suggested that they go to animal court to decide the matter.When they arrived at court, Monkey began to shake. He was so young, and these were the elders of the jungle. When Elephant asked him what

4、was wrong, Monkey replied, his voice quavering, My uncle gave me this bow and arrow.Cant you see hes lying? growled Cheetah. Listen to his voice. Look at him shake. I spent all day stalking Springbok, and when Monkey came along, he tried to steal my bow and arrow. Within moments the court announced

5、their verdict. Monkey, we find you guilty, announced Zebra. For your crime, you will hang. Monkey began to weep, but suddenly he remembered his fiddle. Before I die, may I please play one last tune? Monkey begged.Giraffe said yes, and so Monkey picked up his fiddle and began to play. Within a few mo

6、ments, all of the animals started to dance. Monkey played faster, and the dancers began to dance more quickly. They couldnt stop. Before long, Elephant was wheezing, Cheetah and Jackal were gasping for breath, and even Lion was weeping with exhaustion. Giraffes long, wobbly legs collapsed, and he fa

7、inted, but Monkey kept playing.Monkey, please, Lion cried at last, if you stop, we will give you the kingdom. I dont want the kingdom, Monkey laughed. I only want Cheetah to tell the truth. The bow and arrow are not mine! Cheetah cried.Monkey stopped playing, and the animals stopped dancing. Monkey laughed as the others slunk away. 【对本文发表评论】【阅读别人的评论】【我爱英语学习论坛】


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