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1、专项训练专项训练对话专训对话专训根据根据下面对话中的情境下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句的语句,使短文恢复完整。使短文恢复完整。A 2023 西安铁一中期末 A:Hey,Li Ming.I called you last night,but you didnt pick up.1._?B:I was reading a book.Im sorry I didnt hear the phone ring.What were you doing A:2._?B:The book is about the famous cities in China.I li

2、ke Xian best.3._?A:Yes,I have been to Xian twice.B:4._?A:I think its a beautiful city and the people there are very friendly.What is the book about Have you been to Xian before What do you think of Xian B:Sounds great!5._?A:Yes,I took many photos there and Ill show you tomorrow.B:Thank you!Did you t

3、ake any photos B 2023 西安高新二中期末 A:Hi,Lucy!1._?B:Not bad.I am reading the English novel asked by our teacher recently.2._?A:Not yet.How do you like the novel?B:3._.I can learn a lot about Chinese history from it.(开放性试题,回答合理即可)Hows it going Have you finished reading it I think its useful/interestingA:I

4、 am thinking about how to write the reading report.B:4._?A:Good idea.Maybe our English teacher can give me some help.Why not ask our English teacher for some help/What about asking our English teacher for some help B:Exactly.We can also list some facts about China.Thats a great way to tell others ab

5、out China in English.By the way,5._?A:Im not sure.Its probably about 1.4 billion.what is the population of our country C 2023 陕师大附中三模 A:Good morning,young man!B:Good morning,sir!I just saw the poster for the school volunteer project outside.1._?A:Of course you can!2._?B:I am good at singing and tell

6、ing stories.Can I be a volunteer What are you good at A:Well,you can help to look after young children on weekends.B:3._.I can sing for them and tell them stories.The children will love me.Id love to A:I agree with you.4._?B:I am Steve Curry.My telephone number is 029-85314231.A:OK.Ill call you as s

7、oon as possible.B:5._.A:Its my pleasure.How can I contact you Thank you very much D 2023 陕西(Peter,a student from the UK studying in Xian,meets his mom at the airport in the morning.)Son:Hi,Mom.I miss you so much.Mom:1._.Youve been in Xian for one year.How is it going?I miss you too/Me too Son:Pretty

8、 good.People here are very friendly,and there are many places of interest.This afternoon,lets visit the Bell Tower first.Mom:2._?Son:It is called the Bell Tower because there is a big bell in the tower.It was used to tell time in the past.Why is it called the Bell Tower Mom:Thats interesting.Its lik

9、e Big Ben in our country.3._?Son:No,its not far.Its just 10 minutes walk from the hotel.Mom:Thats good.(In the evening,they take a walk near Dayan Pagoda.)Mom:Wow,the night view here is amazing.Is it far(from the hotel)Son:Yes,Mom.Look,Dayan Pagoda!It was built over 1,300 years ago and its well-prot

10、ected.Mom:Unbelievable!Such a long time!4._?Son:They are poems,written on lights.What are they/these/those Mom:Thats cool.Xian is rich in history and culture.Can you show me around other places?Son:5._.We can also go to many other beautiful places in Shaanxi.They are worth visiting.Mom:Great.Im sure I will have a wonderful time.Sure/No problem/Of course/Yes/Yes,I can


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