国旗下的讲话:从现在开始走好每一步参考讲话 .doc

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1、国旗下的讲话:从现在开始,走好每一步参考讲话教师们,同学们,上午好!今天我在国旗下演讲的标题是“从如今开场,走好每一步”。作为一个高中生,我们肩负着家长的期望,祖国的今后;我们面临着马上降临的高考;我们渴望得到成功。“千里之行,始于足下”,从如今开场,走好每一步。列宁曾说:“不要回绝每一件小事,任何大事都是从小事开场的。”为了实现这一切,我们要恪守由董事长提出的“三不一礼”。 我们明白是不能在学校内吸烟的,我们都明白,吸烟不仅有害于我们的健康,也会给周围的人带来危害。我们要保护本人的身体,要珍惜本人的生命,要享受今后的生活,是离不开一个健康的身体的,因此我们绝不会吸烟。 我们清晰怎么样保持正常

2、的男女同学关系。关于恋爱,它是一种漂亮而神圣的感情,但它更是一种责任和义务,在我们还不成熟的时候,还不能承担起这份沉重的感情。因此我们绝不会在高中时代早恋。 我们明白不能骂人,马克思曾说:“骂人是没有道理人的道理。”更不能在学校内打架斗殴,打架是野蛮人的行为。学生的任务确实是学习知识,用全人类的知识来武装本人。任何的暴力行为都会妨碍我们的今后,因此,我们要操纵住本人的情绪,绝不冲动,理智地处理好一切。 我们理解要讲究礼貌,礼貌是人类最好的美德,礼貌是一个人素养的表达,而讲礼貌是一种修身养性的方法。“平易近人者,人皆近之”,不管走到哪里,我们都应该以礼字为先。我们每天提高一点,尽管不能改变这个世

3、界,但我们通过提高本身素养,却能使这个世界变得更加美妙。 尊敬的教师们,我们都明白,我们都清晰,我们都明白,我们也都理解,我们会走好每一小步。绝不轻言放弃;为了实现本人的理想,完成本人的目的,一点一滴的积累,一点一滴的成长。圆满地度过高中生活,踏入梦寐以求的大学。 高三年级 聂骁 Good morning ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to be here.As a high school student. Our challenge is to succeed in the coming university entrance examinatio

4、n and enter the dream university. To achieve this goal, we should observe several rules advocated by Mr.Zheng.First, No smoking at school. As known to everybody, smoking is not only bad for our health but also does harm to others bodies. Therefore we must treat our body right and cherish our lives.

5、It is difficult to enjoy life without good health. Second, keep proper relationship between girls and boys. Love is beautiful in life but it should only happen when it should be. Third, we should never fight with others at school. Our goal is to acquire knowledge and learn to how to be useful to soc

6、iety. Any violence will affect our goal, so we must become the master of our emotions, and focus on studying and give it our best effort. Last but not least, we should be in good manners. How can we be kind? There are numerous ways. For example, we can open doors for people when we enter a building,

7、 a room, or a elevator. We should always say “thank you” to service people. In fact, we should be courteous whatever we go. When we see litter, we should pick it up. When we see someone do something nice, we should praise him. We can donate our blood or donate some money to poor people. Our little d

8、onation can make someones life brighter. We should do one good deed every day. We may not be able to change the world, but we can change ourselves to make the world better. In conclusion, we should persist, we should persevere, and we should never give up. So long as we dont give up, we will succeed in everything and eventually attend a prestigious university. Thanks for Listening.


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