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1、基层政府人力资源激励机制研究以佛山市南海区某镇为例摘要 随着知识经济时代的到来,经济全球化的进程日益加快,国际竞争及区域竞争愈演愈烈,而这种竞争,归根结底是人力资源的竞争。正如管理学大师彼得德鲁克说过:“组织只有一种真正的资源,那就是人。”人力资源作为最宝贵、最重要的资源,其重要性不言而喻。而作为基层政府,只有实施“人力资源战略”,把人力资源作为立足之本、兴业之基,“选好人、育好人、用好人、管好人、留好人”,才能更好地面对机遇与挑战,把握发展的主动权与优先权,也才能在日益激烈的区域竞争中占有一席之地。鉴于此,基层政府在区域经济社会的竞争逐渐演变为人力资源的争夺,而如何“选好人、育好人、用好人、




5、在综合运用问卷调查、个别访谈、对比分析等研究方法的基础上,分析了南海区某镇人力资源激励机制建设的经验做法和存在的问题。在文章的第四部分,笔者针对南海区某镇人力资源激励机制建设存在的问题进行深入分析,指出问题存在的原因,并提出改进措施。在文章的第五部分,笔者在深入调查和充分论证的基础上,提出了完善基层政府人力资源激励机制的建议。关键词:基层政府;人力资源;激励机制Rsarch On Gassots overnmet HumnResourcsIncentve Mchamsttnga twn of Nanai DistitnFohaas a xaeAbstract With advent ofkno

6、wedge econom r andccleatig deeomet ofeconomic globaiation, nternatil compitionand rionalomptitonarebcomn frcer whic ultimay lis ihuman esces ompettion. s anagment mastePeerDruckeoposs, rganztion s u a knd ofal reorces, acualy referin totalens Humanresucess e most vluable andms mportant resorce, itsm

7、prtance isobvi. As grass-osgovernment, only throughimpemttinof humnresourc stratgy, sts human resours as ohol and“elects, culvate, managesnd retains theigt persn”a ntl tterfe theopportunities ad he chllenges nd sz teiiativeandpriorityin te process of dlpmnt btalsows astage fiece egiona competition.

8、viw of is, rss-roos govet n regionl economc an socacompetion aualy oves intoomtiti orhuanreoures;an he isues like “hw to gat th riht ron”, hw toattrc d ein excelent stf th bttle, h oraise stisaction and oganizainal oyalty o emplyes an how t mpove eficiency andgive fll lato teir enthusis n creativity

9、 avebecom prioityblm for the govemen prblemso sttledwn. Howevr, tosolve tese, he keyisto esablissondad effectieuan rsocs ncentivetoreaize te vale f human esourcs“ncentives mchasm i the cmbination f th mn ncntive ysms thte a vrt f centivs to tndadieand o ratieyixed and rutur,mnnes, reltionsp d evolti

10、n princpls ofncenive objects hat interact anestainmuuallin t oranaionalsysm. nceive mecanism i means of conctonthat rende entrprse ttrnlfty ideals into conrete facts.” A owto ila sonan eectiehuman esorce inceie mehismhas bme animporant eear issue fo experts and schlars toeand abroad. Dversiyadmultiv

11、l of humn eeds render dvrstyand mult-evel natue ofincenives mecanism.I geal, we should compehensively take advantage o varetyf inctvs ad maeit eime. Estabish nd improe ast of ational cetve eim, sucas elfeincentive, jrmotion, tninicenives, perornceprisal regmes organatoal cut nntie to for a bterhmnre

12、ous inetive mchani.In order thouhy researchon how tform and improvhuman resurcs innve mechas, te presentwte rad lotof literature on huanresurcesicivemechanismwritten ydoesic ar ters and s atow o Nanhai strict in Foshn r exampe, though ild reearch, an take dvag of uesionnais, indvialinrvies, comprtiv

13、e analyis anothe ethodsto analyz the statu u ofhumareoucescntive mechanis constrin hs town andin out he eperiee andractic andpoblems of a field, and cnernng theeisting prolem proose -depth analyson eons n improvemetasurs in ordrto form feble ugsions t optmize th hun resourcsincntve mecanimof grs-rts oenet and wilhaea great importanc o referece for imrement d invationof huan resouresientivmehanismor China rsts goven.histhesis idividedintofieparts. T


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