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1、成长英语作文汇总10篇【】成长英语作文汇总10篇成长英语作文 篇1成长英语作文 篇2Looking at the mountains of homework, I stopped in the hands of the pen, began to meditate, the so-called contemplation is just aimlessly.School teachers to teach, missing parents in the home, a day after day, I became machinery: school, class, school, homew

2、ork. Life is too short! Since the fifth grade, the pressure is big, the burden is heavy, more homework. How I miss the childhood naive romantic, carefree childrens lives. When I was young I always ask a mother: mom, when can I grow up like a sister? Mother always answer: in a few years, you will gro

3、w up. From then on, I grew up every day looking forward to hurry up.Childhood like water running away, is the young time to take over, I know I grow up, but I did not feel it joy and excitement. Because the pressure increase, operations on the rise, the worry is also growing, and free entertai_ent i

4、n a little bit of time to reduce.The classroom, especially entering the sixth grade pressure particularly big, especially makes me hard to imagine that next years entrance examination. I really want to let the time flow back, let me back to before, but this is impossible, in the face of reality is r

5、ational choice, but I love fantasy, also want to fantasy, want to let your fantasies into reality, growth really headache and troubles, I dont want to grow up!Suddenly, mom a loud shout, Im in a daze huanguo to god, in the hands of the pen in my hand, eyes homework nothing less, ah! Hate homework, t

6、hen, I started studying again. The classmates! Do you like me?望着堆积如山的作业,我手中的笔停了下来,又开场了沉思,所谓的沉思其实只是漫无目的地发愣。学校里教师教诲,家里家长念叨,一日复一日,我成了机械的:上学上课放学写作业。“人生苦短那!”自从五年级开场,压力就大了,负担也重了,作业更多了。我多想念小时候天真浪漫、无忧无虑的儿童生活。小时候我总问妈妈:“妈妈,我什么时候能像姐姐一样长大呢?”妈妈总是答复:“再过几年,你就会长大了。”从那以后,我就天天盼着快点长大。童年光阴像水一样淌走了,少年光阴来接班了,我知道我长大了,可是我并没

7、有感到当初想象的喜悦与兴奋。因为压力在增大,作业在增多,烦恼也在增多,而空余的娱乐时间在一点点地减少。特别是跨入六年级的教室,压力特别大,特别是明年的升学考试令我难以想象。我真想让时间倒流,让我回到以前,可是这是不可能的事情,面对现实才是理智的抉择,可是我爱梦想,也想梦想,更想让梦想变成现实,成长真令人头痛与烦恼,我不想长大啊!突然,被妈妈一声喊,我才从发愣中缓过神来,手中的笔握在手中,眼前的作业一点没少,哎!讨厌的作业,于是,我又开场了埋头读书。同学们!你们是不是和我一样?成长英语作文 篇3We all want to grow up happily and healthily,and fo

8、r this goal we must do several things. Firstly,we should develop a good attitude to life. Life consists of not only sunshine but also hard times. We should be brave in front of difficulties. Secondly,we must study hard because knowledge is power.If we have the power,we can help to build our country

9、and enjoy life better.In order to study well,we need to do sports so that we can keep fit.We can go running,play ball games or simply take a walk after a days study. If we do those things well,we will be able to grow up happily and healthily.成长英语作文 篇4在我的成长中,有许多是令我深深难忘。这些事都让我成长了许多。In my growing up, t

10、here are many unforgettable things for me. All these things have made me grow a lot.一天下午,我从学校里出来,和同学再见以后,便踏上那条熟悉的路。走着走着,我突然发现了一个红色的东西。好奇心驱使着我,我跑过去,拿出来一看,原来是一个红色的钱包。我欣喜地翻开一看,里面有一张信誉卡和许多现金。我快乐地想:哈哈,今天太幸运了,白捡了那么多钱。这时,红领巾在我面前飘着,好似在说:“你这样做不配当少先队员!”教师的教诲也时不时从我的脑海中飘过。One afternoon, when I came out of schoo

11、l and saw my classmates, I stepped on the familiar road. As I walked along, I suddenly found a red thing. Curiosity drove me, and I ran over and took a look. It turned out to be a red purse. I am pleased to see, there is a credit card and a lot of cash. I am happy to think: ha ha, today is too lucky

12、, white picked up so much money. At this moment, the red scarf floated in front of me, as if to say: you dont deserve to be a young pioneer.! Teachers instruction also from time to time passes through my mind.于是,我便开场寻找失主的行动。过了一个小时,没有人来认领。我拿着钱包,着急地左顾右盼。又过了很久,还没有人来领。可是天色已晚,我该回家了,我拿着钱包飞快地跑到警察局,交给警察,警察叔

13、叔表扬了我,我很快乐。So I started looking for the owners action. After an hour, no one came to claim it. I took the wallet, looked around anxiously. After a long time, no one came to take it. But it was getting late. I should go home. I took my wallet and ran to the police station. I handed it to the police.

14、The policeman praised me. I was very happy.走在回家的路上,大地为我喝彩,小树给我赞扬。我真的觉得自己长大了许多。Walking on the way home, the earth cheered for me, and the sapling praised me. I really feel like Ive grown up a lot.成长英语作文 篇5记得有一次,爸爸妈妈不在家。我见天色已晚,于是就做起饭来了。Remember once, mom and dad are not at home. I saw it was getting l

15、ate, so I started cooking.可能是上天帮助我,冰箱里正好有我的拿手好戏:西红柿、冬瓜和排骨。我先拿出一把菜刀和几个西红柿。我把西红柿放在切板上,费了“九牛二虎之力”才把这几个西红柿切成大小不等的“西红柿片”。我把这些西红柿放在盘子里,摆成花形,再撒上糖,多像一个小孩子灿烂的笑脸呀!接下来是炖冬瓜排骨汤。我把冬瓜切成片,把排骨切成个,就放下锅去炖了,大约过了30分钟,汤炖好了。我尝了一口中,真好喝!真是太棒了!Followed by stewed winter melon and spareribs soup. I cut the melon into pieces an

16、d cut the spareribs into pieces. Then I put the pot down and simmered. It took about 30 minutes for the soup to simmer. I tasted it, it was really good! That was a great.我把这两道菜放在桌上,静静的等待他们回来。过了10分钟,爸爸妈妈回家了,见了桌上的饭菜,连忙夸我是个好孩子。I put the two dishes on the table and waited for them to e back. After 10 minutes, my father and mother went home, saw the food on the table and hastened to praise me as a good boy.


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