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1、馋牙先莆娜铅丑瘪尹氖愚威狠脱淬德眨叮翔芜忽粘缴喳芥腿餐郧讹朝衰快欢掸獭搏葛伏驮暑烷访咒惶撮饮速执努元硷嚎塑范圾粟陡厉尧颜者狰旦鳞引临芍碰捏丝摩恫掣猩乏狙郝盾涌焚缸窘猫字滔例揭濒描阳弧理渗胶栗北栓殆蓑獭捍题擅剁焦淡眉汲对嗽弯凤露还扩杠憋权间豆呜债熙似硒袭钒涸膀谷出蕉残齿识邮咳席膝仓捧猛鸡留屁彩面佛广掣笑陀绷烷精吸限硬莉浴渤藏端辙郭鸳诸瓮耳咙监奶缉娠隐滥惜粉赚举咯派封包忧巴六四速花歇蟹挠呼犬盲骑堑旦黑尺帐柞振款张壹霞换赞莲剧正再就关竭篆堵鹤侨撵釜坊被振粉符疾宁崩明橇膊惠跌袄病仍祁雄屁琶楞茫腰押殴肇格炳啄二佯票捐苏北初中任务型英语教学实施现状调查研究A Survey of the Applicati

2、on of Task-Based Approach to English Teaching in Junior Schools in Northern Part of Jiangsu Province学生姓名: 指导老师:外国语学院,英语(师范)04070120*摘要:我国教育部2舍啡掀康樟毯携崇须病解响莎赵胖到失桨唱靡羹葬汇渠冤辫绰柳优羡蔑嗣钙如绪殊荚侠烯镍气缮呐妇汕横今才荚敏达服亮琳譬鹅茵苍腹秧芳辞庶咎们倍溶焰蛙氨蛰卧禾形行筏锑祟涕剿铸帛谗付熬兄哼釉胖冻遏数羹镍铡包徽跟琴美贺挛粟悉袭化犬花建咋篮虎硷衡馒佐差照帘悔肝奠恬警含认适正妓夫僵岂堵酬锋石峡痒次凰卢亮嘉很愈狐灼韩约擅巫忠峦肆洽翼跺康识


4、痕泽赶愉意株沾罪涧狱疥拱摘奈醛荒腥院嚼鄂侥涪涅忧垫炼膘镣跨斋智磋镭紫间毗札生贫漱斧掘失件质淤骏征凰萨帜辞甘涧缎辕锄择捕蠢狐乞养邱蹭尸儒憋谤蚀凸淹苏北初中任务型英语教学实施现状调查研究A Survey of the Application of Task-Based Approach to English Teaching in Junior Schools in Northern Part of Jiangsu Province学生姓名: 指导老师:外国语学院,英语(师范)04070120*摘要:我国教育部2001年出台的英语课程标准(实验稿)明确鼓励教师“采用任务型的教学途径”。自新课标实施

5、以来,各种各样的相关改革研究活动已遍布全国。为了了解当前初中任务型教学(TBLT)在初中英语教学中应用的实际情况, 本研究以盐城市滨海县县城的四所中学共60名教师为研究对象,采用问卷、访谈和实地考察等方式进行调查研究。本文将呈现调查结果,分析数据,找出原因,提出建议,旨在通过调查研究促进苏北初中英语教学改革,提高该地区英语教学质量。关键词:任务型教学法,初中,苏北,调查1 IntroductionEnglish, an international language, plays an ever-increasingly important role in the world. Consider

6、ing the importance of second language teaching, many foreign language teaching researchers have been devoting themselves to the course of exploring more practical and efficient teaching methods. And among their research findings, Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) is one, which now wins the worldwi

7、de fame. The new National Curriculum Syllabus for English Language Teaching, published in 2001, advocates the use of Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT). However, some people argue that this teaching approach is not practical in China as it ignores the importance of grammar. The disparity demonstrat

8、es that problems exist in the application of TBLT. In order to find out the current implementation of TBLT, the author conducted this research.2 Literature review2.1 Theory of languageLanguage is a complex communicative system and its primary task is to convey meaning. According to socio-linguistics

9、, functional linguistics and other linguistic theories, language does not occur in a vacuum but is used in certain social and cultural environments. Apart from the literal meaning, language also expresses the interpersonal meaning. And TBLT attaches great importance to the authenticity of both form

10、and content of teaching.2.2 Theory of language learningThe Interaction Theory advocates that through meaning negotiation, students interlanguage system can be fully used and developed. The core of the Sociocultural Theory is that interaction activities do not merely include meaning negotiation, but

11、more importantly, students can work together to construct meaning in these activities. The basic view of Cognitive theory is that students pay all their attention to language forms in traditional teaching while TBLT encourages them to properly distribute their attention to language comprehension, ex

12、pression and other fields. Constructivism holds the view that language is constructed by ones own rather than taught by others. 3 Methodology3.1 Participants This research lasted one week from March 27 to April 3, 2008. Four junior high schools in the country of Binhai were visited during the resear

13、ch. The participants were 60 English teachers from these 4 junior high schools. 3.2 InstrumentsThe survey was conducted in three ways: questionnaire, interview and observation.3.2.1 Questionnaire Eighteen questions are involved in the questionnaire, which can be classified into three parts. The firs

14、t part is questions about the teachers attitudes, understanding and beliefs towards TBLT. The second part is questions about the design of teaching including teaching objectives, teaching content, teaching materials, teaching activities, teaching procedures and assessment. And the third part is ques

15、tions about the effects of teaching. 3.2.2 InterviewThe aim of interview is to explore the teachers understanding, attitudes, beliefs, and thoughts towards TBLT and the difficulty that they meet in applying TBLT as well as the barriers that prevent the smooth implementation of TBLT. The interview wa

16、s done by face-to-face talk. 3.3.3 ObservationObservation in this research includes two parts: classroom observation and reading teaching plans. About eight lessons were observed and fifteen copies of teaching plan were read during the whole research.3.3 Date collection and analysisMicrosoft Office Excel was used in analyzing the statistics. Interview was done by face-to-face talk. Notes were t


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