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1、Lesson 7Mum: Whos that girl,Kate?Kate: She is my new friend.Mum: Whats her name?Kate: Her name is Zhou Pei.Mum: Oh,she has big eyes and long hair.Kate: And shes pretty and clever.Whats his name?His name is Peter.Whats her name?Her name is Zhou Pei.his他的 her她的 clever聪明的 pretty漂亮的 quiet安静的 eye眼睛 nose鼻

2、子 hair头发 Lesson 9Gao Wei: Mum,this is Dick,my new friend at the art club.Mum: How old are you,Dick?Dick: Im ten.Gao Wei: Whos this little girl?Dick: Shes my sister.Mum: How old is she?Dick: Shes six.Mum: Oh,shes cute!Gao Wei: And Dick is smart!How old are you?Im ten.How old is he?Hes eleven. Hes sma

3、rt.How old is she?Shes twelve. Shes cute.how old多大 he他 she她 smart聪明的cute可爱的 lovely可爱的 active活泼的 Lesson 11Kate: Hi,Li Yan. Whos that policeman?Li Yan: Hes my uncle.Kate: Wow! Hes handsome!Kate: And whos that policeman?Li Yan: Shes my aunt.Kate: Oh,shes beautiful!Li Yan: Thank you!Whos that woman?Can

4、you guess?Shes our music teacher.Oh!Shes beautiful.that那,那个 man男人 woman女人 beautiful漂亮的 handsome英俊的Lesson 13Hello! My name is Tom. Im ten. Im from Australia. Im a new student. Im in Class Two,Grade Five. Here is a picture of my family. This is my father. Hes a writer. This is my mother. Shes a singer

5、. The girl is my sister. The boy is me. We love our father and mother, and they love us. We are a happy family.This is my father.Hes a writer.This is my mother.Shes a dancer.family家庭 love爱 this这,这个 father父亲 mother母亲 writer作家dancer舞蹈演员 singer歌手Lesson 15Wei Min : Hello, everyone!My name is Wei Min. Im

6、 eleven .Im a student in Class Three, Grade Five. Let me introduce my parents to you. This is my father and this is my mother.Hostess : What does your father do?Wei Min : Hes an actor.Hostess : Is your mother an actress?Wei Min : No. Shes a factory worker.Hostess : What do you want to be in the futu

7、re?Wei Min : I want to be an actor.Hostess : Thats a good idea!What does your father do?Hes an actor.What does your mother do?Shes a worker.parents 父母亲 an 一个 a 一个actor 演员 worker 工人 actress 女演员Lesson 17Gao Wei: Hi, Kate! Look at todays newspaper.Kate: Wow! A policeman.Gao Wei: Who is he? Can you gues

8、s?Peter: Sorry, I dont know.Gao Wei: Hes my uncle.Kate: Really? He looks great in his uniform.Gao Wei: Yes. He often helps people in his work.Kate: Oh, hes a good policeman! How about your aunt? Whats her job?Gao Wei: Shes a policewoman.Peter: I want to be a policeman in the future!Whos he? Hes my u

9、ncle.Whats his job? Hes a policeman.Whos she? Shes my aunt.Whats her job? Shes a policewoman.who谁 uncle叔叔 aunt阿姨 police警察,警方policeman警察 policewoman女警察 reporter记者Lesson 19Mr White: Hi, Mrs Wu! Nice to see you again.Mrs Wu: Nice to see you, too!Mr White: Where do you work now?Mrs Wu: I work in Beijing

10、 Cinema. How about you?Mr White: I work at the Bank of China. Mr White: How about your daughter? Where do you study now?Daughter: I study at Sunny School.Where do you work?I work in cinema.Where do you study?I study at Sunny School.work工作 study学习 cinema电影院bank银行 hotel宾馆Lesson 21Yang Ming: Look, Lisa

11、. Thats my mother. Shes on TV.Lisa: Really? Whats her job?Yang Ming: Shes a TV reporter.Lisa: Where does she work?Yang Ming: She works at CCTV.Lisa: Is your father a TV reporter, too?Yang Ming: No, hes a doctor.Lisa: Where does he work?Yang Ming: He works in Beijing Hospital.Where does your father w

12、ork?He works in Beijing Hospital.Where does your mother work?She works at CCTV.on在.上面 in在.里面 at在 hospital医院 CCTV中国中央电视台shopping mall购物中心Lesson 23Dear Amy,My name is Gao Wei. Im from China. Im eleven. Im a primary school student. Im in Class One,Grade Five. There are three people in my family. My mot

13、her is a teacher in a school. My father is a manager in a big company. How about you? How many people are there in your family? What do your parents do? Can you tell me?Yours,Gao WeiDear Gao Wei,Thank you for your email. Im Amy. Im from Canada. Im twelve. Im in Class Two,Grade Six. There are six peo

14、ple in my family. They are my grandfather,my grandmother, my father, my mother, my brother and I. My father works in the City Library. My mother works in a small restaurant. My brother works in a bank. We love our father and mother. They love us,too. We have a happy family. Can you tell me more about your life?Yours,Amy


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