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1、写作专项提升Step 3变魔句提升描写逼真情境能力英英 语语情境情境1 1感受与心情感受与心情【魔句1】听到他竞赛获得一等奖的消息,我们又高兴又激动。On hearing the news that he finished in first place in the competition,we all felt delighted and excited.语境听说你要来参加我们为期一周的交流项目,并要发表关于西方艺术的演讲,我很高兴和你分享我的观点。On hearing that you are coming to join our one-week exchange programme a

2、nd deliver a speech about Western Art,Im very glad to share my opinions with you.【魔句2】能代表我校全体学生在这里发言,我感到非常荣幸。It is a great honour to give a speech here,as a representative of all the students of our school.语境与你一起在那儿享受多彩的日子,我们将十分荣幸。It is a great honour to have you there with us,enjoying the colourful

3、 days.【魔句3】不知道该如何跟同学们相处,她感到有些困惑。She felt somehow at a loss,wondering how to get on with her classmates.语境对于如何能讲一口流利的普通话,你感到困惑。You feel somehow at a loss,wondering how to speak Mandarin fluently.【魔句4】这个小男孩懂得这么多事情,我们对此感到惊讶。What surprises us is that the little boy knows so many things.语境令我感到非常高兴的是,我们修建

4、了一座新体育场,它已成为我们学校的地标建筑。What makes me joyful is that a famous new stadium has been put up,which has become the landmark in our school.【魔句5】老师的一席话深深地打动了我,我决心更加努力地学习英语。Deeply touched by what the teacher said,Im determined to learn English even harder.语境他们娴熟的技艺令我惊讶,我决心像他们一样出色。Greatly amazed at their grea

5、t skills,I was determined to be just as good as them.情境情境2 2时间与地点时间与地点【魔句6】会议大约持续了三个小时。The meeting took approximately/roughly three hours.语境美术展计划于5月9日810点举行,我们学校所有学生和老师都有望参与。All the students and the teachers of our school are expected to attend the art exhibition which will take two hours from 8:00

6、am to 10:00 am on May 9.【魔句7】公园是公众休息娱乐的地方。A park is a place for the public to rest and enjoy themselves.A park is a place where people can have a rest and have fun.语境广场是公众放松、玩得开心的地方。(1)The square is a place for the public to relax and enjoy themselves.(2)The square is a place where people can relax

7、and have fun.【魔句8】他瞥了一眼地图,然后告诉我们,往前再走不到20英里就是一个村庄。Glancing at the map,he informed us that the next village was less/no more than twenty miles away/ahead.语境往前走不到100米就是我们的图书馆。Our library is less/no more than 100 metres away/ahead.【魔句9】夜晚,学生们到达了这个小村庄。It was in the evening that the students reached the

8、small village.The students did not get to the small village until(it was)evening.语境我们下午到了家,累并快乐着。(1)It was in the afternoon that we arrived home,tired but pleased.(2)We didnt arrive home until the afternoon,tired but pleased.【魔句10】我们盼望的春节马上就要到了。Around the corner is the Spring Festival that we are lo

9、nging for/are dying for.语境我们盼望的节目马上就要开始了。Around the corner is the programme that we are longing for/are dying for.【魔句11】农历正月初一是春节。The Spring Festival falls on the first day of the first month in our Chinese lunar calendar.语境农历正月十五是元宵节。The Lantern Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the first mont

10、h in the lunar calendar.情境情境3 3困难与帮助困难与帮助【魔句12】我的车坏了。Something has gone wrong with my car.语境爸爸的摩托车出故障了,他不得不乘公交车去上班。Something was wrong with his motorbike,so Dad could do nothing but go to work by bus.【魔句13】我们如何能用更多的方法处理这个问题呢?How can we deal with/cope with the problem with more methods?语境我以前当志愿者的经历可以

11、帮助我解决这一过程中潜在的问题。My previous experience as a volunteer may help me deal with/cope with the potential problems in the process.【魔句14】我们最好充分利用这次机会来提高我们的英语口语水平。We had better take(full)advantage of the opportunity to improve our spoken English.We may/might as well make the most/best of the opportunity to

12、improve our spoken English.语境 我希望你最好充分利用这个机会进一步学习中国的传统文化。(1)I wish you had better take full advantage of the opportunity to learn traditional Chinese culture further.(2)I wish you might as well make the most of this opportunity to learn traditional Chinese culture further.【魔句15】他正处于困境,我们必须帮他渡过难关。He

13、is faced with many difficulties.It is necessary/essential/a must that we(should)help him pull through.语境它们现在处境危险,我们必须帮助它们。They are faced with danger.It is necessary/essential/a must that we(should)help them out.【魔句16】对很多人来说,掌握一门外语不是一件容易的事。It is a difficult task for many people to master a foreign la

14、nguage well.Many people find it a hard job to be fluent in a foreign language.It takes many people great efforts to have a good command of a foreign language.语境对很多人来说,养成一个好习惯不容易。(1)Its a difficult task for many people to develop a good habit.(2)Many people find it a hard job to develop a good habit.

15、(3)It takes many people great efforts to form a good habit.【魔句17】幸运的是,在当地群众的帮助下,他在这次交通事故中幸存下来。With the help of the local people,he luckily survived the traffic accident.Thanks to the assistance of the local people,he survived the traffic accident.语境在母亲的帮助下,我成功地做出了生日蛋糕。(1)With the help of my mother,I

16、 managed to make a birthday cake.(2)Thanks to my mothers help,I succeeded in making a birthday cake.情境情境4 4原因与结果原因与结果【魔句18】由于天气恶劣,所有航班都已被取消。All the flights have been called off owing to/due to/because of the bad weather.语境由于天气恶劣,很多人生病了。Many people fall ill owing to/due to/because of the bad weather.【魔句19】由于没有公共汽车,我们只好步行回家。As there was no bus,we had no choice but to walk home.There being no bus,we had to walk home.语境由于父亲出差,我把母亲送往了医院。(1)As my father was away on business,I sent my mother to the hos



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