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1、【剧透】HP7下 电影与原书不同之处【转的】(话说这改的就是狗血剧啊) 图片 分享 转载 复制地址 日志地址: 请用Ctrl+C复制后贴给好友。转播到微博(艾 2011年06月04日 20:55 阅读(2) 评论(0) 分类:个人日记 举报 字体:中 小 中 大 【剧透】HP7下 电影与原书不同之处(注意教授那几条) 2011-06-04 17:49 The Differences between Deathly Hallows Part 2 Movie and the book. (Thanks to Anonymous for the Source)The changes are real

2、ly and I do mean REALLY disappointing.1.Griphook does not make a deal with the trio, and steals the Sword without warning. 2.When Griphook is killed by Voldemort, the Sword of Gryffindor disappears from his hands. 3.Aberforth Dumbledore doesnt explain his brothers backstory 4.Ron and Hermione are ne

3、arly killed in the Chamber of Secrets when they are attacked by a tsumani created by Voldemort, as their “lives flashing before their eyes” they lean and kiss each other. 5.Vincent Crabbe doesnt appear in the film due to the drug charges against actor Jamie Waylett and Gregory Goyle will die in his

4、place6.Fred duels a Death Eater during the battle, and then gets disarmed, and cornered by many other Death Eaters. This is likely what leads to his death. 7.Lavender Brown is killed during the Battle by Fenrir Greyback8.Buckbeak, centaurs and house-elves dont appear during the Battle. 9.Snapes deat

5、h will not take place in the Shrieking Shack, but in “a Crystal House” that can see the boathouse and the castle burning.10.Voldemort slashes Snapes throat open with the Elder Wand using Sectumsempra, before ordering Nagini to “finish him”.11.Scabior and other Snatchers duel Neville on the Covered B

6、ridge, and they are killed when half of the bridge collapses. 12.There are a number of differences in Snapes flashback13.Snape and Lily are not shown to be good friends, instead he admires her from afar. 14.A scene shows Lily and James as teenagers dancing. 15.other scene shows Lily telling Harry, s

7、till an infant, to be brave and that he is loved. 16.A scene is added where Snape comes to Godrics Hollow, after Lily and James were killed in 1981, to see them dead, even collapsing when seeing Lily dead. He then cradles her in his arms then sees Harry sitting in his crib watching on.17.Harry tells

8、 Ron and Hermione that he is a Horcrux, and that he must die. Hermione tells him that she suspected so all along. 18.Instead of Harry being naked when arriving at Kings Cross he is instead fully clothed; he also sees Voldemort in the image of a red, slimy breathing thing. 19.Molly kills Bellatrix wi

9、th the Avada Kedavra Curse. 20.After being struck with the Killing Curse, Voldemort turns to ash, and crumbles apart in a similar manner to Quirrell in Philosophers Stone.21.After the conclusion of the battle. Harry, Ron and Hermione stand on the remains of the Covered Bridge discussing the events o

10、f the past year. Harry snaps the Elder Wand in two and throws it over the side. 22.Harry does not go to the Headmasters Office after the battle. 23.Character ommisions:* Mundungus Fletcher* Kreacher* Grawp* Buckbeak* Firenze* Bane* Peter Pettigrew.【小悠翻译】:第二行The changes are really and I do mean REALL

11、Y disappointing开始翻译。这些改编都是真的。我真的好湿望。1.拉环没跟三人组达成交易,而是没有预警的把格兰芬多剑偷走了。(我很好奇没达成交易拉环是怎么同意带他们去古灵阁的。)2.拉环被V大杀掉之后剑自己消失了(这个增加的剧情也算是辅助解释了)3.阿不福思没有讲邓校的故事。(啊。我就预感到这段估计会删,感觉大椰子还是以最后的战斗为主。哎。连邓校妹妹的画像都搞成了孤儿怨海报版。然后才发现,孤儿怨也是华纳拍的,原来是给自己原来的电影做免费广告呢。)4.罗恩和赫敏在密室里差点被V大搞出来的海啸搞死。(啊!V大你是追着自己的魂器追到密室了末?2人是肿么逃过来的呢。)然后2人过去的生活像放电



14、,然后因为得不到单相思索性就投向V大了)15.另一个镜头显示莉莉告诉还是孩子的哈利,要勇敢,他是被爱着的。(自己猜测应该是莉莉将要被V大KO之前最后对哈利说的话吧,而且也正好迎合了哈利一直被母亲的血和爱保护着)16.加了个镜头,就是1981年莉莉和詹姆斯被杀死不久教授跑到高锥克山谷,看到他们死亡,甚至是开始萎缩(巫师死后都是这样末?)然后教授抱住了莉莉,还看到小哈利坐在自己小床上看着他(大椰子你是想继续表达教授是偷窥狂吧?)17.哈利告诉罗恩和赫敏他自己就是个魂器,然后赫敏说她一直是这么怀疑的。(好一个事后诸葛亮)18.哈利到国王车站时是穿着衣服的(椰子你是想只自己欣赏丹尼尔的LUO TI是吧。)V大变成了一个红乎乎黏糊糊喘着气的东西(V大到底是不是东西呢)19.MOLLY用阿瓦达KILL了贝拉(这个应该就是原书的剧情吧?)20.V大被阿瓦达之后变成了一堆灰,其死法参见哈1里面奎若的,就是浑身灰化然后分解啦21.战斗后,三人组站在还剩一半的桥上讨论了过去几年中发生的事情。哈利把长老魔杖掰成两半然后扔到桥下了。22.哈利没去校长办公室23.影片中没出场的有小偷蒙顿格斯克利切海格的狗巴克比克人马费伦泽贝恩(这丫不认识。估计是打酱油的)小矮星彼得(原著这家伙不是在7上就OVER了嘛 johncr773 campbell


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