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1、Unit 6 Im watching TV.Period 3 Section B(1a-1e)一一、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1.Look!The boys _(swim)in the river.【点拨】根据“Look!”可知用现在进行时。are swimming2.Lin Tao _(put)on his coat now.【点拨】根据“now”可知用现在进行时。is putting3.Sometimes I go _(shop)with my mother.【点拨】go shopping 去购物,是固定用法。shopping4.Listen!The b

2、irds _(sing)in the tree.【点拨】根据“Listen!”可知用现在进行时。are singing5.Those _(man)are playing tennis now.【点拨】Those 后用可数名词复数形式。man 的复数形式是men。men二、从方框中选择合适的词汇并用其适当形式填空二、从方框中选择合适的词汇并用其适当形式填空6.Can we swim in the _?7.There is a big _ near our school.8.I have to go to England _,but I dont want to leave here.poolsu

3、permarkettomorrowman,pool,shop,supermarket,tomorrow9.Linda usually _ with her mother on the weekend.10.Look!Two _ are fighting.shopsmenman,pool,shop,supermarket,tomorrow三、阅读理解三、阅读理解11.Where are the students playing basketball?_A.In the tree.B.In the classroom.C.On the playground.D.In the office.【点拨】

4、根据“Some students are on the playground.They are playing basketball.”可知在操场上打篮球,故选C。C12.Some of the students are _ on the playground.playing basketball jumping watching the game playing football dancing A.B.C.D.【点拨】学生们在操场上进行的活动有:打篮球、踢足球、看比赛等,没有跳跃和跳舞,故选B。B13.What are the teachers doing?_A.Working or ta

5、lking with students.B.Having a basketball game.C.Playing with the students.D.Looking at the birds.【点拨】根据第二段“What are the teachers doing?Some of them are working in the office(办公室).And some are talking with students.”可知,有些老师正在办公室工作,有些在和学生交谈。故选A。A14.What does the underlined phrase“break time”mean in C

6、hinese?_A.早饭时间 B.课间休息C.放学时间 D.打球时间【点拨】由后文可知,学生们在这段时间内进行不同的活动,故画线部分是指课间休息,故选B。B15.Which of the following is TRUE?_A.All of the students are playing on the playground.B.The students have over 20 minutes to relax.C.Not many students are doing homework in the classroom.D.The students arent having a good time because they are busy.【点拨】根据第一段中的“Some students are in the classroom.A few of them are reading and doing homework.”可知一少部分学生在教室做作业。故选C。C


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