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1、八年级英语期中定时作业一、 单项选择(20分)( )1、There _serious air pollution if people use more cars in the future.A. are B. has C. will be D. will have ( )2、What will the life be like _over 200 year?A. in B. on C. at D. by ( )3、One of the _interested in those Chinese paintings.A. tourist is B. tourists is C. tourist a

2、re D. tourists are ( )4、In the final exams, Wang Feng did _in math than in English. A. well B. badly C. worse D. worst( )5、-Im sorry , Miss Green. I _my schoolbag on the school bus . -Youre too careless. Lets go and _.A. forgot; get back it B. forgot ;get it back C. left ; get it back D. left ;get b

3、ack it ( )6、_is a bad habit to drink a lot of water before _to bed .A. It, go B. That ,going C. It ,going D. That , to go ( )7、-Could you take me to the park this afternoon ,Dad? -_.You know , I have to wash my car.A. Im afraid not B. Have a good time C. Of course D. I think so ( )8、Dont worry .I wi

4、ll finish _my work in two days. A. do B. to do C. doing D. did ( )9、I have _comic books than Anna, but _DVDs than her . A. more ,less B. more ,more C. fewer , fewer D. fewer ,more ( )10、Julias mother _ lots of money on clothes every year.A. takes B. costs C. spends D. pays ( )11、I_ if you _me. A. wi

5、ll come, will invite B. will come, invite C. come, will invite D. come, invite ( )12、The basketball game _in No.1 Middle School once a term . A. has B. takes place C. happens D. holds ( )13、Erin said to Dennis _, “I dont have _to do those boring things!”A. loudly enough , enough time B. enough loudl

6、y , enough times C. loudly enough , times enough D. enough loudly , time , enough( )14、-Did you all enjoy _in the World park yesterday ? -Yes, of course .we had a great time there. A. you B. your C. yourself D. yourselves( )15、 Mary is good at _stories and always makes us _. A. tell ,laugh B. tellin

7、g , laughing C. telling , laugh D. tell , laughing ( )16、Dont you think _to find a job in this big city? A. it easy B. it easily C. is it easy D. easy it ( )17、Mrs. Wang has been alone _her husband died 5 years ago. A. since B. from C. after D. in ( )18、Vera is always the first _to school.A. gets B.

8、 getting C. got D. to get ( )19、Kids, could you please _the sitting room _? A. to make, clean B. make, clean C. to make, cleaning D. make, cleaning ( )20、would you mind _a message to Miss Zhang? A. taking B. take C. took D. to take 二、 完形填空(10分) Joe is going to middle school and hes so nervous . His

9、two best friends will go to a different school from his . Hes not _1_if he can make new friends at his new school . We interviewed(采访)Sarah right after she finishes her first year of middle school .She fully understands _2_worry . In fact , at the beginning of this year she didnt _3_anyone there . B

10、ut now she has a whole new group of friends . Heres what she says: “Well , I was very nervous during my first few weeks at middle school . _4_the first day I even misread(误读)my schedule and took the wrong textbooks !But soon I found that there were many _5_just like me . They were also new to the sc

11、hool and we could help each other. One girl asked me _6_an English word . We started talking and now shes my best friend . There are many places to make new friends at school . I play on the volleyball team and were all like a big _7_!I also made friends _8_I borrowed books in the library. In a word

12、 , if youre going into middle school , just understand that its _9_to be scared . I _10_thought Id made so many friends , but I made it . If I can do it , you can, too!”( )1、A. worried B. scared C. sure D. afraid( )2、A. Joes B. her C. our D. their ( )3、A. tell B. talk C. see D. know ( )4、A. Of B. In

13、 C. On D. At ( )5、A. other B. the other C. others D. the others ( )6、A. how spell B. how to spell C. what speak D. what to speak ( )7、A. class B. school C. team D. family ( )8、A. when B. if C. until D. while ( )9、A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing ( )10、A. always B. never C. often D.

14、usually 三、 阅读理解(40分)A判断正(T)误(F) Johnny is a student at a high school . He shows a great interest in computer . He usually works on his computer late into the night . One day after supper, Johnny joined his computer to the computer in his high school office. The school office computer had the grades of all the students . He found his English grade . Ah , “F” again ! Johnny changed it from F to A. The next day Johnny took his report card to his parents and they were very pleased with the result . “An A in English !” said Johnnys dad . “My son i


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