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1、必修一. Unit 2: English around the world 基础 知能 回扣一. 核心词汇1重点单词:1电梯平;升降机n.16命令,指令,掌握n.vt.2汽油n.17请求,要求n.vt3汽油;气体;煤毒气n.18词语,表示,表达n.4航行;航海n.19中西部的adj.5本国/本地的/人/adj.20非洲的/人的/语言的adj.6公寓住宅;单元n.21东方的东部的adj.7实际上;事实上adv22东南方的来自东南的adj.8公元23西北方的,来自西北的adj.9以为根据,基础vt.24辨认出,承认,公认vt.10词汇,词汇量,词表n.25卡车truck)n.11拼写,拼法n.26

2、口音,腔调,重音n.12本身,本体,身分n.27闪电n.13频繁的,常见的adj.28挺直/直的adv.adj.14常常,频繁地adv.29街区,块,木块,石块n.15使用,用法,惯用法n.30出租车n.2词形变化:1.官方的正式的公务的adj_ 办公室n._2.实际上/ 事实上adv_ 实际的adj._3. 逐渐的/逐步的adj_逐渐/逐步地adv._4较后的/ 后半的adj_ 反义词_5. 流利的adj._ adv._6.频繁的常见的adj._ adv ._二. 高频短语.1.在方面 _ 2与不同_3在中担任角色_4例如_5信不信由你_6走进;上来;发生_7提出_8即使 _9在.基础上_1

3、0好好/充分)利用_11目前_12通常;照例_13在席;出席_14执行规则_15是人_ 16应某人的要求_17因为由于_18在-的未期_19距离近_三. 重点句式.1. Would you please go swimming with me this afternoon ?2. Many people died in the accident yesterday, including 2 children 3. He was punished by his father . That is because he didnt study hard4. There is no such Engl

4、ish teacher in our school5. I dont like the way you speak to me.6. What fun it is to go swimming in summer !7. Our boss commanded that we ( should ) go to collect market information8. I requested that he (should ) come an hour earlier9. He is more than a teacher to us. He is also a friend of ours12.

5、 Dont lose heart even if you should fail in the future.讲解:1. Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English.believe it or not 信不信由你例:Believe it or not,we were left waiting in the rain for two hours.信不信由你,我们冒雨一直等了两个小时。no such thing = not such a thing 例:There is no such person as you de

6、scribe here.这里没有你说的这样的人。即学即用:Its so nice to hear from her. _, we last met more than thirty years ago.A. Whats more B. That is to say C. In other words D. Believe it or notAs I know, there is _ car in this place.A. no such B. no a C. nor such D. no such a 2. However, on TV and the radio you will hear

7、 differences in the way people speak.however adv. 然而,不过; 无论如何,不管多么例:Certainly he apologized to me. However, I wont forgive him.当然他向我道歉了。不过,我不会原谅他的。注意:however 作“无论如何,不管多么”讲时,引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter how句式:however + adj./adv./+ 主语+谓语。例:He will never succeed however hard he tries.= He will never succeed n

8、o matter how hard he tries.无论他怎样努力都不会获得成功。辨析:however与but 表转折however 可置于句中、句首或句末,且多用逗号与其他句子成分隔开。He likes singing English songs. He cant sing well, however.他喜欢唱英文歌,不过唱得不好。She felt ill. She went to work, however, and tried to concentrate.她病了,然而她照旧去上班,并且尽力集中精神工作。but“但是,然而”,是对等连接词,即连接几个并列成分,转折意味较强,通常位于句中

9、,且中间无逗号与其他句子成分隔开。例:Id love to go to the theater tonight, but I am too busy.我倒是很想今晚去看戏的, 不过我太忙了。即学即用: He agreed with me. Later, _, he changed his mind.A. but B. however C. though D. while You should try to get a good nights sleep much work you have to do. A. however B. no matter C. although D. whatev

10、er in the way people speak.people speak是way的定语从句。当先行词是way(表方法,方式)且关系词在从句中作方式状语时,可用that, in which 或不用关系词来引导定语从句。例:You can see the way his mind works when you read his books.看他写的书就能了解他的思想方法。即学即用:I dont like the way _ you speak to your teacher.A. which B. what C. that D. how四. 课文完形:With the development

11、 of Chinas tourism, English _ in it, I think it is mainly_ more and more foreigners visit to China, which makes English _to our daily life. _, as a(an) _language, its _is also changing _. Perhaps you may ask why the _English has changed over time. Now let me tell you the reason: All languages change

12、 when_ communicate with one another. At _, English is still _ as the first foreign language, so we should learn it under the _of our English teacher, try hard to _the texts that we learn, enlarge our _ and grasp the grammar_at the same time.五. 单词拼写:1. We all hope one day Liu Xiang can break the i_ official record of the 110m hurdles. 2. Mr. Smith


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