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1、英语(四年级下册)Unit 5 Seasons Checkout time Teaching contents教学内容Checkout time Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标1. 复习和巩固本单元所学重点词汇、句型与日常用语。2. 掌握描述季节、天气和人们的活动的方法。3. 逐步掌握有效的学习方法,养成良好的学习习惯,提高学习效率。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点掌握描述季节、天气和人们的活动的方法。Teaching procedures 教学过程Ste

2、p 1 Free talkT: Do you like poems? Lets enjoy. What is this poem about?S: Its about seasons.T: Today, we will continue to learn Unit5 SeasonsStep 2 Checkout timeT: There are 4 seasons in a year. What are they?S: Spring, summer, autumn and winter.T: Different seasons, different weathers, and also dif

3、ferent activities. Now, open your book, turn to page 37 and try to match. Now, lets check the answer.Ss: T: Now, lets work in group of 4, each student choose one season to say. Step 3 Revision1. Lead inT: There are four seasons in a year, which season do you like best?S: I likeT: Can you guess which

4、 season do I like best?S: Is it?T: Actually, I love the 4 seasons, and I try my best to make a season book, would you like to enjoy?S: Yes.2. Part1 Hello, springT: I took a photo for spring, can you describe it?S: It is spring, its beautiful/warm/T: Look! The tress are_. Look at the _. They are_. I

5、can see the _. They are _.S: try to say.T: Now, can you finish the photo notes?S:T: Now, lets read it together.3. Part2 welcome summerT: Summer is wonderful. Whats the weather like? What colour is summer? What food do I eat? What activities do I do Now, lets listen and find.S1: Its hot.S2: Look! The

6、 sea is blue in summerS3: I eat ice creams in summer. Its yummy.S4: I swim in the pool in summer.T: Now, lets read it together.4. Part3 Windy autumnT: The wind blows in autumn, the windmill is spinning. Can you fill in the blanks? Autumn is_. The _are busy in autumn. We_ in autumn. 拓展picnics时吃什么喝什么

7、We_in autumn.T: Now, lets read it together.5. Part4 Love winterT: Can you fill in blanks by using the words on the right part?S:.T: Now, lets read it together.6. Part 5 Your storyT: Can you write a complete passage about your favourite season? Maybe a little bit difficult, dont worry, heres a writin

8、g tip for you. A complete passage must have 3 parts, the beginning, the body and the ending. In the beginning part, we should write our topic. In the body part, we should describe the season. In the ending part, we should write our feelings. Now, lets have a try.S:T: Lets share our poems.Step 4 Homework1.Write your season book.2.Preview Unit6.


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