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1、英语 四年级上册Lesson 4 Shoes and Socks教学目标1. 知识目标学生能够听懂、会说、认读和书写关于服装的单词:dress, shoes, socks, shorts, 并能够运用“Are these his/her _? Yes, they are. /No, they arent.”对人物穿着进行描述。2.能力目标提高在实际生活中运用英语的能力,能够用英语表达服装的归属。3. 情感目标通过对服装的谈论,感悟着装的得体与美观。教学重难点1. 教学重点学生能够听懂、会说、认读和书写:dress, shoes, socks, shorts,并运用句型“Are these hi

2、s/her _? Yes, they are. /No, they arent.”对服装是否合体进行问答。2. 教学难点this,these 句型与服装词汇的正确使用及肯定、否定的完整回答。教学准备服装实物、多媒体教学过程Step1 Class Opening (5 min.)Greeting and Revision教师为学生在课件中呈现图片,并将人物的服装进行遮挡,请学生来猜。学生观看图片,并利用一般疑问句进行猜测。T: What are they wearing? Can you guess?S: Is he/she wearing_?(Purpose:猜图的游戏能够迅速集中学生的课堂注

3、意力、激发学生参与课堂的兴趣,同时完成旧知的复习,并为新知的呈现埋下伏笔。)Step2 Presentation and Practice (25 min.)1. Watch and Answer教师利用课件呈现文本第一部分的图片讲授新知。学生通过猜图来学习新知 dress。T: What is she wearing?S: She is wearing a dress.(Purpose: 利用导入中的游戏自然过渡到新授环节,学生自然接受。)2. Watch and Compare教师继续呈现图片,通过裤子与短裤的对比讲解 shorts。学生学习 shorts,并猜测其颜色。T: What i

4、s he wearing?S: He is wearing shorts.(Purpose: trousers 与 shorts 的对比加深学生对新知的理解,颜色的猜测为下一个环节打下基础。)3. Watch and Express教师出示 shoes 和 socks 实物讲解新知。学生学习运用 this和 these 对服装进行描述。T: Whats in the box? Whats in the shoes?S: These are shoes/socks. They are yellow/white.(Purpose: 呈现 shoes 与 socks 的实物,符合学生的身心发展水平,

5、将新知具体形象化。)4. Look and Write教师利用课件呈现第 2 部分的服装,并教授如何书写句子。学生模仿书写句子。T: Whats this? S: This is a dress.T: What colour is it? S: It is green.T: What are these? S: These are trousers. T: What colour are they? S: They are blue.(Purpose: 通过模仿书写句型,提高学生写的能力。)5. Listen and Answer教师播放音频,教授一般疑问句的完整回答形式。学生听音回答问题。T

6、: These are new shorts. Are these her shorts? S: No, they arent.T: Are these his shorts?S: Yes, they are.(Purpose: 通过课件创设情境,听音回答问题的形式直接介入文本,将新知生活化。)6. Read and Answer教师组织学生进行文本朗读,并板书。学生自由朗读课文,回答问题。T: This is a new dress. Is this his dress?S: No, it isnt.T:Is this her dress?S: Yes, it is.(Purpose: 朗读

7、的过程学生第二次接触文本,重难点知识在学生脑海中二次输入。)7. Listen and Read教师播放音频。学生跟读。(Purpose: 跟读环节纠正了学生的语音、语调和语速。)8. Remember and Talk教师利用动画形式交替呈现Kim 和 Li Lin 的服装,引导学生进行问答。学生记忆 Kim 和Li Lin 的服装,并进行师生、生生之间的问答练习。T: Kim and Li Lin have many clothes. Lets try to remember them.S1: Is this his/her _?S2: Yes, it is./No, it isnt.S3

8、: Are these his/her _?S4: Yes, they are./No, they arent.(Purpose: 活动可以将学生的注意力再次集中到课堂上,对新知进行巩固的基础上通过合作完成操练,实现语言的真正语用。)Step3 Production(8 min.)1. Watch and DescribeKim 和 Li Lin 的照片出现在课件上,并利用学生的服装和教师带来的鞋子进行对话示范。学生模仿,进行对话。T: What is Kim/Li Lin wearing now?S1: Kim/Li Lin is wearing _.T: Are these her/his

9、 _?S2: Yes, they are. /No, they arent.(通过对 Kim 和 Li Lin的服装进行整体描述,将新旧知识进行整合,实现拓展。)2. Choose and Talk教师出示照片,引导学生进行拓展练习。学生小组合作,自主选择讨论对象。T: Work in pairs. Choose one picture to talk about. You can talk about your classmates, too.S: What is she wearing? Are these her_?(Purpose: 为学生提供广阔的交际空间,学生自主选择讨论的对象,可

10、以是教师提供的照片,也可以是班级同学,实现语言的生活化。)Step4 Homework(2 min.)1. Draw your favourite clothes, colour them and describe them.2. Talk about one of your picture with your friends.(Purpose: 将作业与学生喜欢的形式相结合,并以口头和笔头两种形式进行布置,再次巩固所学。)Blackboard designLesson 4 Shoes and SocksIs this his/her dress?Yes, it is. (No, it isnt.)shorts?Are these his/her shoes?socks?Yes, they are. (No, they arent.)



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