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1、小学英语教师 PCK 精品培训课程教师探究式作业Module 2题目:英语学科知识的教学分析 内容: 1. 非教育人员的英语学科知识 2. 英语教师的英语学科知识 3. 英语学科知识的教学体系 4. 话题在英语学科知识教学体系中的地位 5. 英语知识的教学重组 6. 英语知识的教学重组在课堂教学中的实际应用 探究式作业(TASKS FOR INQUIRY) 说明: 1提出自己原来在英语知识方面的理解与认识。 2通过学习本模块的课程,你所改变的看法。 3以一个学年为例,报告你原来的知识教学组织方案。 4以一个学年为例,报告你现在的知识教学组织方案。 5阐述你改变方案的理由(1000-1500 字

2、)。TASK 1Answer the following questions:1.How do you understand English knowledge? 我认为英语知识包括语音,指的是语音因素、拼读规则、发音方法等;词汇:构词规则、词 汇量、习语和词组;语法:词法和句*能:功能的分类和日常口语交际;话题:日常生活基本 话题;语篇:文体、题材、语篇的构成以及逻辑关联用语; 2.How do you understand vocabulary and grammar? 我认为词汇学习是为语法学习打基础,只有先学好词、再学好句子,然后到文章,句子和文章 中就会牵扯到很多语法知识,如果没有前

3、面的做铺垫,根基打不牢,就没法打好后面的语法框 架。 3.How do you define language knowledge and language use?我觉得语言知识指的就是英语单词、句子、段落、篇章以及语法结构的知识;而语言运用则 是指掌握了以上这些基本的英语语言知识后,对其在日常生活和工作中的使用,语言需要多用才能更熟能生巧,如果经常不使用语言的话,久而久之,像我们这种不是以英语为母语国家的 人很快就会生疏甚至遗忘。 4、Whatare your difficulties in dealing with language knowledge and languageuse?我

4、在平常的英语教学中,大部分学生能很好地将我所教的文本知识掌握,善于做练习题,考 试也都能拿到高分,但就是在语言运用的时候学生们经常只是听得懂别人所说的,但不太会用 英语去思维,用英语去回应别人的交谈,主要是学校没有营造成一个很好的说英语的环境,让 学生开口说英语的机会不多,以至于有些学生可能会说,但是不敢说;我主要的难点就是要如 何将学生所学到的知识转化成语言能和别人用英语流利的交流。5、 What is the best way, in your opinion, in which you solve practical problems in your classroom teaching

5、?在我的课堂教学实践中,学生的语法运用以及完形填空题是比较难的地方,我认为最好的方 式还是要在课堂上讲解课文内容时将遇到的语法知识点讲透彻,并在课堂上及时的以练习的方 式巩固知识点,课后也要多做练习题。TASK 2Analysis of your teaching objectives for one school year: WEEKS 1-3 OBJECTIVES Unit 1 A healthy body Unit 2 The natural world ACTIONS IN CLASS I was short. This year, Im taller and heavier. Im

6、taller than Kim now. 4-5 The longest river in China is the Changjiang River. /What is the highest mountain in the world? / Mount Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world. 6-8 Unit 3 Space I The sun is huge. Its much bigger than the Earth. / The Earth is one of the hottest plants. Review Unit1

7、Unit3 and test9-10 11-12Unit 4 Revision and testUnit 5 Faster, higher and stronger Youre a better jumper this year than last year. / Alice is the best jumper in the school. / They won more medals than Fragon Team. / They won the most medals and they are in first place.13-15Unit 6 Famous storiesI lik

8、e Monkey King the best. He is the most interesting character. / She is more beautiful than Ciderella.16-17Unit 7 International foodI like vegetables so I brought vegetable soup. / I need some water or juice./I put in lots of chocolate and sugar. / Its delicious but its not healthy to eat too much sw

9、eet food.18-19 20Unit 8 Revision TestReview Unit1-7 Test1-3Unit 1 Being polite4-5Unit 2 Fire and safety6-8Unit 3 Lets go shopping9-10 11-12Unit 4 Revision Unit 5 Active animalsWhen you meet new people, you should We usually dont hug people when we meet them the first time. When I looked out of the w

10、indow, I saw smoke. What did you do then? I left my room. I didnt take my things. When I was young, I couldnt play with candles. I couldnt either. Its nice but its too thick; Thats not too expensive. I have enough money. Ill take that one. Yes.i like it, too. I dont like it either. Review Unit1-3 I

11、think bees and ants are the most amazing animals. They work so hard. Cheetahs ruyn faster than any other animal. Whales live the longest. Where were you? At 2:30, I was at the gym. I was playing Were you at the library? Yes,. I was at the library at 3:30. What were you doing when China got the 2008

12、Olympics? Do you remember? I was doingwhen I Review Unit1-813-15Unit 6 Busy people16-17Unit 7 Good memories18-19Unit 8 Revision20TestTestTASK 3COURSE DESIGN FOR TOPIC-BASED STANDARD SYSTEM: TIME 9.1-9.2 ACTION IN REAL LIFE Using the comparatives to talk about physical appearance VOCABULARY Heavy str

13、ong low light weak STRUCTURE S fast cm kg s I was short. This year, Im taller and heavier. Im taller than Kimnow. 9.5 9.9 Using the comparatives to talk about physical appearance Heavy strong low light weak fast cm kg s I was short. This year, Im taller and heavier. Im taller than Kim now. 9.12 Usin

14、g the comparatives to talk 17 about physical appearance Heavy strong low light weak fast cm kg s I was short. This year, Im taller and heavier. Im taller than Kim now. 9.19 Using supperlatives to talk about Hig h island long river mountain lake se The longest 25 places. a river in China is the Chang

15、jiang River. What is the highest mountain in the world? 9.26 Using supperlatives to talk about High island long river mountain lake se Mount 30 places. a Qomolangma is the highest mountain in National day 10.3 National day 7 10.10 The Earth light the sun heavy Using “much”with comparatives 14 and “o

16、ne of the”with superlatives to talk about objects in space. the world. National day The sun is huge. Its much bigger than the Earth. 10.17 The same as above the moon bright starsThe Earth is 21one of the hottest plants.10.24 Revision Unit 4 28Heavy strong lowlight weakfast cm kg sI was short. This year, Im taller and heavier. Im tal


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