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《ABOUT SPORTS.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《ABOUT SPORTS.doc(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1A:Hi,my name is Lily,Im your deskmateB:Hello,I am Amy.nice to meet you!A:Nice to meet you,too!.oh.whats this!Yao Mings picture!B:Yes,I like him very much!and I like basketball too!A:Really?I also like basketball,Yao is my idol!B:Oh.do you like any other sports?A:Yeah,of course.I also like tabletenn

2、is,my father said play tabletennis is good for my eyes,and it can also increase my response ability,so he support my choice.And you?any other sports you like?B:Em.I like swimming,expecially in summer,its very cool and help me to keep thin and fit.A:Yeah.that sounds good.would you like to be my coach

3、 of swimming?B:No problem!and at the same time you can be my tabletennis teacher!A:Ok.now,thats the promises of us!B:Thats the deal!212. With economic and technological progress, people enjoy more and more leisure time随着经济技术的进步,人们的空余时间越来越多。213. Sports take up the major part of our leisure item.体育活动成

4、了我们空余时间的主要活动项目。214. Sports vary according to seasons and climate.体育运动项目随着季节和气候而变化。215. People play baseball in summer, football in fall, ice-hockey in winter and basketball in spring.垒球是夏天的运动,秋天踢足球,冬天打冰球,春天玩篮球。216. Many people love water sports while some are afraid of water.很多人喜欢水上运动,但很多人则害怕下水。217.

5、 Children are usually made to learn to swim at a very young age.孩子们很小的时候就学游泳。218. People like swimming, boating and sailing.人们喜欢游泳、划艇和帆船运动。219. Professionals go in for water skiing, diving competitions and water polo matches.专业人员则进行滑水、跳水和水球比赛。220. Besides, people also like tennis, bowling and golf.网

6、球、保龄球和高尔夫球也很盛行。221. There are competitions from local contests to nation-wide tournaments.比赛有地方性的,也有全国性的。*tournament n.锦标赛222. In most cities facilities are available for sports at a very low cost.在大多数城市都有低价的运动设施。223. There are also thousands of country clubs situated in and around towns, where faci

7、lities exist for many sports, including swimming, tennis and golf.城市周围布满了乡村俱乐部,里面有许多供游泳、网球和高尔夫球运动的设施。224. Although they are very dangerous, skating and skiing are the most popular winter sports.尽管很危险,滑冰和滑雪是人们冬季最喜爱运动项目。225. Skating facilities are becoming more and more advanced.滑雪设施越来越先进。226. Skiing

8、competitions are held every year.每年都举行滑雪大赛。227. The best people being chosen will be sent to compete in the Olympic Games.优胜者被送去参加奥林匹克运动会。228. American football not to be confused with the football called soccer, is an American national sport.美式足球与英式足球不一样,是美国全国性的体育项目。* soccer n.足球229. Football is th

9、e leading sport during the fall and winter.美式足球是秋季和冬季的主要体育活动。230. It is played in most high school and colleges.大多数高中学生和大学生都玩足球。231. There are also professional teams around the country.全国各地都有职业队。232. Fishing is also one of the most popular relaxation.钓鱼也是人们最喜欢的消遣运动之一。* relaxation a.放松,休息233. Many p

10、eople dont care whether they can catch anything or not.许多人不在乎能钓上什么。234. They just enjoy sitting along the beach or on the bank of a river all day.他们只是喜欢整天坐在海滩边或河边。235. Britain is always a nation of sports lovers.英国一直是一个热爱体育的国家。236. Many people consider cricket and soccer to be the most typically Eng

11、lish sports.许多人认为板球和足球是最具有英国特色的体育运动。237. It is true that cricket and football are the two most popular sports in Britain.板球和足球的确是英国最流行的两个体育项目。238. In summer lots of people play tennis.夏天许多人喜欢打网球。239. Swimming is also very popular in Britain and there are lots of swimming pools.在英国游泳也很普及,到处都有游泳池。240.

12、 Rowing and canoeing is one of the traditional sports for Londoners.划艇和赛艇是伦敦市民传统体育节目之一。241. The annual Boat Race between Oxford and Cambridge on the river Thames is one of the most popular events of the year.一年一度的牛津大学与剑桥大学在泰晤士河上的划船竞赛则是英国每年的一件盛事。242. Golf is becoming more popular than before.高尔夫球也越来越

13、受人们欢迎。243. In Britain people like watching horse-racing and dog-racing.在英国人们喜欢看赛马和赛狗。244. Of course, gambling has always been an integral part of such sports.当然,赌博也是这种体育运动的必要组成部分。* integral a.必要的245. Anyhow, most British have some interest in some of the sports.然而大多数英国人对某些体育项目有兴趣。246. China is also

14、a country of sports lovers.中国也是一个热衷体育事业的国家。247. Although facilities need to be updated, people show much of their enthusiasm about sports.尽管设施不够先进,但人们对体育运动是十分热情的。248. Ping-pong, volleyball, gymnastics, badminton and football are very popular sports games.乒乓球、排球、体操、羽毛球和足球都是很受欢迎的体育项目。249. There are a

15、lot of athletes who obtained gold medals in various world championships.有许多运动员在各种世界比赛上获得金牌。2海伦: Jack, what kind of exercises do you like to do?杰克.你平时做什么运动?杰克: Well, I love to do push-ups.and I go cycling every day.掌上压.每天我都骑车海伦: What do you like about them?你喜欢它们什么?杰克: Theyre free of charge anyway.chuckles.Well, it makes me feel stronger, but the important thing is that it makes me feel good.不用花钱笑它们让我感觉更强壮.不过重要的是它们让我觉得很舒服.海伦: Wow!That sounds great. How often do you go jogging?太厉害了.你都什么时候去跑步啊?杰克: I try to do at least a little every day. The key


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