《微生物学》主要知识点-07 第七章 微生物的生长及其控制.doc

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1、第七章 微生物的生长及其控制概述:微生物生长是细胞物质有规律地、不可逆增加,导致细胞体积扩大的生物学过程。微生物生长到一定阶段,由于细胞结构的复制与重建并通过特定方式产生新的生命个体即繁殖。在一定时间和条件下细胞个体和数量的增加即微生物的群体生长。7.1 测定生长繁殖的方法7.1.1 测生长量 1.直接法测体积:一定培养液离心后观察菌体体积。称干重:一定培养液经离心、洗涤、干燥后称重。2.间接法比浊法:用分光光度计在450650nm波段测定。生理指标法:测氮、碳、磷、DNA、RNA、ATP、DAP等。7.1.2 计繁殖数1.直接法比例计数法:将已知颗粒浓度的液体与待测菌液按一定比例均匀混合,在

2、显微镜视野中数出各自的数目,然后求出未知菌液中的细胞浓度。血球计数板法2.间接法液体稀释法:MPN(most probable number)法。平板菌落计数法7.2 微生物的生长规律7.2.1细菌的个体生长和同步生长:细菌的个体生长包括细胞结构的复制与再生、细胞的分裂与控制。目前研究细菌个体生长的方法有:一是电子显微镜观察细菌细胞的超微切片,二是使用同步培养技术(synchronous culture),即设法使群体中的所有细胞尽可能都处于同样细胞生长和分裂周期中,然后分析此群体的各种生物化学特征,从而了解单个细胞所发生的变化。通过同步培养而使细胞群体处于分裂步调一致的状态即同步生长(syn

3、chronous growth)。 获得细菌同步生长的方法: 1.环境条件控制技术:温度、培养基成分控制、光照等。2.物理学方法:梯度离心法、选择性过滤法。7.2.2典型生长曲线(typical bacterial growth curve):将少量纯种单细胞微生物接种到恒容积的液体培养基中后,在适宜的温度、通气(厌氧菌除外)等条件下,它们的群体会有规律地生长起来。以细胞数目的对数值作纵坐标,以培养时间作横坐标,可以画出一条有规律的曲线即微生物的典型生长曲线。根据微生物的生长速率常数(growth constant),即每小时的分裂代数(R)的不同,一般可把典型生长曲线分为延滞期、指数期、稳定

4、期和衰亡期。The typical bacterial growth curve典型生长曲线显示的四个时期:1.延滞期( lag phase );2.指数期( exponential or logarithmic phase );3.稳定期(stationary phase );4.衰亡期(death phase )。7.2.3 微生物的连续培养(continuous culture of microorganisms):在微生物的整个培养期间,通过一定的方式使微生物能以恒定的比生长速率生长并能持续生长下去的一种培养方法。恒浊器(turbidostat):根据培养器内微生物的生长密度,并借光电

5、控制系统来控制培养液流速,以取得菌体密度高、生长速度恒定的微生物细胞的连续培养器。恒化器(chemostat):使培养液流速保持不变,并使微生物始终在低于其最高生长速率条件下进行生长繁殖的一种连续培养装置。7.3 影响微生物生长的主要因素 7.3.1 温度(Temperature):Bacteria have a minimum, optimum, and maximum temperature for growth and can be divided into 3 groups based on their optimum growth temperature: 1.嗜冷菌-Psychro

6、philes are cold-loving bacteria. Their optimum growth temperature is between -5 oC and 15 oC. They are usually found in the Arctic and Antarctic regions and in streams fed by glaciers.2.嗜中温菌-Mesophiles are bacteria that grow best at moderate temperatures. Their optimum growth temperature is between

7、25 oC and 45 oC. Most bacteria are mesophilic and include common soil bacteria and bacteria that live in and on the body. 3.嗜热菌-Thermophiles are heat-loving bacteria. Their optimum growth temperature is between 45 oC and 70 oC and are commonly found in hot springs and in compost heaps. 4.超嗜热菌-Hypert

8、hermophiles are bacteria that grow at very high temperatures. Their optimum growth temperature is between 70 oC and 110 oC. They are usually members of the Archae and are found growing near hydrothermal vents at great depths in the ocean. 7.3.2 氧气(Oxygen):Microorganisms show a great deal of variatio

9、n in their requirements for gaseous oxygen. Most can be placed in one of the following groups: 1.专性需氧菌:Obligate aerobes are organisms that grow only in the presence of oxygen. They obtain their energy through aerobic respiration. 2.微需氧菌:Microaerophiles are organisms that require a low concentration

10、of oxygen (2% to 10%) for growth, but higher concentrations are inhibitory. They obtain their energy through aerobic respiration. 3.专性厌氧菌:Obligate anaerobes are organisms that grow only in the absense of oxygen and, in fact, are often inhibited or killed by its presense. They obtain their energy thr

11、ough anaerobic respiration or fermentation. 4.耐氧菌:Aerotolerant anaerobes, like obligate anaerobes, cannot use oxygen to transform energy but can grow in its presence. They obtain energy only by fermentation and are known as obligate fermenters. 5.兼性厌氧菌:Facultative anaerobes are organisms that grow w

12、ith or without oxygen, but generally better with oxygen. They obtain their energy through aerobic respiration if oxygen is present, but use fermentation or anaerobic respiration if it is absent. Most bacteria are facultative anaerobes. 7.3.3 pH:Microorganisms can be placed in one of the following gr

13、oups based on their optimum pH requirements:1.嗜中性微生物:Neutrophiles grow best at a pH range of 5 to 8.2.嗜酸微生物:Acidophiles grow best at a pH below 5.5.3.嗜碱微生物:Alkaliphiles grow best at a pH above 微生物培养法 7.4.1 实验室培养法1.固体培养好氧菌的培养:试管斜面、培养基平板等。厌氧菌的培养:高层琼脂柱、Hungate 滚管技术、厌氧培养皿、厌氧罐(anaerobic jar)技术、厌氧

14、手套箱(anaerobic glove box)。2.液体培养好氧菌的培养:试管液体培养、三角瓶浅层培养、摇瓶培养、台式发酵罐等。厌氧菌的培养:加还原剂的深层液体培养。7.4.2 生产实践中的微生物培养 1.固体培养好氧菌的曲法培养 瓶曲、袋曲、帘子曲、转鼓曲和通风曲等。厌氧的堆积培养2.液体培养好氧菌的培养:浅盘培养(shallow pan cultivation)、发酵罐(fermenter)深层液体培养。厌氧菌的培养:厌氧发酵罐的深层液体培养。 7.5 有害微生物的控制:在我们周围的环境中,到处都有各种各样的微生物存在着,其中有一部分对人类有害。对这些有害微生物应采取有效的措施来抑制或消

15、灭它们。7.5.1 基本概念1.灭菌(sterilization)采用强烈的理化因素使任何物体内外部的一切微生物永远丧失其生长繁殖能力的措施。分为:杀菌(bacteriocidation)和溶菌(bacteriolysis)。2.消毒(disinfection)采用较温和的理化因素,仅杀死物体表面或内部一部分对人体有害的病原菌,而对被消毒的物体基本无害的措施。3.防腐(antisepsis)利用某些理化因素完全抑制霉腐微生物的生长繁殖,从而达到防止食品等发生霉腐的措施。4.化疗(chemotherapy)化学治疗利用具有高度选择毒力(selective toxicity,即对病原菌具有高度毒力

16、而对宿主无显著毒性)的化学物质来抑制宿主体内病原微生物的生长繁殖,借以达到治疗该传染病的一种措施。用于化疗目的的化学物质称化学治疗剂(chemotherapeutant)。最重要的化学治疗剂如抗生素、磺胺类药物和中草药中的有效成分等。7.5.2 物理杀菌因素:包括高温、辐射、超声波和激光等。 高温杀菌的种类1.干热灭菌法(dry heat sterilization)火焰灼烧法烘箱内热空气灭菌法2.湿热灭菌法(moist heat sterilization)常压法:巴氏消毒法(pasteurization)、煮沸消毒法、间歇灭菌法(fractional sterilizationtyndallization)。加压法:常规加压灭菌法



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