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1、语篇案例分析1 (总4页)-本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可-内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小-You Dont Love Me!You dont love me! lHow many times have your kids laid that one you love them on you And how many times have you, as a parent, resisted the urge to tell themhow much you love them 3Someday, whe n my childre n are old eno ugh to un

2、dersta nd the logic that motivates a mother, Ill tell them you love them.4I loved you enough to bug you about where you were going, with whom,and what time you would get home. 5IweIloved you enough to insist you buy a bike with your own money thatcould afford andyou couldnt.6lovedyou enoughtobe sile

3、rit andletyou discoveryourhand-pickedfriend was a creep.7Ilovedyou enoughtomake youreturna Milky Way with abiteoutof it to a drug-store and confess, I stole this. 8I loved you enough to stand over you for two hours while you cleaned your bedroom, a job that would have taken me fifteen minutes.9I lov

4、ed you enough to say, Yes, you can go to Disney World on Mothers Day. 10I loved you enough to let you see anger, disappo intment, disgust and tearsin my eyes. 11I loved you enough not to make excuses for your lack of respect oryourbad manners.12I loved you eno ugh to admit that I was wro ng and ask

5、for your forgive ness. 13I loved you enough to ignore what every other mother did or said. 14I loved you enough to let you stumble, fall, hurl and fail. 15I loved you enough to let you assume the respo nsibility for your own acti ons,at six, ten, or sixtee n. 16I loved you enough to figure you would

6、 lie about the party being chaperoned,but forgave you for it . after discoveri ng 1 was right. 17I loved you enough to shove you off my lap, let go of your hand, be muteto your please . so that you had to stand alone. 18I loved you enough to accept you for what you are, not what I wan ted you to be.

7、 rl9But most of all, I loved you enough to say no whe n you hated me for it.That was the hardest part of all. 20Analysis:1 Whats a social discourseSocial discourse rarely consist of just single clauses, rather social contexts develop as sequences of meanings comprising texts. Since each text is prod

8、uced interactively between speakers, and between writers and (potential) readers, we can use it to interpret the interaction it manifests. (Martin & Rose 2007:1 Working with Discourse )2 Why do we use language or what are functions of language from social aspect.metafunctions of language in social a

9、ctivity: three general social functions that we use language for: (i) to enact our (paticipants) social relationships; (ii) to represent (表征) our experienee to each other; and(iii) to organize our enactments and representations as meaningful text (组 句成篇)3 What can discourse analysis do or how does d

10、iscourse analysis do D iscourse analysis employs the tools of grammarians to identify the roles of wordings in passages of text, and employs the tools of social theorists to explain why they make the meanings they do (Martin & Rose 2007:3 Working with Discourse ) .(语篇分析既借助语法学家的工具识别文本中语句所 扮演的角色,又采用社会

11、学家的工具解释这些语句为何能传达它们所表达的含义。)Namely we language users can use grammatical system or grammatical rules to identify the roles enacted by the participants in general communications :speakerhearer(presen t/absen t/po tenti al), writer reader (presen t/absen t /potential)by the participantsin sentence seman

12、tics and their Thematic rolesidentified by Saeed in hi s Semantics(agent/patient/experiencer/beneficiary/instrument/goal source/location)4 You dont love meby an American writer, columnist, journalist, and humorist who battled a breast cancer and a deadly kidney disorder. Andshe as an American humori

13、st achieved great popularity for her newspaper column .5 What is kind of genre this text belong toIs it an argument (between a parent and his/her child/ children) Is it just an essay talking about a social problemchildrens education Is it a di alogue between the author as mother (fictional) and her

14、children Is this text the very reply to her childrens (in reality/)complaints Is this text the authors personal experience as a mother as to howto teacherher children (She addresses to her readers in general. YOU 2nd person plural should be taken as readers )6 We as discourse analysts can give many

15、roles I and YOU in the text can play . I (first person singular ) can be takenas a woman author/ writer, columnist, journalist; therefore the essay is her realization of a mother is. (EXPERIENCER)asa real mother/ /as a would-be mother (at moment she wrote this essay ,she was not a mother, some day she will be mother) (AGENT) as a mother in imagination if she were a mother, she would tell her children how much a mother in the real world loves her child/child


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