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1、牛津译林英语八年级下册8B Unit 1 单元复习题一、单项选择( )1. -When did you _ see your old friends? -About three years ago.A. finally B. before C. last D. end( )2. My aunt will _ home from the USA tomorrow.A. return back B. return to C. return back to D. return( )3. -Have you got an e-mail from Millie? -_. No news is good

2、news.A. Yes, I have B. Never mind C. No problem D. No, I havent( )4. He used to _ in a small village, but now he has been used to _ in a big city.A. live; living B. live; live C. living; living D. living; live( )5. More and more people mainly communicate _.A. on email B. by email C. in the Internet

3、D. through email( )6. My uncle got married _ 2010 and he has had a happy family _ 2010.A. in; in B. since; since C. in; since D. since; in( )7.Both his parents look sad .Maybe they _whats happened to him .A. knew . have known . must know .will know( )8Students in Beijing_ away many books to the Hope

4、 Schools since 2009Ahave given Bgive Cgave Dgiving( )9. He has studied in our school _.A. since five years B. for five yearsC. for five years ago D. in five years( ) 10. Nice to see you again. I _ you for a long time.A. hadnt seen B. havent seen C. didnt see D. dont see二、完型填空 History is the story of

5、 us human beings(人类). Everyone who has lived and everything that has happened are part of history. But history is not 1 what happened in the past. The word also 2 the study of the past, through old written records and other kinds of facts. 3 do we study history? One reason is that we enjoy it. A goo

6、d story is even better if it is true, and history is 4 of good stories. Of course, sometimes they 5 be terrible too. A more serious reason is to understand ourselves and the 6 we live in. To understand things happening now, we need to knew their causes. We cannot understand the present 7 we know not

7、hing about the past. History helps to tell us why things are the way they are. Of course, history books cannot tell us 8 about the past, not even everything that is recorded. A history of the world has to pick out the people and events that 9 the world. Since ancient times, great civilizations(文明) h

8、ave appeared(出现)in different countries and places. Usually, only three 10 four existed(存在)at the same time. While they lasted,they changed the lives not only of their own people, but of their neighbours too.1.A. most B. still C. only D. Almost2.A. knows B. understands C. makes D. means3.A. How B. Wh

9、y C. What D. When4.A. sick B. full C. afraid D. tired5.A. should B. Can C. must D. can t6.A. world B. city C. town D. country7.A. because B. then C .If D. So8.A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything9.A. changed B. made C. caused D. finished10.A. and B. or C. of D. but三、阅读理解Today, people al

10、l over the world are moving out of small villages, and they are moving to live in big noisy cities. This is the movement from the countries to the cities. It has been going on for over two hundred years. In many countries, the main reason why people come to live in cities is work. After one or two l

11、arge factories have been built in or near a town, people come to find work. And soon an industrial(工业的)area begins to grow. There is usually a living area nearby. The factory workers can live there. The families of these workers need schools, hospitals, and shops. So more people come to live in the

12、area to provide these services and so a city grows. In every big city in the world, there is a business area. There the big companies(公司)have their main offices. In the United States, this area is usually in the city centre. The people who work there often travel a long way to work each day. Many of

13、 them live outside the city. It is far away from the industrial area and the city centre. What is the future of the big cities? Will they go on getting bigger and bigger? Perhaps(或许)not. Some big cities have become smaller in the last ten years. It is quite possible that one day we will see people m

14、oving out of the big cities and back into smaller towns and villages.( )1. People began moving to live in cities_. A. in the 16th century B. in the 17th century C. in the 18th century D. in the 19th century( )2. Whats the main reason why people come to live in cities? A. To live a better life. B. To


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