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1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date新概念第一册总复习题新概念第一册总复习题I. Multiple Choice1 I am hungry. Give me a _ of bread.A. loaf B. piece C. pound D. bar2. Look! The cat _ along the wall.A. runs B. ran C. is running D. was running3.

2、 Alice is a nurse. _ is from London.A. She B. He C. It D. I4. Is the old man an English _ an American?A. and B. or C. not D. nor5. What nationality are you?-Im _.A. in China B. Thailand C. Swedish D. from Korean6. Sophie _ a teacher. We_ her students.A. is, is B. am, are C. am, am D. is, are7. Hows

3、Tony?-_.A. How are youB. Hes good C. Nice to meet youD. Hes fine.8. This is _ handbag.A. hers B. Judys C. Mikes D. its9. I saw three _ over there.A. policemans B. men C. girl D. boxs10. What is your job? -_. A. Im from Paris B. Im fine, thank you C. I am not a mechanic D. I am an office assistant.11

4、. -_?- I have got a headache.A. What do you have B. What do you get C. How are you goingD. Whats wrong with you12.Are these _ pens?No, they _ not. _ pens are blue.A. your, are, my B. their, are, my C. his, are, their D. your, are, her13. Those are _ umbrellas. Give _ our umbrellas please.A. their, u

5、s B. our, us C. our, them D. your, you14. There is a bottle _table.A. in middle of the B. on C. in the middle of theD. in the15. Give me _cups. Which cups? _ cups beside the magazine.A. /, the B. some, the C. the, the C. any, those16. -Do you want these books?-No, _ on the shelf.A. The one B. Ones C

6、. Those ones D. The ones17. That is my passport. Give _ to _.A. him, it B. it, him C. his, her C. her, him18. There _ some newspapers on the table.A. is B. are C. has D. have19. He takes some _ into his bag.A. knifes B. pensils C. potatoes D. boxs20. What _ I do, Madam? - Wash the dishes and take th

7、e children to the park.A. must B. may C. will D. need21. Wait a minute. I _ the bed.A. am taking B. am making C. take D. make22. -What is she doing? -She _ the basket.A. has emptied B. empties C. be empting D. is emptying23. The little child is looking _ an aeroplane.A. in B. up C. over D. at24. The

8、 bird flies _ the river.A. across B. over C. up D. above25. Leave her alone. She _ a letter.A. writes B. types C. is writing D. is typping26. The village is _ the river.A. on B. in C. with D. over27. -_ are you going to paint the fence? - Im going to paint it green.A. What B. Which colour C. How D.

9、What colour28. This vase is not _ me. It belongs to Tim.A. with B. for C. to D. taken29. _ put the bottle near the fire. Its dangerous.A. / B. Not C. Dont D. Do30.- Is there _ bread on the plate?-Yes, there is _A. some, some B. any, any C. some, any D. any, some31. I can see _ cars, but I cant see _

10、 buses.A. some, any B. any, some C. any, any D. some, some32. _ she type this letter for me?A. Must B. Can C. Need D. May33. The children are running _ the park.A. along B. through C. in D. across34. He _ like milk in his tea. He _ black tea.A. dont, likes B. didnt, like C. doesnt, likes D. /, like3

11、5. You dont like beef. I dont like it, _.A. too B. either C. neither D. always36. I like apples but she _.A. does not B. isnt C. doesnt D. is not37.Whats the climate like in your hometown?- Its _.A. pleasant B. mildy C. interested D. sunny38. The sun _ every day.A. shined B. shone C. shines D. is shining39. Weather is our _ subject of conversation. A. best B. liking C. interesting D. favourite40. In the morning, Mr. Sawyer _ goes to work at 8. A. always B. usually C. now D. already


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