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1、感恩节的由来英文小故事篇一:百度知道集中感恩节的英文祝福语、故事、作文 感恩节的英文祝福语 av a FULL hanksgiing dy Warm wisesat haksgiving Thanksgvingwsh r yo and rfamily om al of us t all of you a Tagiving love tot, oI loeThaksgivin Thansivingishe besthoiay ofth yar Thankving is greatime t tll yu tat eloeu kid 感恩节英文介绍 Thnksgivig Day i themost

2、trly merican of the naional oidays in the Unted Statsn ismost coely connctdwit the earis istory of the coutry. I 1620, te setes, or ilgi,teysailed o Amrcaon e May fower, seina pac ere he culd hae freedom of worsp.Afer a tmtous t-moth vog theylandedat i cy Noeber, what s nwlymouth, asschset. ring the

3、ir irstwnter, ove aff thettler died tavton epdemics Those wo survived began sowingin th frstspingAlsumerlong hywaied or theharvsts wt great axety, knwig that their lives and th tue exstence o the coon dpended onthe cmi arvt. Finall the fields prdue ayi rich beond expctatios. d thrrt was decied hat d

4、y thanksgivingto thLord ixe2. Yeaslat, Presdent f the Unied Stat prclaiedthour Thursayof Nvebr as Thaksiing D every r. Th celebratin Tanksvng ay ha beenoberedon that dte untltoay. The tterno the Thanksivi celebratin has ee hang hrough the years.Te bi family dnrilaned monts ad. Onhe dnner ble,peplewi

5、l i ppls, rge, hstnut, walu and raes. There wil e lum pddin, mince ie, other vaiies of food d cranberryjuie asus The best and msatractv among hem re roasturkean pumpn pie They have bthe mot tradiional andforite fod on hanksgiving Da throughouthe yars vryoe ges th nr musbe buil aron oas urystuffd wit

6、 a breaddresing t absorb etay juis as it sts. Buas coin aries withfamiies nd wt t reins where oe lvs,it i nt sy o get a conensu on4 the precied of tfing fo the roal brd. Tansgiig toas, in eve s, a ntioal anua hidyowhich Americano allfaitsaackground joi exprestheirthank for t yea s botyad reveenty as

7、kfrcontnued5 bessing. 感恩节是美国国定假日中最地道、最美国式的节日,而且它和早期美国历史最为密切相关。620年,一些朝圣者(或称为清教徒)乘坐”五月花”号船去美国寻求宗教自由。他们在海上颠簸折腾了两个月之后,终于在酷寒的十一月里,在现在的马萨诸塞州的普里茅斯登陆。 在第一个冬天,半数以上的移民都死于饥饿和传染病,活下来的人们在第一个春季开始播种。整个夏天他们都热切地盼望着丰收的到来,他们深知自己的生存以及殖民地的存在与否都将取决于即将到来的收成。后来,庄稼获得了意外的丰收,所以大家决定要选一个日子来感谢上帝的恩典。多年以后,美国总统宣布每年十一月的第四个星期四为感恩节。感

8、恩节庆祝活动便定在这一天,直到如今。 感恩节庆祝模式许多年来从未改变。丰盛的家宴早在几个月之前就开始着手准备。人们在餐桌上可以吃到苹果、桔子、栗子、胡桃和葡萄,还有葡萄干布丁、碎肉馅饼、各种其它食物以及红莓苔汁和鲜果汁,其中最妙和最吸引人的大菜是烤火鸡和番瓜馅饼,这些菜一直是感恩节中最富于传统意义和最受人喜爱的食品。 人人都赞成感恩节大餐必需以烤火鸡为主菜。火鸡在烘烤时要以面包作填料以吸收从中流出来的美味汁液,但烹饪技艺常因家庭和地区的不同而各异,应用什幺填料也就很难求得一致。 今天的感恩节是一个不折不扣的国定假日。在这一天,具有各种信仰和各种背景的美国人,共同为他们一年来所受到的上苍的恩典表

9、示感谢,虔诚地祈求上帝继续赐福。 - 注释: 1 die of:死于当死于身体内部原因的,ie后面要接介词of,如:饥饿(startio)、悲伤(sadnes)等;当死于外因时则要用de from,比如死于受伤(od). 2. iasid that ady f thansging to th Lord bfix: dede可是个让你省事儿的好词了。它后面如果接从句,往往接虚拟语气。所以看见decie后面的从句,你就可以大胆地用动词(suld)+”原形”“啦! 3. dresing:调味品、填料。这里的drssing可不是穿的呀, bad dresng可不是”面包衣服”!和ed在一起,desin

10、g自然就是吃的啦!它是”调味品”的意思,”穿”在食物的身上了.4 nensus on:就达成一致。注:cossus后面的介词要用on,而不用about。 . coinued:继续的。这里的continued看似动词cnne的过去式,但它却是有自己的含义的,它是形容词”继续的”意思。这样contnuedblessing就是上帝”继续的赐福”了 关于感恩节的英文介绍! Tanksgiing Dyis th s tulyAmrican f e naiona lidysin theUnedSates and is most closelyonncted with earliest hstoryof c

11、onty.In16, the ttler,r Pilgims, they sied to mei onthe a fler, seking placewhre thy cul hav frdom of worhip Aftr a tempestuo womont voyage thylnedatin cNovee, what is no Plmout,Massacusetts. ngtheirfrt nter, ove half f the setldied f tartin o eidems. o wh surved bgn owing nthe firt sring. Al ummr lg

12、hywaited orhervts withgreat axity, nowigthat hi ie andt ftureexitene t cony epended nte comig avest. Final the iels prodced eldrchyod xptan. d terefor t as ded that dy thanksiving totheLr bfixed2. ears lter, Psit fthe Uniedtte roclaimed the fourh Thursday ovember a Thanksgiingy eery ye Thecelebri Tansgiving Dy hsbeenobsrv o tht dae ntil toy The pattern of the Thaksiingcelratin asnevergedtoug theeas. The bigfalydiner is pand month ahead. On thedner abl, pplewillfnd appls, orag, chestus, walts nd grpes. Tr will plum puddng, mince pie,other varietie ood ndcbe juice an


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