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1、译林版英语(五年级下册)Unit 7 Chinese festivalsStory time一、Teaching contents 教学内容Story time二、Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词 Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Double Ninth Festival, rice cake, dumpling, moon cake, rice dumpling。2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型 The is in or . Pe

2、ople eat at this festival.三、Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival,Double Ninth Festival,dumpling,rice dumpling.2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型The is in or . People eat at this festival.四、Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Warm

3、-up 1. Greetings2. Enjoy a song:Jingle bells导入Christmas Day3. Lets review together:学习新词DecemberQuestions: .When is Christmas Day?What do people do at the Christmas?What do people eat at the Christmas?(新授 December , festival, Chinese festival)(设计意图:欣赏音乐开场,既活跃了课堂气氛,也激发了学生学习兴趣。从Jingle bells 引出Christmas

4、 Day,通过复习提炼出December,festival 以旧带新让学生更容易接受新知,同时揭示本课主题。)Step 2 Watch and answer1. Watch and answer: What Chinese festivals are there in the story?(新授Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Double Ninth Festival)(设计意图:通过观看视频让学生对文本有整体印象,同时教授四个节日名称,并引导学生书写节日时需要注意的首字母大写)Step3. Listen

5、and chooseQuestion:When is the.festival?(通过听录音,选出四个节日的时间,学习月份January,February,May,June,September,October,November,December.)Step 3 Read and answer1. Read P68-P69 and answer the questions. What do people usually do at . Festival? What do people eat at .Festival?(新授get together, dumpling, race, place,

6、 mountain rice dumplings,rice cakes.)2. Read in groups:选择你喜欢的一种方式读课文3. Ask and answer When? What do people do? What do people eat?(设计意图:让学生通过阅读获取问题的答案,提高学生阅读理解的能力。让学生根据获得的信息来复述节日信息,锻炼了学生的表达能力。)Step 4 Talk and showI like the.Festival.It is in.or.People.at this festival.They eat.(运用新学知识谈论自己最喜欢的节日,提高学生口语表达能力)五、Homework 家庭作业1. Try to retell Story time to your friends.2. Search for more information about Chinese festivals on the Internet. .板书设计: Unit 7 Chinese festivalsWhens?What do people do?What do people eat?Spring Festival Dragon Boat FestivalMid-Autumn FestivalDouble Ninth Festival


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