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1、译林版牛津初中英语八年级下册第二学期期中模拟试卷一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)( ) 1. We got here_ half an hour ago. A. since B. C. for D. in ( )2. -Do you know the movie Lost In Thailand? -YesI _it twice. Its funny. A. saw B. see C. have seen D. will see( )3. Lilys grandpa has lived here_. A.10 years ago B. almost 10 year C. si

2、nce 1994 D. for long time( )4. Last Thursday when I got to the station,I_I had left my ticket at home. A. understood B. realized C. believed D. seemed( )5. The building is a cinema now. It _ a supermarket. A. was used to be B. used to be C. is used to being D. uses to be( )6. Look! The reporter from

3、 CCTV is having an interview _ Mr. Zhou.A. on B. in Cto Dwith ( )7Catherine got married _a policeman twenty years ago Awith Bfor Cto Dof( )8.一Have you returned the book to him _? 一Yes. I have _ returned it Ayet;yet Balready;already Cyet;already Dalready;yet( )9The old man 1ives_ in a_ house,but he d

4、oesnt feel_ Aalone;alone;lonely Blonely;lonely;alone Calone;lonely;lonely Dalone;lonely;alone( )10. John, you _ the computer game for two hours. Its bad for your eyes. Stop, please! OK, Mum. A. played B. have played C. were playing D. play ( )11 _have you been here? Since a month ago.A. How often B.

5、 How far C. How long D. How soon( )12He used to _in a small village,but now he has been used to _in a big city A1ive;living B1ive;live C1iving;living D1iving;live( )13-When did you _ see your old friends? -About three years agoAfinally Bbefore Cend D1ast( )14My uncle will _home from the USA tomorrow

6、Areturn back Breturn to Creturn back to Dreturn( )15. The famous writer _ one new book in the past two years. is writing .waswriting .wrote .haswritten二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) China is a country that is changing very quickly over the past fifty years and 1 you look closely(仔细地) you can see it 2 in

7、front of your eyes. Fifty years ago, everybody travelled around by bike. Today lots of people in China still ride their bikes 3 school or work, but many people also take the bus or travel 4 underground. There are some people who even drive their own cars. Shops 5 small businesses but now the centre

8、of Chinas cities are 6 large department stores. In these department stores, you can buy 7 you want in one trip. You can buy food, toys, bikes and even televisions. Television is 8 change that China has seen. Many children would say that they can not imagine life 9 TV set, but years ago they had to l

9、ive without them. The Internet and the computer have only recently become regular items in our lives. Without the Internet, people would not 10 to get information as quickly as they can now and the Internet helps to make people 11 friends all over the world. Computers help 12 children and adults in

10、their 13 lives. Many students are lucky enough 14 able to use them to do their homework or 15 with their friends and sometimes play games. ( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )1. A. even if2. A. be changing3. A. from4. A. with5. A. is6. A. full with7. A. anything8. A. others9. A. with one10.

11、 A. can be able to11. A. being12. A. both13. A. every day14. A. be15. A. speakB. ifB. to changingB. to B. at B. wasB. full ofB. somethingB. one B without oneB. be able toB. beenB. allB. everydayB. beingB. chattingC. althoughC. changingC. in C. inC. areC. fill withC. thingC. the othersC. with itC. ab

12、le toC. beC. eitherC. some dayC. to beC. chatD. soD. changesD. atD. byD. wereD. filled ofD. nothingD. anotherD. without itD. couldD. to beD. neitherD. somedayD. toD. speaking三、阅读理解(共8小题;每小题2分,满分16分)(A)What is the most famous building in Australia? It must be the Sydney Opera House. In fact, it is on

13、e of the top 10 famous buildings in the world. The Opera House with a “sailing roof” was designed by a famous Danish architect (丹麦建筑大师), Utzon. The base for the building was started in 1959, years before the designs were finished. Utzon spent four years designing the Opera House. In 1962, the designs were finalized (定稿) and the construction began. In


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