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1、.q i kanwang P nel中国学木期刊网h 论文发表专家一Treating Iconic projects rationally【abstract as there exists representative projects in a huge number of which, somehave been successful,and somehavefaced a lot of problems during and after the process.nowadaysevery country, even every city has its ownlandmark const

2、ructions called “ iconic project ”. this form of projects is often paid great attentionby the government and the wholesociety. in this article,i would like to focus on the iconicprojects through analyzing and discussing certain success or failure iconic constructions,and then just to lay out my owns

3、ta ndpo int.1 current situation of iconic projectswith the accelerate development of global economyin today s society, more and more countries even cities in small scare show in terests in the Ian dmark build in gs, being exactly, the image con structi ons.iconic projects exist with the history of h

4、umandevelopment. as known to all, there were a lot of architectural won ders in the ancient world since the beginning of our humanbeings history and someof which are still almost the symbols in their coun tries with their special sig nifica is well known that“ iconic ” means relati ng to or

5、hav ing论文发袤专家一 趣|中国学木期刊网 .q i kanwang .nelthe characteristics on an icon, thus, the iconic projects meanthe projects with certa in iconic characteristics. however,“ iconic projects ” should not simply be interpretedas icon.the original role of iconic constructions is Iandmark which is the sig nifica

6、 nt sig n regarded by people of a city.2 actual cases exist as iconic projects2.1 success cases of iconic projectsgen erally,whe n sta nding in front, each ico nic buildi ng isdesig ned and con structed perfectly, which will gen erate the illusion to people that all the iconic buildings are truly su

7、ccessful.take the emirates stadium in london as an example. it is england s third largest football ground with a seating capacity of 60,000.this stadium is succeeded that it gained a lot of reputations from the professionals in some authorities.2.1.1 the con tractor. with the great reputatio n incon

8、 structi on and particularly accomplished in man agi ng supply cha in.2.1.2 the clie nt. the clie nt should decide time, cost and performa nee.2.1.3 relati on ships.医一论文发袤专家一J中国黠斛网fwww.qikanwang. nel2.1.4 build ability and realistic cost budgets.2.1.5 resolved away from the scrutiny of the press and

9、 public.2.1.6 tight con tract programme2.2 failure cases of iconic projects2.2.1 the examples of failure(1) the millennium stadium opened in june 1999 as thelargest sports venue in uk at that time. however, throughout the whole process, it failed with the main difficulty in cost overr un as it lost

10、exceed ing 196m, which means that thestadium could not meet the bala nee as it had bee n expected.(2) the wembley stadium is the national stadium of england with the largest capacity of 90,000 seat venue. as such an icon ic con structi on, wembley stadium shows its drawbacks in cost overr un and day

11、s delay. and also, it is puzzled by the political dime nsion.(3) the holy rood inquiry was delayed, which led to the obstacles for the following steps. therefore, there certainly exist the problems of cost and days. furthermore, because the final criterio n of bid was not clear eno ugh, the ope nn ess of the project related to commercial bid is lack of transparency.


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