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1、高考英语各省模拟试题汇编卷 全国甲卷第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A(2022福建厦门一中高一开学考试)Travelling the world is something that leaves an impact on your being. Here is a list of inspiring destinations that are bound to change your life. Some completely influenced who I am tod

2、ay, and some are at the very top of my bucket list.KenyaThe beautiful Maasai people are a symbol of family and love, and although some of their cultural traditions may not be accepted by everyone, their willingness to accept others and cherish the beauty of Kenya is truly hard to ignore.Kenyas incre

3、dible land showed me the importance of appreciating all living beings and helped me recognize that regardless of our species, we have far more similarities than differences. Visiting this country made me realize that living in harmony with wildlife is something that we all should fight for, no matte

4、r where we might be in the world.MyanmarUnlike so many other destination in Asia that have been crowded by tourists, this countys historic appearance is still entirely existent. Ancient temples are scattered across the land, and the quiet, peaceful Buddhist approach to life is still very much common

5、.For many people, Myanmar is a destination that brought peace back into their lives. Due to its large Buddhist population. almost 90% in factthis country makes you appreciate all life on Earth like never before, while its untouched landscapes make you fall head over heels with the world.Much like In

6、dia, this is a diverse country where people live side by side in harmony, regardless of religions.IndiaIndia is a place that teaches you so many important life lessons. A lot of people have asked me what it was about this country that made me change so much, and I honestly couldnt tell you. Its a tr

7、ue mixture of seeing various sights, being absorbed in the unique atmosphere, and learning about spirituality and many diverse religions.1What influence did visiting Kenya have on the author?AIt let him accept their cultural traditions.BIt brought peace back into his life.CIt helped him appreciate a

8、ll creatures.DIt made him realize all species are so different.2What do Myanmar and India have in common?AThe various religions.BThe abundant wildlife.CThe untouched scenery.DThe crowded temples.3Where is the text most probably taken from?AA news report.BA travel blog.CA science magazine.DA geograph

9、y textbook.B(2022广西柳州二模)The veggie burger(素食汉堡): this simple non-meat burger is a main meal for a vegetarian. So what is a veggie burger? A veggie burger is similar to an ordinary hamburger, except that it is meat-free, commonly made from ingredients such as beans, tofu, nuts, grains and mushrooms.

10、In many cases, the differences between the meat hamburger and veggie burger are clear, but Impossible Foods Company plans to put an end to that. The Impossible burger is made of a plant-based product that looks like blood. It clearly looks, smells and even bleeds like meat, but its grown in a lab. T

11、he Impossible says this burger is hard to tell from real meat, about 47% similar, according to a test conducted among meat lovers.The plant-based burger receives increasing attention from the public. Marketing is one good reason: plant-based meat products attract meat-lovers and vegetarians alike du

12、e to their health benefits. If you can have the food you love at a lower health cost, why wouldnt you?Another reason why many people resist meat product is that they may seek to reduce animal suffering or the meat industrys large environmental impact. Meat production is responsible for 18% of total

13、greenhouse gases, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). However, they may still miss the taste of meat.Finally, “there are associated feelings and memories that go with certain foods,” says Thomas Banks, BBC Learning English producer and 15-year vegetarian. “I didnt grow up a veg

14、etarian and sometimes I miss my familys cooking. Plant-based meat allows me to have a good home-cooked meal thats just like mum used to make.”It is reported that the global meat substitute market was valued at $4,512.1 million in 2019, and is predicted to reach $8,823.6 million by 2027, showing an a

15、nnual growth rate of 7.2% from 2021 to 2027. According to recent studies, 30% of Americans are not only leaving meat off their plates but also seeking out more plant-based meat substitutes.4What does Impossible Foods Company intend to do?ATo make veggie burger look like meat hamburger.BTo distract p

16、eoples interest in meat hamburger.CTo expand the numbers of veggie burger lovers.DTo persuade more people to have less meat hamburger.5Why do many people become vegetarians?AThey dont favor the taste of meat.BThey want to do some good to animal welfare.CThey oppose the environmental sustainability.DThey want to meet the need of their financial benefits.6What can


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