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1、一、Listen and choose(听录音, 选出跟录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里 )(每小题1分,共10分)( ) 1、A. B. C.( )2.A. B. B.C.( ) 3.A.train B. rain C. rainy( )4.A swam B. swims C. swimming( )5.A. date B. day C.yesterday( ) 6. A.2:30p.m. B. 3:30p.m. C. 3:30a.m.( ) 7.A. playing basketball B. playing chessC. playing computer games(

2、) 8.A. last weekend B. next weekend C. this weekend( ) 9、A. I have 50 books. B. I have 15 books.C. I have 13 books.( ) 10、A. Its Sunday. B. Its sunny. C. Its Saturday.二、Listen and judge 听录音, 判断句子或图片的是否与录音内容相符, 相符的在相应题号下的括号内 打“” , 不相符的打“”(每小题1分,共10分) 1、( ) 2、( ) 3、( )4、( ) 5、( )( )6. I went swimming

3、yesterday.( )7. My sister is younger.( )8. You look so angry.( )9. Mary is 140cm tall.( )10. Jack often goes to school by bus.三、Listen and answer( 根据你在录音中的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其前面的字母符号填在句子前面的括号里,每小题2分,共分)( ) 1. A. I like swimming. B. My favourite food is fish.C. I like reading books.( ) 2. A. He i

4、s forty years old. B. He is sixty kg. C. He is 172cm.( ) 3. A. I am going to go fishing. B. I want to be a policeman.C. I am going to be sad.( ) 4. A. I do my homework at home. B. I bought a magazine.C. I watched TV at home.( ) 5. A. I want a bag. B. I dont want this green bag.C. I like that red bag

5、.四、Listen and fill(根据录音内容填写下列句子中所缺的单词, 使句子完整,每空只填一词,每词1分,共10分)1. I am going to the . Are you going to the ?2.I usually go to school at and go home at _.3.In we go swimming and in _we fly kites.4.A: What is it today? B: Its _ today.5.A: Are you than Li Hua? B: Yes, but he is _than me.五听一段对话,判断对错,对的打,

6、错的打。(10分)( ) 1. Lily is taller than her brother.( ) 2. Lilys brother is 155cm.( ) 3. Lilys brother likes swimming.( ) 4. Lily went swimming last weekend.( ) 5. Lily watched TV with her father last weekend笔试部分六选择句子填入对话中使对话完整。 (10分)A. What was the matter? B. Can I go with you?C. Where did you go last

7、weekend? D.Were you sick?E. How do you feel? F. Did you go swimming with me?G. Lets go swimming tomorrow, OK ?A: Hey, Zoojm. _B:I went to the hospital on the weekend.A: _B: Yes, I was sick.A: _B: I had a fever and my throat was sore.A: You should do sports, and make yourself to be stronger.B:Youre r

8、ight._A: Thats a good idea. But I will go swimming this afternoon.B: _A: Sure! Lets go together!七、阅读,根据短文选择正确答案。(10分)Im Xia Lin. Im 20. My aunt lives in Shanghai. I went to visit her with my dad in the holiday. We drive a car to Shanghai, but we didnt know her address.(地址)Then dad called aunt, we me

9、t (见面)at the gate of a big supermarket. We were very happy to meet, because we havent seen(见面) for 1 year. On the second day, aunt took us to visit many places. In the evening, we cooked many dishes in aunts home. We were all excited. We sang many songs and danced in the meeting room. On the third d

10、ay, we went to a park. We had a picnic in the park. We talked about our family, and our lives. We were very happy. On the fourth day, dad and I left Shanghai. We made a promise(约定), we would get together next year.( ) 1. What did Xia Lin do on her holiday?A. She drove a car. B. She visited her aunt.

11、 C: She was happy.( ) 2.How did they feel when they met? They felt ?A. sad B. excited C: happy( ) 3. What did they do on the evening of the second day? They .A. visited many places. B.cooked many dishes at home. C: went to a park( ) 4.When did they have a picnic? They had a picnic on .A. the 2nd day

12、 B. the 3rd day C: the 4th day( ) 5. When will we meet again?A. Tomorrow B. Next week C: Next year八、 选择正确的词填空。(10分)( stayed said send read asked finished missed go fine sick bored went )Sarah was _.She _in the hospital for a few days. She was_. She_her parents and friends. But the doctor _she coudnt

13、_back home until she was better again. So she _her friend to _her some books. She _ books and did homework every day. When she came homg, she _all the homework.九、 根据所给的答句写出问句。(10分)1. ?They often climb trees on the weekends.2. ?I am going to the Zhongshan park tomorrow.3. ?We have Chinese, math and English on Thursdays.4.


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